Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 640: Bow and apologize


Everyone's mouths opened wide.

One of the top five shopkeepers of the Tangtang Flying Trading Company actually bowed to a junior in the Transformation Realm. Are they dazzled, or is the world collapsing?

Jin Chenhui couldn't believe it and couldn't help blurting out: "Who is this guy? Why are you so respectful to him, Shopkeeper Wang?"

Shopkeeper Wang glanced at him lightly, and then said: "This one is a preparatory member of the Jiuxing Dan Society, Mr. Chen Shu Chen!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present opened their mouths wide and their jaws almost dropped in surprise.

"A preliminary member of the Nine Star Pill Society?"

"Oh my God, is this true?"

Jin Chenhui's heart suddenly felt like there were thousands of grass and mud horses galloping around. Are you kidding me?

Could this young man be a preliminary member of the Nine Star Pill Society?

This simply made him unbelievable, and he wondered if this was a dream or a joke.

Even the other royal children of the Jinquan Empire, the first reaction in their minds was that Shopkeeper Wang was acting.

However, would Mr. Wang, the owner of the dignified Feiyun Auction House, deliberately put on such a show just to tease these juniors?

You know, the Feiyun Auction House is superior to the royal family of the Jinquan Empire. If they think so, they think too highly of themselves.

However, what kind of existence are the preliminary members of the Nine Star Pill Society?

That is equivalent to the most powerful figure among the young alchemists of the entire thirteen countries of the Eastern Continent. When he comes to Feiyun Auction House, even the shopkeeper of Feiyun Auction House has to come out to greet him respectfully.

They, the royal children of the Jinquan Empire, might be considered a figure in front of others, but in front of the preparatory members of the Jiu Xing Dan Society, they were nothing.

Whether it was Jin Chenhui or other royal children of the Jinquan Empire, at this moment, they all felt like hot slaps on their faces.

At the same time, they were even more panicked because they had offended a preparatory member of the Nine Star Pill Society!

The preparatory members of the Nine Star Alchemy Society have a status even higher than that of the number one alchemist in their country.

Such people are the ones they must not offend!

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "Your Excellency, you are too polite. May I ask what I call you?"

Look, people came out to greet him in person, but he didn't even know who they were. This is called real pretense.

Shopkeeper Wang smiled and said, "I am Bucai, the fourth shopkeeper of Feiyun Auction House, and my surname is Wang."

"Shopkeeper Wang." Su Chen nodded.

"May I ask Mr. Chen, are you going to participate in tonight's auction?" Shopkeeper Wang asked politely.


"Mr. Chen, please come in quickly!" Shopkeeper Wang quickly made an invitation gesture.

Just as Su Chen was about to step in, Jin Chenhui and others breathed a sigh of relief.

But then Su Chen stopped and asked: "Shopkeeper Wang, if I want to find a few people to settle the score now, does this count as bullying others?"

Shopkeeper Wang asked: "I wonder which of those short-sighted people offended Mr. Chen?"

"It's not like I'm offended. It's just that one person wants me to call him grandpa, and another person wants to accept me as a follower. Well, there may be a few people who want to beat me up." Su Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, the expressions of the dandy kid and a group of descendants of the royal family of the Jinquan Empire changed drastically at first. At this moment, they simply regretted it. If they had known that Su Chen was a preparatory member of the Nine Star Pill Society, they would have said nothing. He would take the initiative to provoke Su Chen.

Shopkeeper Wang's face darkened after hearing this. He glanced at Jin Chenhui and others and asked, "Is it them?"

Feeling the sharp gaze of shopkeeper Wang, Jin Chenhui and others shuddered. They knew that the preparatory members of the Nine Star Dan Society are absolutely the supreme existence in Donglin City. Once the preparatory members of the Nine Star Dan Society conflict with others, Wang The shopkeeper must be unconditionally on the side of the preparatory members of the Jiu Xing Dan Society.

And their status as members of the royal family of the Jinquan Empire means nothing in front of Feiyun Auction House.

At that moment, Jin Chenhui and others felt the coercion emanating from Shopkeeper Wang, and they were all on the verge of crying. Shopkeeper Wang's cultivation had reached at least the late stage of the Lingtai realm, and they were absolutely unable to resist, even if they wanted to run away.

"Why don't you apologize to Mr. Chen quickly!" Shopkeeper Wang scolded, "Maybe Mr. Chen is in a good mood and won't argue with you."

Shopkeeper Wang's words were actually to calm the matter. After all, if a commotion happened in front of Feiyun Auction House, it would not be a good thing for Feiyun Auction House.

Jin Chenhui and the playboy had no choice but to bow their arrogant heads under the pressure of Shopkeeper Wang and said, "Please forgive me, Mr. Chen."

Su Chen, however, acted as if he hadn't heard anything and started talking to Shopkeeper Wang in a leisurely manner. The topics he talked about were completely useless, and it was clear that he wanted to leave the two of them aside.

Shopkeeper Wang also understood and started talking to Su Chen, completely impressing Jin Quan.

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