Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 634: Dan Tower

"Thank you, King Wandan, for reminding me."

Su Chen cupped his hand. He had a pretty good impression of King Wandan. Although he was old-fashioned, he was very fair. He was not biased in the slightest just because the person he was opposing was the grandnephew of Vice President Liu.

"Look at all the people present here just now. In fact, logically speaking, you have become a new reserve member, which is equivalent to the upstart of the Jiu Xing Dan Society. They should have done everything possible to curry favor with you. But because now If you are against the Liu family, they are afraid of offending the Liu family, so they are trying to avoid you. "

King Wandan shook his head and said.

"Then why doesn't King Wandan stay away from me?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"Haha, I'm quite old, and half of my feet are about to be buried. I still care about offending the Liu family. Even if I do, it's just some shoes to wear, so I can still bear it."

King Wan Dan made a joke and added, "What's more, I don't believe it. How can such a big Nine Star Dan Association allow someone named Liu to cover the sky with one hand?"

"Wandan King is right, they can't cover the sky with one hand." Su Chen also smiled lightly.

"By the way, are you really from the Yunyuan Empire?" King Wandan couldn't help but ask, and then added, "I don't mean anything else, I'm just asking out of curiosity."

"That's right, I'm from the Yunyuan Empire." Su Chen nodded. There was nothing to hide. Of course, he would not tell anyone about his experience as an Alchemy Emperor in his previous life.

The Wandan King had an expression of disbelief, and he admired a lot. Then he seemed to remember something and asked, "Are you here for the Dan Pagoda?"

"Delta?" Su Chen asked in confusion.

"What, don't you know about Danta?" King Wandan looked even more surprised, looking at Su Chen as if he were looking at an alien.

Su Chen also coughed dryly. He had not been to many places in the Thirteen Kingdoms of Eastern Continent in his previous life, so he really didn't know what this elixir pagoda was. He said, "Please ask King Wandan to clear up the confusion."

King Wandan stared at him for a long time, and after confirming that he was really not joking, he explained to him: "The Alchemy Pagoda is the tower behind the Jiuxing Alchemy Hall. It can be said to be the belief of young alchemists in the entire East Continent."

"The Dan Pagoda will be opened every ten years. When it is opened, the best group of the young generation of alchemists in Dongzhou will be selected to undergo the Dan Pagoda test. If they pass the test, they may enter the Dan Pagoda!"

"The Alchemy Pagoda is the totem of the alchemy world in Dongzhou. I don't know how many young alchemists dream of entering the Alchemy Pagoda. Entering the Alchemy Pagoda can be said to be the lifelong pursuit of many young alchemists."

"As long as you can enter the Dan Pagoda, even the eight ancient aristocratic families will look up to you." King Wan Dan added.

"Eight ancient aristocratic families?"

Su Chen knew that these eight ancient families were the highest powerful people in Dongzhou over the thirteen kingdoms.

Even the royal family of the Yunyuan Empire is only a branch of the Liu family among the eight ancient families, and it is still a not very important branch.

Therefore, Su Chen also became interested. He knew that if he wanted to become a strong man in Dongzhou step by step, the ascending path would definitely not bypass these eight ancient aristocratic families.

"I wonder when the Dan Pagoda will be opened?" Su Chen asked.

King Wandan said: "The reason why I think you are here for the Danta Pagoda is precisely because the beginning of next year will be the opening year of the Danta Pagoda. By then, there will be many young alchemists from all over the East Continent gathered at the Nine Star Alchemy Association. , participate in the Danta Qualification Test. Of course, the preparatory members of the Nine Star Danhui will also have the quota to participate in the Danta Qualification Test.”

"I see."

Su Chen nodded and looked out of the window of the main hall. Outside was the tower that towered into the clouds. So that was the Dongzhou Dan Pagoda?

The corners of Su Chen's mouth slowly curled up. The highest totem in the mind of the alchemist in Dongzhou, this... is really interesting. When the time comes, he will definitely come and take a look at what treasures there are in this alchemy tower.

"Little friend Chen Shu, it will take about seven days to make your Jiuxingdanhui preliminary member identity card. Before that, you will live in the Jiuxingdanhui first?" King Wandan confirmed to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded. He was not in a hurry anyway. The genius sword debate in the Yunyuan Empire would only start next month, so he could just take a good stroll in Winterland City.

At that moment, King Wandan led Su Chen to a courtyard in the Jiuxingdanhui residential area.

"This will be your permanent residence in the Jiuxing Danhui from now on." King Wandan pointed to the courtyard and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen glanced around and saw that the courtyard was neat and clean, with a living room, a training room, and an alchemy room all available. After thanking King Wandan, he took the key and walked into the courtyard.

Just as he was about to enter the house to take inventory of the items in the storage ring, he heard another gentle knock on the door from outside.

Su Chen opened the courtyard door and saw the thin figure of a woman standing outside.

Seeing Su Chen opening the door, the woman bent her knees and saluted, and said in a soft voice: "I have met Mr. Chen."

Seeing this woman, Su Chen also recognized it. She was the woman who walked into the reception hall of Jiuxing Dan Club with Mr. Liu. It turned out that she had not left Jiuxing Dan Club.

In a sense, Liu Gong

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