Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 626 Ice Soul Pill

"Okay, now you can enter the alchemy room to refine it. The time limit is three days and three nights. It should be noted that you have to prepare the raw materials yourself, and it is up to you which kind of fourth-grade high-level elixir you can refine. You decide for yourself, and of course the elixir you refine is your own."

King Wandan added to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded and accepted.

At this moment, the woman who came with Mr. Liu also came over. At this moment, her heart was pounding. She didn't expect that such a big thing would happen because of herself.

She looked at Su Chen and an idea came to her mind. If this young man could really become a preparatory member of the Jiu Xing Dan Society, wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask him for help than to ask Mr. Liu?

However, this thought only passed through her mind for a moment. In fact, she didn't know whether Su Chen could pass the assessment as a preparatory member of the Nine Star Alchemy Society.

At the same time, Lu Zongfeng also came with him. Although he was no longer a worshiper of the Jiuxing Dan Society, an inexplicable mentality still prompted him to follow him, wanting to see what the results of Su Chen's assessment would be. .

At this time, Su Chen had already entered the alchemy room and started sorting materials. But no one knew what elixir he wanted to refine, and they could only see his actions through the transparent wall.

"What a skillful way of sorting materials!"

There is nothing special about sorting materials. It is the most basic part of refining elixirs. But at this moment, many people couldn't help but be attracted by Su Chen's smooth sorting technique.

It turns out that sorting materials can be so full of rhythm and beauty!

Mr. Liu sneered. It was strange that a guy from a place where alchemy was backward could pass the assessment of a preparatory member of the Nine Star Alchemy Society.

However, Mr. Liu was still quite shocked by Su Chen's method of sorting materials. Because Mr. Liu is also an alchemist himself, he has become a junior alchemy king at the age of 20, which is considered pretty good.

However, Su Chen's technique was so sophisticated that Mr. Liu felt ashamed and even had the urge to learn from it secretly. But looking at Su Chen's chaotic movements that day, Mr. Liu didn't even know where to start even if he was trying to learn secretly.

At this moment, there were more and more people at the scene. Although the official members of the Jiu Xing Dan Society who relied on their status did not come, there were still their students, juniors and others in the Jiu Xing Dan Society. At this moment, there were at least several hundred people who heard the news and came to watch the fun.

But even though so many people came, the atmosphere at the scene was completely silent. Everyone stared at Su Chen silently. Su Chen's technique, which was full of rhythm and beauty, actually aroused a strong resonance among them. For a moment, they all felt in their hearts. They are all filled with the urge to refine elixirs.

"Ice Soul Pill... What he wants to refine is Ice Soul Pill!"

Unlike others, King Wandan looked extremely shocked at this moment.

Ice Soul Pill is a fourth-level high-level elixir, and it is a very rare elixir among fourth-level high-level elixirs. Even the Wandan King does not know how to refine it. He has only seen it in ancient books. The raw material formula of Podan is roughly known, but the refining method is not known.

At this moment, King Wandan clearly saw that the raw materials Su Chen took out were the raw materials for refining the Ice Soul Pill.

Could it be that this unknown young man could actually refine the Ice Soul Pill?

King Wandan stared at Su Chen in the alchemy room intently, and even he himself did not notice that there was a trace of unnoticeable fanaticism in his eyes.

Soon, Su Chen in the alchemy room completed the process of sorting materials, and then entered the process of purifying materials.

His movements are still as beautiful as flowing clouds and flowing water, and the rhythm of controlling fire is even more eye-catching.

Even King Wandan couldn't help but secretly say that he was enjoying himself. Although Su Chen didn't show any eye-opening special skills in this purification process, the fire control rhythm alone made people feel relaxed and happy, as if they were admiring it. Art in general.

Immediately, it came to the formal refining stage.

This link is the time when the strength of alchemy is most tested. Because there are no special skills in the previous purification link, and there are no materials that are very difficult to purify, so there is no special difficulty in the purification link. The current refining process is the most important, and it is also the time when skills are most needed.

Su Chen's hand technique changed, and the elixir fire was increased to the maximum, and the fire suddenly shot into the sky.

"No way, you use such huge firepower right from the start, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to control it?"

"Yes, refining it like this may cause the furnace to explode."

Many onlookers were talking and shaking their heads one by one. Fortunately, they had high hopes for Su Chen at the beginning. The main reason was that Su Chen's method of sorting and purifying the materials really pleased them.

However, this formal refining process can be described as miserable. Using such a big fire from the beginning is like having no common sense in alchemy.

well! I thought this young man had unlimited potential and a bright future, but now I found out that he was just a fool.

This gap in mentality made everyone feel discouraged for a moment, and even felt a little funny about their expectations just now.

Also, the other party is just a young man from a place where alchemy is backward. How can he really have amazing alchemy skills?


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