Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 616 Cuckold

When Guan Yu'er heard what Guan Fan said, she couldn't help but stamped her feet in annoyance again. Suddenly she rolled her eyes and said, "Uncle, what you mean is that as long as I can get them to take the initiative to break the engagement, it won't be considered a breach of the engagement by our Guan family." ,Right?"

"In theory, of course."

Guan Fan shook his head and said, "But since Zhengyi Zong and the others can come all the way to pick up the bride, how could they take the initiative to break the engagement first?"

"I thought of a way!" Guan Yu'er said.

"What can you think of?" Guan Fan looked at Guan Yu'er suspiciously.

Guan Yu'er suddenly showed a sly look on her face. She looked around and her eyes suddenly locked on Su Chen who was closest to her. She rushed forward and hugged Su Chen's arms under Guan Fan's stunned gaze. arm.

Su Chen suddenly felt his arm being pressed hard by two soft balls. The rough feeling made Su Chen lower his head and take a look at Guan Yu'er's chest. From the outside, it was impossible to tell that the inside was of such scale. .

This kind of scale...to be honest, it's comparable to her aunt Guan Qiyun!

When other people in the hall saw the bride Guan Yu'er suddenly rushing forward to hug a man, they couldn't help but look over in surprise.

"I already have a sweetheart, so I can't marry Zhengyi Zong!"

Guan Yu'er hugged Su Chen's arm tightly and announced loudly.


Guan Fan looked over speechlessly and worked on it for a long time. Is this the method the little girl calls?

But why choose Su Chen? Guan Yu'er and Su Chen didn't know each other at all.

Guan Fan looked at where Guan Yu'er and Su Chen were standing and found that Su Chen was the person closest to Guan Yu'er. He couldn't help but shook his head secretly... This girl has this kind of character. By chance, Su Chen was chosen.

But the question is, will Su Chen cooperate with her in acting?

"Boy, who are you? Dare to steal a woman from me?"

Ding Sheng looked over angrily. When he saw that the person Guan Yu'er was holding was actually a young man wearing a mask, he couldn't help but become even more angry, "Hiding your head and showing your tail, you're a loser!"

"You are wrong, this person is not a waste!"

At this moment, Prince Rui on the side slowly interjected, "This Young Master Chen Shu is a newly famous and popular talent in the imperial capital. If Young Master Ding thinks that he is a loser, that would be a big mistake. ”

"Genius? What genius?"

Ding Sheng snorted coldly, looked at Su Chen with critical eyes, and sneered, "How dare you call yourself a genius even if you are in the realm of transformation?"

Prince Rui's purpose of fanning the flames had been achieved, so he smiled and said nothing.

"Boy, are you trying to steal a woman from me?"

Ding Sheng showed murderous intent and walked towards Su Chen.

However, halfway through, he was stopped by Elder Ding Xie with his hand.

"Grandpa, why are you stopping me?" Ding Sheng shouted.

Elder Ding Xie glared lightly and said: "Don't make matters worse! So what if she has a sweetheart? How can she not get on the sedan chair? Besides, if you don't get on the sedan chair, it's the end of it if you carry her in? Marry her back home first. , Women need to be trained slowly. Once they are trained, they will be devoted to you. "

"That's right, that's right, what grandpa said makes sense, he is indeed someone who has been there!"

Ding Sheng's eyes shone brightly, and he couldn't help but feel hot all over when he thought about how he would "train" Guan Yu'er in the future.

As soon as Guan Yu'er heard the conversation between his grandfather and grandson, alarm bells went off in his heart. He quickly calmed down and dropped a bombshell again: "Actually, I am already his woman!"

As he said that, Guan Yu'er deliberately squeezed Su Chen and leaned against Su Chen, making an intimate gesture.



"Is Guan Yu'er already Chen Shu's woman?"

Suddenly, there was a sound of glass hearts breaking all around, their goddess was actually another man’s woman!

Su Chen looked at Guan Yu'er with a half-smile but not a smile. This girl really knew how to trick him. Now Ding Sheng would probably hate himself to death.

Guan Yu'er seemed to be a little flustered by Su Chen's gaze. She blinked her long eyelashes and looked at Su Chen with a pleading look. When others were not paying attention, she whispered "Help me." .

If it were anyone else, Su Chen wouldn't even bother to pay attention. But this time, Su Chen felt that he could take the opportunity to disrupt the marriage between the Guan family and the Zhengyi clan.

After all, he will overthrow the Zhengyi sect in the future. If the Zhengyi sect and the Guan family marry, the Guan family will be in a dilemma between himself and the Zhengyi sect, which will not be beautiful.

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but smile slightly and said, "Yes, she is my woman now."


Everyone present could not help but open their mouths. He actually dared to admit that he was not afraid of death?

I wonder if Ding Sheng might beat him to death?

But after Su Chen finished speaking,

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