Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 581 Thousands of hectares of lotus pond

Among the geniuses he saw in the Dan Realm in his previous life, which one was not extremely talented? In his eyes, it was already Chinese cabbage, not fresh at all.

Even the bodies of saints and goddesses in the Dan Realm, which are rare among hundreds of millions of people with top talents, don't they have to respectfully come to him to ask for a pill?

In the world of martial arts, talent is only one aspect in the final analysis. What truly determines a person's future direction is not only talent, but also efforts, temperament, resources, luck, and other aspects.

If you only have talent and cannot keep up with other aspects, genius will still be lost to mortals, or even perish.

In Su Chen's previous life, he had seen many such examples.

I just don’t know what type of genius Lin Jingtian belongs to.

On the side, Guan Fan had already called out several young people from the Guan family and was giving them instructions in a low voice. It seems that he is preparing for a genius competition.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The atmosphere of the birthday banquet is exactly when the wine is flowing.

Prince Rui stood up from the high platform, coughed and said, "Everyone!"

When everyone heard his voice, they all put down their chopsticks and looked in the direction of Prince Rui.

Prince Rui said: "As we all know, every banquet held by the royal family, as a rule, there will always be a stage for young talents to compete and demonstrate their strength."

Hearing this, everyone perked up.

Is the main event finally here?

Although the delicacies at this banquet are delicious, everyone is a martial artist. Although they are nostalgic for the food, their interest in martial arts always comes first.

When it comes to competing and showing strength, everyone's interest is ignited.

"Today's competition and discussion session is a little different from the past."

Prince Rui smiled and said, "Because today is a great day for the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother is in a good mood, I would like to add a special bonus to today's competition."

"Special jackpot?"

"What is it?"

The young geniuses present were all a bit ready to make a move.

Prince Rui said: "You should have heard of the thousand-hectare lotus pond in the palace, right?"

"I've heard of it, I've heard of it."

"It is said that it is the place where the descendants of the royal family practice martial arts."

"Those of us are usually not qualified to go."

The young geniuses responded excitedly.

Prince Rui said: "Thousands of hectares of lotus pond is a place for martial arts training for the descendants of the royal family. It contains the martial arts will and martial arts inheritance of the ancestors of the royal family. Anyone who is destined can understand it. There have been descendants of the royal family in the past. Since then, It has been inherited and soared into the sky.”

"Today, taking advantage of the Queen Mother's birthday, I hereby announce that today's thousand-hectare lotus pond is open to the younger generation of warriors present. The content of your competition today is to enter it to practice and compete. High and low.”

"Moreover, the first place winner will also have the opportunity to experience the inheritance in the thousand-acre lotus pond."

As Prince Rui finished speaking, everyone present suddenly became excited.

"Really or not? We have the opportunity to enter the Thousand-hectare Lotus Pond today?"

"That's great. Even if you can't get first place, it's good to be able to experience it."

"The Queen Mother has no boundaries for a long time!"

"Prince Rui is a thousand years old!"

The crowd was excited and roared in unison.

"Your Majesty, can only the younger generation enter this thousand-hectare lotus pond?"

Someone asked nervously and expectantly.

Prince Rui chuckled and said: "Of course there are no restrictions. Every family or force invited to the scene today will be able to get a quota to enter the Thousand-hectare Lotus Pond, but the number of quotas varies."

"Next, I will announce the number of quotas for each family and force."

There were less than 200 families and forces present.

There are nearly ten places for more and one place for less. In total, there are four to five hundred places.

Soon, four to five hundred young warriors who had participated in the training in the thousand-acre lotus pond were selected from their respective families and forces and gathered in the center of the venue.

These young warriors are all the best in their respective families and forces. At this moment, each one of them is working hard to compete for the first place in the Qianhe Lotus Pond.

Guan Fan also selected eight young disciples very efficiently. However, the Guan family has a total of nine places, eight have been selected, and one is left.

Guan Fan did not continue to choose, but said to Su Chen: "Mr. Chen, are you interested in giving it a try?"


Su Chen didn't expect Guan Fan to ask himself, so he smiled faintly and said, "If you want to enter this thousand-acre lotus pond, there should be many more suitable candidates in the Guan family than me, right?"

After all, in the eyes of the world, Su Chen is just an eighth-level warrior of the Personalized Object Realm.

And the Guan family was selected to participate in Qianqing Lotus

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