Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 579: It would be strange if nothing happens

However, many people present had seen her before and naturally knew that this was today's birthday girl, the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother is also a legendary figure. It is said that she was not loved by the previous emperor in her early years, but she was very skillful in the harem and gave birth to two sons, both of whom were very promising. One of them is the current emperor. , the other is Prince Rui.

Now in her later years, the Queen Mother has accumulated wealth and wealth, and holds royal power. She can be said to be the most powerful woman in the entire Yunyuan Empire.

With the support of Prince Rui, the Queen Mother sat on a green sandalwood chair in the middle of the high platform, looking very energetic.

Looking at the dark crowd of guests below the high platform, the Queen Mother looked quite satisfied and said, "Dear ladies, you are welcome to attend my birthday banquet today."

"The Queen Mother has spoken harshly."

"I wish the Queen Mother today and every year."

Everyone who came to participate in the birthday banquet, organized by family and power, presented birthday gifts to the Queen Mother one after another.

There was nothing wrong with Su Chen at this stage, because he was attending the birthday banquet as an individual and did not need to give birthday gifts.

Su Chen leaned on his seat and watched as each family and power took turns delivering the birthday gifts they had prepared like flowing water.

The Guan family ranked very high on the list, and the birthday gift presented was a North Sea coral tree, presented by a senior member of the Guan family. This coral tree was worth at least ten million taels of silver, which naturally aroused everyone's amazement.

Looking at the Queen Mother's expression, she nodded slightly and seemed quite satisfied.

However, Guan Fan's expression didn't look very good. He sat next to Su Chen and sighed and said, "His Majesty the Emperor did not show up today."

Su Chen looked in the direction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The door of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was indeed closed, and no one could be seen through the hollow window.

There was a feeling of worry in Guan Fan's expression, and he whispered: "The emperor has been in poor health recently, and now he doesn't even show up for the Queen Mother's birthday, which is really worrying."

"Guan Guogong, do the Guan family have a good relationship with the emperor?" Su Chen asked.

Guan Fan nodded: "The relationship between the Guan family and the emperor has always been good. So when Prince Rui went to the Motie Mine to look for trouble, I suspected that it was Prince Rui's own intention, not the emperor's."

"If Guan Guogong is worried about the emperor's physical condition, it is better to ask Concubine Guan about it." Su Chen said.

"I think so too. Wait a while and find an opportunity to ask Qiyun." Guan Fan nodded and said.

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a loud voice resounding throughout the audience: "The Lin family wishes the Queen Mother as much happiness as the East Sea and longevity as the Southern Mountains. Please accept the gift from the Lin family."

I saw the Lin family's gift envoy, speaking auspicious words of birthday greetings, and presenting a jade Buddha of the same height to the Queen Mother with a smile on his face.

"Hiss~ This jade Buddha is a treasure left over from the previous dynasty. It is said that it contains the unparalleled martial arts will. Just placing it in the living room can nourish the mind, strengthen the body, and make the cultivation more pure. , and it can also prolong your life!”

"Oh my God, this jade Buddha is worth at least thirty million taels of silver. The Lin family is really generous."

"Being able to give such a lavish birthday gift is enough to prove the financial strength of the Lin family. This time, the Lin family's skill can be said to outshine the Guan family."

The Queen Mother was radiant and happy, and she was also very surprised by the birthday gift sent by the Lin family.

Su Chen noticed that Prince Rui, who was beside the Queen Mother, exchanged glances with the Lin family's gift messenger, and both parties seemed to understand each other tacitly.

"Prince Rui has a good relationship with the Lin family?" Su Chen asked Guan Fan.

Guan Fan nodded and said: "The relationship between Prince Rui and the Lin family has always been very good. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Lin family is a force under Prince Rui."

Su Chen shook his head. In this Yunyuan Empire, the prince's power was too great. Not only did he control the Ouchi Guard Tiger Talisman, but he even had the forces under his command. It would be strange if nothing goes wrong if this continues.

To put it bluntly, Prince Rui is equivalent to the deputy emperor. There are two emperors in one country, and only if there is no trouble will there be trouble.

However, Su Chen knew that there was no need to remind Guan Fan of these words. Because Guan Fan has been sitting in the position of Duke for so many years and has long been mature. Even if he doesn't remind him of these words, Guan Fan knows it in his heart.

A full hour later.

This is the end of the birthday gift presentation process.

Among all the birthday gifts, the most eye-catching one is naturally the jade Buddha given by the Lin family, which completely outshines other birthday gifts.

Even the East China Sea coral tree worth more than ten million taels given by the Guan family pales in comparison to the Jade Buddha.

The discussion about the Jade Buddha among the people present lasted for a long time before dissipating.

Immediately afterwards, teams of maids in colorful clothes presented delicacies like running water.

All the tables were gradually filled with a dazzling array of delicacies, each of which was unique and amazing.

Many people present had never seen such a sumptuous royal banquet in their lives. At that moment, everyone had their index fingers moving and their mouths were watering.

"As expected

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