Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 570: Uproar

When Li Shitong saw the word "Lin" on the token, she was surprised and couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Su Chen. Now she finally knew why Su Chen wanted to play in the martial arts casino of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce.

To put it bluntly, Su Chen just wanted to lure out the backstage of Sanhe Chamber of Commerce.

And now, as soon as this "Lin" token comes out, the backstage of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce has clearly surfaced.

That is the Lin family!

It's normal to think about it. After all, Lin Cheng, the future star of the Lin family, lost a bet with Su Chen in the alchemy competition, so his inner demons broke out and he became a fool.

The senior leaders of the Lin family obviously blamed Su Chen for this matter.

Therefore, the Lin family established the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce to carry out an all-round attack on Su Chen's Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, with the purpose of destroying the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

After thinking about this matter, Li Shitong's eyes couldn't help but become colder, and said: "So you are from the Lin family."

Seeing Li Shitong's expression, the man thought she was scared, and said with a ferocious smile: "Are you scared? If you don't want to be caught in the government prison, then just obediently hand over the money you just won now, and I can consider treating you Keep an open mind.”

Li Shitong snorted: "Dream!"

"If you don't eat the toast, will you be fined with wine?" The man's face darkened, and he waved his hand, "Arrest them!"


The group of guards from the third level of the Lingtai Realm were about to rush forward.


At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from another corner of the hall.

The person who spoke out was Young Master Yan, who was standing in the other corner of the hall and had not yet left.

"Young Master, did you hear me right? Under broad daylight and clear sky, your Chamber of Commerce actually plans to confuse right and wrong and put innocent people into government prisons. Is this still justified? Your Yunyuan Empire... ahem, this Young Master is Say, our majestic Yunyuan Empire’s imperial capital cannot reach this point without royal law?”

Mr. Yan pointed his finger at the man from a distance, raised his eyebrows, and said indignantly.

Li Shitong looked at Young Master Yan in surprise, not expecting that Young Master Yan would actually speak to her on behalf of Su Chen.

The man was also quite surprised, but then he said calmly: "Mr. Yan, this is a matter between our Sanhe Chamber of Commerce and the two of them. There is no need for you to interfere."

"What if I have to intervene?"

Mr. Yan said with a very strong attitude.

The man's eyes changed slightly. Thinking that Mr. Yan had lost three million taels in a row just now without changing his expression, he could guess that the other person was definitely not an ordinary person, but he didn't know which force was behind him.

Although the Lin family has a great business, it is actually a bit exaggerated to say that they can dominate the world with one hand.

Facing Mr. Yan at this moment, the man was a little unsure whether Mr. Yan was someone the Lin family could afford to offend.

However, just when the man hesitated, Su Chen had already grabbed Li Shitong's tender little hand, and led Li Shitong to break open the window and jump out.

"Don't run!"

The man thought Su Chen was going to run away, so he shouted and followed him out of the broken window.

The group of Sanhe Chamber of Commerce military guards also jumped out of the window one after another.


Bang bang bang bang...

Suddenly, a large number of people jumped down one after another and fell on the crowded street, causing countless screams for a while.

"Oh my god, someone jumped from the building."

"It seems that he jumped from the upstairs of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce."

Many passers-by stopped and looked in surprise at Su Chen, Li Shitong, and everyone from the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce who jumped down from the building.


A group of imperial purple-clad guards quickly arrived and surrounded a group of people.

"What's going on here?"

The leader of the purple-clad guards shouted seriously.

The man from the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce raised his hand to the commander of the purple guards and said, "Brother Commander, I am the person in charge of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, and my name is Lin Jin!"

After saying that, he took out the token with the word "Lin" engraved on it and showed it to the purple-clad guard commander.

The purple-clothed guard commander glanced at the token, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he quickly returned the greeting, saying: "It turns out he is from the Lin family, disrespectful."

Immediately, people around him started talking about it——

"I didn't expect that the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce is actually run by the Lin family?"

"No wonder Sanhe Chamber of Commerce has grown to such a scale despite being open for such a short time. It turns out that the Lin family is behind it."

The commander of the purple guards asked again: "I wonder what happened to the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce? Is there anything I, Luo, can do to help?"

"Commander Luo arrived just in time. I was about to ask the purple guards to administer justice." Lin Jin said with an angry look, "We, the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, opened the martial arts casino in compliance with the law. Unexpectedly, we were openly smashed by a kid today. He used some trick to cheat and win away more than 10 million taels of silver from my banker!"


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