Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 556: Black Iron Mine

Su Chen took it over. The alchemy cauldron was heavy and had a certain weight. The material looked like metal but not metal, and looked like jade but not jade. The whole alchemy cauldron was about two feet high and had a warm and transparent luster.

"This Tianyuan Purple Cauldron is a treasure of our Imperial Capital Alchemy Guild. It is said that it was once used by an Alchemy Emperor hundreds of years ago. Of course, I don't know whether the rumors are true or not, but this Tianyuan Purple Cauldron is indeed a priceless alchemy cauldron. Now it is a gift. Here it is, I hope you can inherit the spirit of us old guys and carry forward the alchemy of the Yunyuan Empire."

King He Yandan said some words of advice and encouragement.

Subsequently, the alchemy competition came to an end.

However, the impact of the alchemy competition will not be eliminated in a short time.

Su Chen's incredible performance today, as well as the bet between Su Chen and Lin Cheng, as well as Lin Cheng's madness, will become a hot topic in the streets of the imperial capital for a long time to come.

Of course, the most important thing is Su Chen. In the future, his pseudonym "Chen Shu" will be known to most people in the imperial capital as quickly as possible.

Su Chen got the Tianyuan Purple Cauldron and walked outside the arena. As for the bet with Lin Cheng, since Lin Cheng had become a fool, Su Chen naturally didn't need such a slave.

At the exit of the arena, Li Shitong and Gu Qianxue came to meet Su Chen, both of them smiling.

"Congratulations, you won first place in the alchemy competition." Li Shitong smiled.

"Amazing, you are worthy of being my brother Chen!" Gu Qianxue looked proud, as if she had won the alchemy competition herself.

Behind the two of them, there was another figure wearing a light yellow gauze skirt. He was also looking at Su Chen with a pursed lips and a smile. It was Xia Rongxian. Damn it, she didn't help at the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce today, but came here.

"Mr. Chen, it turns out your alchemy is so powerful..."

Xia Rongxian said with a slight blush.

However, before she could say anything else, she was interrupted by Gu Qianxue: "I announced that we will go to Baozhu Tower for a big dinner today at noon! Celebrate Brother Chen!"

"Let's go, I happen to be hungry too."

Su Chen said that he knew that Gu Qianxue, a girl, said that celebrating his victory was a lie, and that satisfying her own desires was the real thing...

Full of wine and food.

A group of people came out of the Pearl Tower.

Su Chen asked Li Shitong, Gu Qianxue and Xia Rongxian to go home first, while he walked alone towards the Five Treasures Hall. He wanted to supplement some training materials.

Halfway through, Su Chen saw a gorgeous carriage approaching from a distance, and it stopped in front of Su Chen.

"Mr. Chen."

A somewhat familiar voice came from the carriage.

Then, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, revealing a square black face, saying hello: "Mr. Chen, where are you going?"

Su Chen took a look and saw that it was Guan Guoguan Fan, the head of the Guan family.

Unexpectedly, I would meet him on the street.

"Go buy something." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Master Chen, please get in the car. I'll give you a ride so you don't have to walk." Guan Fan ordered a guard beside him, "Third brother, help Mr. Chen get in the car."

After getting into the carriage, Guan Fan asked: "Mr. Chen, is Guan Wu pretty capable?"

"Commander Guan Wu is working very hard." Su Chen smiled slightly, glanced inside the carriage, and asked, "Where is Guan Guogong going?"

Guan Fan chuckled: "I want to go out to the city!"

"Out of town?"

Su Chen was a little curious and asked, "Why is Guan Guogong out of the city?"

"Haha, it's a long story, but Mr. Chen is one of our own, so I'm not afraid to tell you."

Guan Fan said with a smile, then leaned over and spoke in Su Chen's ear.


After hearing Guan Fan's whisper, Su Chen also raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Black iron is a rare mineral that is very rare to find. It is often sold at a high price in the market of the imperial capital.

The content of what Guan Guogong whispered to Su Chen just now was that the Guan family's scouts discovered a suspected black iron mine on the outskirts of the imperial capital!

This matter was of great importance, so the Guan family immediately blocked the news, and the head of the family, Guan Fan, personally led people to the Mo Iron Mine to find out what happened.

You know, if this black iron mine is confirmed to be true, even the royal family will be jealous.

Su Chen also didn't expect that Guan Fan would be so trusting and tell him such a big thing.

You know, if you reveal this matter even a little bit to others, the Guan family may get into trouble.

"Guan Guogong, I happen to know a little bit about the appraisal of Moite, so why don't you let me work with you, I can help you to some extent with the appraisal of Moite."

Su Chen smiled and said that since Guan Fan trusted him so much, he wouldn't mind reciprocating the favor and helping the Guan family identify whether the Motie Mine was genuine or fake for free.



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