Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 552 Fusion Technique

Everyone's eyes were focused on Su Chen.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Su Chen slowly patted the dusty bronze cauldron, and the lid of the bronze cauldron flew high into the sky.

The next moment, a ball of crimson liquid flew out of the small bronze cauldron and suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Suddenly, the whole place was silent!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the crimson liquid, and their eyeballs almost flew out.

"The red snake stone has really been refined!"

"How...how is this possible?"

"It takes a quarter of an hour. Isn't this incredible? It's the fastest record in the entire imperial capital for refining Red Snake Stone!"

"Complete five refinements in a quarter of an hour? Oh my god, my heart can't stand it anymore."

It wasn't until this moment that everyone was truly shocked. Su Chen had successfully refined the Red Snake Stone with ease just by relying on the weak alchemy fire, the messy techniques, and the shabby little alchemy cauldron?

"Teacher, what refining technique did he use?"

Jiang Yunlan also asked in shock.

King He Yan Dan shook his head: "I don't know either, but his refining technique is obviously matched with the fire control method. In other words, the weak Dan Fire just now is just a kind of fire control by him. It’s just a means, it’s not that his elixir fire isn’t good enough!”

After listening to King He Yandan's explanation, the people nearby finally understood.

It turned out that the weak flame was just matching the refining technique, and it did not mean that Su Chen's Dan Fire was not good.

It's ridiculous that they thought Su Chen had given up on this refining before, but now it seems that is not the case at all!

In shock, they saw Su Chen purifying other medicinal materials in an orderly manner, and then started the next refining step.

Su Chen's technique seems to be very rough, but within the roughness, there is always some subtlety and a different kind of charm.

King He Yandan watched Su Chen's refining movements with unblinking eyes, already intoxicated by it.

Logically speaking, it would be difficult for an alchemist at the level of Alchemy King He Yan to achieve a higher breakthrough in the alchemy path.

However, after seeing Su Chen's method of refining alchemy, for some reason, inspiration for the alchemy path came to him one after another.

It felt like a new door had been opened for King He Yandan.

Su Chen's alchemy speed was also extremely fast. Dozens of materials were quickly purified one by one in his hands.

Everyone was dazzled when they saw Su Chen stuffing the liquid obtained after purifying dozens of materials into the small bronze cauldron, and then covering the lid of the small bronze cauldron.

Suddenly, there was another wave of gasps in the audience...

"Is he crazy? He put all the purified liquids of dozens of materials into the alchemy cauldron at one go. It will explode!" A gray-haired old alchemist was very surprised.

"Yes, even at the level of Alchemy King He Yan, he would never dare to pour all the purified liquids of dozens of materials into the alchemy cauldron for fusion. Instead, they must fuse them by category. Otherwise, there will be so many different attributes." If the materials are fused together, the medicinal properties will definitely conflict with each other, which will definitely cause big problems. "

"That's right, with so many materials fused together, no one can control it, and it will definitely explode."

However, just when everyone thought that Su Chen's Alchemy Cauldron was bound to explode, Su Chen's next move shocked everyone again.

I saw Su Chen's hands dancing rapidly, forming mysterious hand seals, and constantly hitting the alchemy cauldron. The movements were so fast that it was dazzling.

"Is this guy crazy? He actually wants to forcibly fuse?"

"Is he not going to give up? As we all know, if the alchemy is going to explode, you must give up immediately, otherwise the aftermath of the explosion will hurt you."

"It seems that he was also forced to do nothing by the bet with Lin Cheng, so he adopted this desperate method."

"Yes, he was in a daze there at the beginning and wasted a lot of time. Now if he wants to recover the gap, he can only fuse all the materials together..."

Everyone whispered, and many people couldn't bear to turn their heads, not wanting to witness the tragic scene of the Alchemy explosion in person.

Purified liquids of dozens of materials are fused together, including materials with strong medicinal properties such as Red Snake Stone. Once it explodes, even a strong person in the Lingtai realm will not be able to escape, let alone an alchemy person with a fragile constitution in the eyes of the world. division.

boom! boom! boom!

As Su Chen's hand techniques continued to hit the alchemy cauldron, everyone was gradually surprised to find that although the alchemy cauldron was shaken by the impact, it miraculously did not explode.

Could it be that Su Chen's strange set of handprints worked again?

"This fusion technique is completely different from the purification technique he used before..."

The surprise flowing in He Yan's eyes was even more obvious, and there was a hint of heat in the surprise, "This little guy is really hiding too deep..."


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