Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 548: Sudden Gambling

Huang Kun was so angry that his silver teeth almost shattered. He tried to challenge two of the three core seed contestants but failed, making himself look like a clown.

Looking at Lin Cheng in the distance, Huang Kun's eyes suddenly lit up: Yes, Chen Shu stole the show in the qualifiers, and Lin Cheng is recognized by everyone as the favorite to win the championship. Lin Chengcai should be the one who is most interested in Chen Shu. The right people are unhappy.

Thinking of this, Huang Kun walked quickly towards Lin Cheng.

"Brother Cheng, the origin of Chen Shu is a mystery. I don't know how he got the first place in the qualifiers. I always feel that this matter is strange. How could Chen Shu, an unknown person, suddenly suddenly Showing such evil strength..."

Huang Kun came to Lin Cheng and provoked him more jealously.

He was already mentally prepared that Lin Cheng would not pay attention to him. Unexpectedly, Lin Cheng listened to his words and just said expressionlessly: "Keep talking!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Kun felt that there was something interesting and quickly continued: "So, I think we should jointly protest to the referees and thoroughly investigate whether Chen Shu cheated..."

"No need."

Lin Cheng waved his hand and said coldly, "Didn't you realize that King He Yandan was very partial to that Chen Shu?"

"Then, what should we do? We can't let that Chen Shu be too proud!" Huang Kun said anxiously.

"Hmph!" Lin Cheng dismissed it, "Anyone without real skills will be exposed sooner or later. When the finals come, I will naturally reveal Chen Shu's true colors."

Lin Cheng didn't lower his voice deliberately when he said this, so most of the stadium heard it.

In an instant, many people's eyes flickered over and fell on Lin Cheng and Su Chen.

"Did you hear that? Lin Cheng openly challenged that Chen Shu!"

"It seems that the first place in the qualifiers just fell into the hands of Chen Shu, which really made Lin Cheng unhappy."

"I support Mr. Lin, the number one alchemy wizard in the imperial capital. I am not joking. In front of Lin Cheng, Chen Shu is still too young."

Even though Su Chen had performed very well in the qualifying match just now, few people thought that Su Chen was qualified to compare with Lin Cheng.

After all, the preliminaries are just some alchemy theories, and the most important thing about alchemy is actual combat. If high-quality elixirs cannot be refined in actual combat, then having too much theoretical knowledge is useless.

"I don't think we can say that. Chen Shu's outstanding performance in the preliminaries is enough to show that he has a solid foundation. It's impossible for a person to have such a rich theory of alchemy but end up being a complete mess when it comes to actual alchemy, right?"

"I am also looking forward to Chen Shu very much. Maybe he can make a big splash again in the finals."

Many contestants also spoke for Su Chen.

Su Chen, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes after hearing Lin Cheng's words, and his two gazes were directed at Lin Cheng like sharp swords.

"Let me reveal my true colors? Lin Cheng, why don't we see who reveals my true colors in the finals?"

Su Chen might be able to tolerate others gossiping behind his back, but he couldn't tolerate anyone provoking him in person.

No matter who dares to challenge him face to face in the alchemy field, he will definitely die miserably in the end.

As soon as Su Chen said these words, he was suddenly shocked and caused an uproar at the scene.

"Did I hear wrongly? That Chen Shu actually choked Lin Cheng in front of him?"

"Lin Cheng is arrogant and cannot bear such face-to-face provocation."

"Chen Shu is just a little-known figure before. Does he think he can overwhelm Lin Cheng in actual alchemy?"

"Arrogant, this guy is simply too arrogant!"

Many people whispered in shock, unbelievable that Su Chen would actually challenge Lin Cheng in person.

Even Lin Cheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and sneered: "You still dare to contradict me in person?"

"How about we make a bet. Whoever ranks higher in the finals will have the other person be his slave for a year. How about that?"

Lin Cheng said suddenly and unexpectedly, and looked at Su Chen provocatively, "How about it, do you dare? Since you are so confident in yourself, I think you won't refuse, right?"

"Did you hear that right? Lin Cheng would actually take the initiative to bet with others?"

Everyone around opened their mouths. To be honest, this was the first time they had seen Lin Cheng take the initiative to make a bet with others, and it was a bet on alchemy!

Lin Chengxin is very arrogant, and usually no one would even yell at him to his face.

Now that he was provoked by an unknown person, it was normal that Lin Chenghui couldn't bear it.

"One year?" Su Chen shook his head, "You are too timid. If you want to gamble, bet bigger."

A meaningful smile appeared on Su Chen's lips, "The loser will be the winner's slave for the rest of his life! How about that?"


At this time, the atmosphere at the scene could no longer be tense, and there was an uproar in an instant!

The loser will be a slave to the winner for life!

Such a cruel bet can actually be said out loud!

Even the referees on the podium were stunned.

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