Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 546: First Place in Qualifiers

Next to Su Chen, Huang Kun was nervously answering questions in the third round. Huang Kun performed very well in today's qualifiers, and he was almost as fast as the three young geniuses at the Alchemy King level.

After finally completing the third link, Huang Kun breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the questions for the fourth link.

When he saw the six prescriptions, Huang Kun's eyes suddenly lit up: Three of these six prescriptions had happened to be seen and mastered by him before!

For Huang Kun, this was an unexpected surprise, like a pie suddenly falling from the sky.

Because, as long as he has mastered the prescription, he does not need to spend time analyzing it. He only needs to take a look and know whether the prescription is wrong.

In this way, he only needs to analyze the other three prescriptions, which is equivalent to saving half the time compared to others.

At this moment, Huang Kun was extremely confident. He even felt that he might even be qualified to compete for first place in this qualifier.

Huang Kun subconsciously looked at the three Alchemy King-level geniuses present, and found that the progress of those three people at the moment was similar to his, which gave him even more confidence.

Afterwards, Huang Kun subconsciously looked at Su Chen aside.

"In the past few sessions, this guy was as strong as if he had taken medicine... Could it be that he is still so strong in this session?"

Huang Kun was thinking jealously, but when he looked at Su Chen, he found that Su Chen was sitting there holding the six pill prescriptions, seemingly in a daze.

"Haha!" Huang Kun's eyes lit up, "This guy really showed his true skills. In this link that most requires knowledge of alchemy, he sat there in a daze. Obviously, this must be because the questions in this link are too difficult. He has no idea at all!"

"It seems that this guy's performance in the first few links was so good that it was a complete mistake." Huang Kun was secretly happy, "Next, let's see how I can quickly complete this link and hit him hard in the face!"

Thinking of this, Huang Kun immediately lowered his head and carefully studied the other three pill prescriptions he had never seen before, trying to complete this link as quickly as possible.

I have to say that this link is indeed difficult. If it is a prescription that has never been seen before, it will take a lot of effort to deduce whether it is correct.

However, Huang Kun had an innate advantage, as he had already mastered half of the elixir recipes. And he feels that he is in very good condition today, so he is very confident about this session.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Huang Kun finally completed the fourth session of answering questions.

He immediately stood up, raised his answer sheet into the air, and shouted, "I'm done!"

At this moment, Huang Kun was extremely excited. He was convinced that he was definitely the first person in the audience to complete the fourth stage!

In other words, the first place in the qualifiers will be his!

However, the next moment, the smile on Huang Kun's mouth immediately solidified.

Because, he discovered that at this moment, not far in front of him, Su Chen was walking towards the rostrum calmly, holding an answer sheet in his hand, ready to hand it over to the referees for acceptance!

In other words, Su Chen's speed was faster than his own!

"Damn, that kid is just a little bit faster!"

Huang Kun almost broke his teeth. He thought that Su Chen must be just a little bit faster than him, and he was just a little bit slower!

Human psychology is so strange. If the other person is much stronger than you, you may have a calm mind.

But if the other person is only slightly stronger than you, it will make people feel extremely aggrieved and angry.

At this moment, Huang Kun was in such a state, as if a fire was burning in his heart. He stared at Su Chen closely, wishing that Su Chen's answer sheet would be immediately judged as an error by several referees. In that case, the first place in the qualifiers will be yours.

At this moment, the other contestants present, as well as the tens of thousands of spectators in the surrounding auditorium, were all surprised when they saw Su Chen handing the answer sheet to the referee.

"What? That Chen Shu actually completed all the qualifying rounds first?"

"Unexpectedly, the first person to complete the preliminaries is not one of the three people Zhang Xuan, Ju Qing'er, and Lin Cheng, but Chen Shu, who I have never heard of before!"

"You can't say that. After all, Chen Shu is the master of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. The three new elixirs of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce are not something ordinary people can come up with, right?"

"Those three new elixirs were not researched by him. They must have been researched by the elders behind him. He just took them out!"

"Don't worry, let's see what the judges say first. Maybe, because Chen Shu answered so quickly, in fact, his answer sheet was just random and completely wrong?"

There were a lot of comments at the scene, some were sighing, some were envious, and some were sarcastic.

Among the referees on the rostrum, except King He Yandan who was relatively calm, several others could not hide their shock.

At that moment, they took the answer sheets from Su Chen and gathered together to read and accept them as quickly as possible.

The more they looked at the results, the more surprised they were, because Su Chen's answer sheet was exactly the same as the correct answer, without any mistakes.

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