Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 544 Qualifiers


"Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

Naturally, several alchemy kings have heard of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. After all, it is a matter in the alchemy circle, so it is difficult for them to hear about it.

At this moment, they couldn't help but be surprised to hear that Su Chen was the person behind the control of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

They have also heard about the new elixirs launched by Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. Is it possible that this young man is the person behind those new elixirs?

"Brother He, are you saying that the new elixirs of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce were made by this young man?" A Dan King couldn't help but ask.

King He Yandan asked with a smile: "What do you think?"

"No way, this is absolutely impossible."

"How could you be so young and master that kind of unheard-of elixir?" Another Alchemy King kept shaking his head.

"The elixir should have come from the hands of their elders, but I don't know who their elders are. Is there such a master hermit in the imperial capital?"

Several referees and alchemy kings were talking about it, and they all believed that the elixir was definitely not refined by Su Chen himself.

However, in this way, they admitted that Su Chen did have the qualifications to occupy the core participating seats.

After all, even if the elixir was not refined by Su Chen himself, the fact that it could be taken out by Su Chen was enough to show that Su Chen had an unusual origin.

"So that guy is the person behind the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

The contestants in the field were also extremely surprised and talked about it. They couldn't believe that the person behind the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce was so young.

Even Huang Kun's face was a little surprised. He had heard about the three new elixirs of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, but he didn't expect that they were related to this boy?

"He definitely didn't refine it himself. Humph, he's just trying to pull a tiger's skin to raise a banner." Huang Kun dismissed it.

Su Chen Shiran was sitting at his seat and ignored anyone.

But suddenly, he felt a gaze locking on him. This gaze was a bit sharp and made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Su Chen opened his eyes and looked at the owner of his gaze. He saw that the owner of his gaze was a young man in white. He was several seats away from him. He did not wear many jewelry like other alchemists from noble families. Dressed simply in white, he looked spotless.

On the white clothes on the chest of this young man, there is a shining Alchemy King badge.

And his gaze was falling lightly on Su Chen at this moment. That gaze was a bit condescending. Although it didn't show any obvious hostility, it made people inexplicably uncomfortable.

Su Chen's eyes shot out two rays of light that were like lightning, and flew into the air. They collided with the eyes of the man in white in mid-air, sparks flying, and they were evenly matched.

The young man obviously didn't expect that Su Chen would not be at a disadvantage under his gaze. He slowly narrowed his gaze, but there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Su Chen also withdrew his gaze, smiled faintly, and stopped paying attention.

"Look, that's Lin Cheng from the Lin family. I didn't expect that he would also come to participate in the alchemy competition this time."

"This Lin Cheng is the most famous alchemy genius in our imperial capital. His alchemy strength is unparalleled among the younger generation in the entire imperial capital. It seems that the first place in today's alchemy competition has been decided in advance. Without Lin Cheng, the others can only compete for second place.”

The contestants around him began to whisper again, and the object of their discussion was the young man in white.

The man in white looked particularly calm, enjoying the comments and attention of the people around him. He seemed to be used to it all.

Soon, all the contestants were in their positions and ready.

"Now begins the first round of the alchemy competition, which is the qualifying round."

King He Yandan said, "There are four events in the preliminaries. The first thirty people to complete the four events within the specified time can pass the preliminaries and enter the second round of finals."

"These four projects are fire control, identifying herbal seeds, combining herbal medicines, and identifying elixirs."

"It goes without saying that controlling fire is an important sign that the alchemist has entered the palace."

"Identifying herbal seeds is a test of your knowledge of herbal medicines. Among a hundred herbal seeds, find the designated five herbal seeds as quickly as possible."

"To combine herbal medicines, you need to combine the thirty-six kinds of herbal medicines given to you to create at least three different elixirs. Only by combining at least three can you pass the test."

"To identify the prescriptions, I will give you six prescriptions and find the only one without any mistakes."

The four projects announced by Alchemy King He Yan are not complicated for those who are truly accomplished in alchemy. Of course, it is still quite difficult for these young alchemists present.

Huang Kun's eyes were also full of provocation and looked at Su Chen next to him, full of sarcasm.

Although the ten core seats are the focus of everyone's attention, those who rely on backdoor connections but have no strength themselves will only be ridiculed by everyone if they occupy these seats.

Huang Kun believed that Su Chen was the one who would be ridiculed by everyone in the end.

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