Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 542: Alchemy Competition

"Yunlan, you are too reckless!"

King He Yandan shook his head, "You clearly know that her strength is not what you can compete with now. Do you know how dangerous it will be if your identity is exposed if you do this?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yunlan lowered his head in shame and muttered: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I understand!"

"Alas! I am also worried about your safety." King He Yandan sighed, "After all, your true identity is really not suitable for the public."

Hearing King He Yandan say this, Jiang Yunlan's eyes turned red.

Jiang Yunlan knows better than anyone else that the reason why she wears black clothes, wears a mask, and disguises herself as a man all day long is because she knows that if her true identity is exposed, she will not be able to continue living in the sunshine of the imperial capital.

It might even implicate King He Yandan.

"Teacher, you have adopted me since I was a child and have been so kind to me. If, if ever, my identity is exposed, I will not implicate you." Jiang Yunlan's voice was choked with sobs.

"Hey, you silly girl, I am worried about you, not that you will implicate me!" King He Yandan said helplessly, "What's more, with my identity, can I still be implicate by you?"

From the time he adopted Jiang Yunlan, King He Yandan knew very well that Jiang Yunlan was not originally named Jiang. This girl's true identity was an absolute minefield for ordinary people. Once touched, it will definitely result in being shattered into pieces.

In the entire imperial capital, the only person who can give Jiang Yunlan protection is probably King He Yandan.

Looking at Jiang Yunlan in front of him, King He Yandan could not blame her too much for her recklessness. After all, for Jiang Yunlan, the imperial concubine Guan Qiyun was indeed someone with whom she had a deep hatred.

"Well, what happened has happened, and I won't talk about you anymore. However, your identity has not been discovered by Guan Guifei, right?" King He Yandan asked.

"No, that woman thought I was just a robber who went to steal the Evergreen Pill." Jiang Yunlan said.

"Then has anyone discovered your identity?" King He Yandan asked again.


Jiang Yunlan said with a guilty conscience, thinking that being discovered by Mr. Chen shouldn't be called discovery, right?

After all, Mr. Chen said that he would not tell her secrets. Moreover, Mr. Chen is also the teacher's collaborator. He should not go out and talk nonsense, right?

Su Chen spent several days successfully cultivating the four sword energies.

Now his strength is completely different from before he practiced in seclusion. It can be said that he has broken through to another world.

"The body of thunder, fire and dead wood..."

"Four Sword Qi..."

"Fish and Dragon Seal..."

"Demon Emperor Arm..."

Su Chen counted his current cards and showed a satisfied expression, "Now my strength has once again soared to a new level."

In the world of martial arts, strength often means confidence. If your strength is low, you won't even have the confidence to walk on the streets of the imperial capital.

Now, Su Chen came out of seclusion and breathed the fresh air outside, feeling relaxed and happy.

Then, within a few days, the Imperial Capital Alchemist Competition also opened as scheduled.

Early in the morning, Su Chen walked out of the room, took Li Shitong and Gu Qianxue with him, and walked to the venue of the alchemist competition.

Because Li Shitong and Gu Qianxue were alchemy geniuses, they followed Su Chen to observe. Gu Qianyin, Huang Ying'er and Xue Yong stayed in Rongxian Chamber of Commerce to continue practicing in seclusion.

The Alchemist Competition was held at Yunxi Square in the Imperial Capital.

When we walked to Yunxi Square, there were already dark and heavily armed purple guards stationed around the square.

The purple guards are one level lower than the red guards. The red guards are the imperial guards, while the purple guards are the imperial guards.

Today's Alchemist Competition, the participants are all young alchemists selected by the major forces. They can be said to be one of the most valuable resources of the Yunyuan Empire in the future, so of course the Yunyuan Empire must send purple guards to protect them vigorously, and there can be no mistakes.

At the entrance of the venue, someone from the organizer is verifying the qualifications. Those who are not qualified can only sit in the auditorium around the venue and cannot enter the venue.

However, King He Yandan had already made preparations. He sent people to wait at the entrance of the venue early to take Su Chen into the venue.

As for Li Shitong and Gu Qianxue, they went to the auditoriums near the venue.

Walking into the venue, the huge square was fully visible to Su Chen. The square is circular, surrounded by circles of steps, with tens of thousands of spectator seats on top.

At the front of the auditorium is a circle of more luxuriously decorated VIP seats.

As for the interior of the venue, it is a square covering an area of ​​dozens of acres, with the ground paved with smooth bluestone slabs.

In this bluestone square, hundreds of tables are arranged neatly, with a futon placed in front of each table.

Su Chen knew at a glance that those tables should be the seats for the contestants.

At this moment, many contestants who look like alchemists have gathered in the bluestone square. They are either meditating with their eyes closed, or in groups.

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