Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 540 A bold idea

"Master, if you can completely refine the energy in this Thunder Fire Wood into the True Essence Sea, your cultivation level will definitely increase by several levels."

The Skyfire Baby suggested that it had no idea about the Thunder Fire Wood, because it was a spirit with a single fire attribute. The thunder and wood attributes of the Thunder Fire Wood were a complete waste for it, not to mention that Su Chen had also prepared them for it. There are many fire-attributed treasures of heaven and earth.

Su Chen nodded and said, "Xiao Huo, please continue practicing."

The Heavenly Fire Baby re-entered the cultivation state. Su Chen held the Thunder Fire Wood in his hand, probed into it with his soul power, and felt the surging energy in it.

This Thunder Fire Wood contains the energy of the three elements of thunder, fire and wood.

A bold idea came to Su Chen's mind, that is...

"Use this Thunder Fire Wood to practice the "Nine Transformations of Diamond Power"!"

Su Chen's idea was actually a very risky one.

Because the total energy in the Thunder Fire Wood is only so much, and if he uses the energy in the Thunder Fire Wood to practice the Nine Transformations of the Vajra, it means that he cannot use the energy in the Thunder Fire Wood to practice the True Essence Sea.

Originally, if the energy of Thunder Fire Wood was used to cultivate the True Essence Sea, the cultivation level could skyrocket by several levels. But if he followed Su Chen's idea and put most of his energy into the cultivation of the Nine Transformations of the Diamond, then he might not even be able to advance to the next level in terms of cultivation.

Moreover, investing the energy of Thunder Fire Wood into the Nine Transformations of Vajra Magical Power may not necessarily achieve good results. This is because Su Chen is currently at the "body of dead wood" stage in his cultivation of the Nine Transformations of the Vajra, which means that the energy required is mainly of the wood attribute.

In this way, the energy of thunder and fire attributes will most likely be wasted.

However, Su Chen thought about it for a while and decided to give it a try.

Because he wanted to verify his idea. Since this Thunder Fire Wood can mutate the warrior's physique, can it also mutate the "Nine Transformations of the Diamond"?

If you practice the nine-turn diamond power to the third turn now, you will be able to achieve "the body is like a dead tree". But that is without absorbing the energy of the Thunder Fire Wood.

If the energy of the thunder fire wood is absorbed, will the constitution of the dead wood mutate, adding thunder and fire attributes?

For a while, Su Chen also had some inspiration and was ready to try it.

Another reason why he tried was because he was very confident in himself. Even if most of the energy of Thunder Fire Wood was wasted this time, it would not be a traumatic loss for him. The world is so big, with his ability, will he not be able to find similar treasures in the future?

Moreover, if this Thunder Fire Wood is simply used to cultivate the Dantian True Essence Sea and improve the cultivation level, the cultivation level will go up, but the corresponding martial arts and magical powers will not improve, and the combat power will not increase.

Su Chen still prefers to prioritize improving his martial arts and magical powers to make his combat power more solid.


Su Chen held the Thunder Fire Wood in his hand and silently recited the formula of "The Nine Transformations of the Diamond" in his mind.

The surging energy in the thunder fire wood entered Su Chen's body bit by bit, but it did not lead to the sea of ​​true essence in the dantian. Instead, it stayed in the flesh and blood, circulated in the flesh and blood, and was absorbed by the flesh and blood.

At this moment, in a flower building in the imperial capital.

Lin Wei was lying on a bed, with sumptuous food and wine on the small table beside him. Lin Wei himself was holding two beautiful dancers in his arms, drinking and having fun at the same time. It was so happy.


A subordinate hurriedly ran in, "It's not good, young master..."

Lin Wei frowned, waved his hand to ask the two dancers to leave, and then said impatiently: "What's going on, you're in such a panic! Have you done what I asked you to do?"

"Master, I just want to report this matter to you." His subordinates said in a panic, "Zhi Lao, Zhi Lao and the others..."

"They were killed in a deserted suburb outside the city!"

As soon as his subordinate said these words, Lin Wei made a "click" sound and crushed the tea cup in his hand to pieces.

"What? Even Zhi Lao is dead?" Lin Wei's face was full of disbelief, "Did that kid do it? How is it possible, that kid is so evil?"

The subordinates said with mournful faces: "Zhi Lao and the others died without any intact bodies, and they didn't even leave any clues!"

Lin Wei was furious: "Keep sending people! Since Zhi Lao can't do it, then send more powerful experts until the kid is captured alive! I want him to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!"

"But young master, that kid didn't know what happened, but he climbed into the Guan family... He borrowed a team of guards from the Guan family!" his subordinate reported dejectedly.


When Lin Wei heard this, he felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on his head, "Climbed the Guan family? And borrowed a team of guards?"

"How is this possible?" If the other party was not his confidant, Lin Wei would definitely think that the other party was lying to him.

What kind of existence is the Guan family? A century-old family founded on martial arts, the leader among the six major families, a behemoth that even the emperor wants to win over with his hereditary title!

How could anyone easily get close to such a being?

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