Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 534 The beautiful woman reappears

"Boy, if you want to plot against me, you are too young!"

At this critical moment, the old man finally woke up completely, shouted loudly, and while his body swept backwards, he struck forward with a palm, facing the Blood Demon Sword!


There was another domineering shock wave of true energy, and then the bodies of both parties separated, each taking a dozen steps back.

I saw blood gushing from one of the old man's palms, and half of it fell off with its tendons attached. It was almost completely severed by Su Chen's Blood Demonic Sword!

But even so, the result was much worse than Su Chen expected.

Originally, Su Chen planned to use the "Great Wilderness Blood Moon" to kill the old man in one fell swoop.

But I didn't expect that the strength of the first-level Lingtai Realm expert was really good. At the last moment, he managed to turn the tide without being killed.

At this moment, Su Chen's wrist holding the sword also felt numb. The old man's counterattack was so powerful that the hand holding the sword almost lost its strength, and the Blood Demon Sword almost flew out of his hand.

"My cultivation level is still low."

Su Chen secretly thought in his heart that although his ability to leapfrog challenges was already very strong, he couldn't help but that the old man's cultivation level was six levels higher than his own. The suppression of the level was too obvious.

However, this exchange of moves with the old man also allowed Su Chen to find out where his weaknesses were. His physical body was still not strong enough. If he had a strong enough physical body, he would undoubtedly have a powerful trump card in actual combat. You will also be more comfortable.

"It's almost time to wrap this up."

Su Chen's goal of tempering his strength was achieved, and he looked at the old man with a chilling gaze.

"Boy, how dare you plot against me, you..."

The old man rushed towards him in a rage, but before he could make another move, he found four streams of light shooting out from behind Su Chen, flying towards him.

In the blink of an eye, four streams of light arrived in front of the old man. They were four flying swords vibrating at high speed. In the blink of an eye, they cut through the true energy defense around the old man and slashed towards the old man's body.

"It's a sword formation..."

When the old man felt the geometric superposition of the four flying swords, his expression suddenly changed. Su Chen actually still had such a powerful trump card!

"The wind is tight, it's pulling!" The old man turned pale and turned around to leave.

However, he wanted to leave at this moment, but it was too late. The flying sword cut hard into his body, cutting his body into several pieces, and he fell to the ground in despair.

"The lethality of the Bahuang Demon-Breaking Sword Formation is indeed powerful."

Su Chen secretly sighed in his heart. Although this was not the first time he activated the sword array to leapfrog and kill strong men, every time he activated the sword array to kill an enemy, he would still be amazed at the powerful lethality of the Eight Desolations Demon Breaking Sword Array.

"Zhi Lao, Zhi Lao!"

The half-step Lingtai realm warrior was completely shocked. He shouted twice with an incredible tone and stared blankly at the old man's body disintegrating, his eyes full of disbelief.

The next moment, the half-step Lingtai realm warrior realized what he was doing and hurriedly turned around and ran away!

Even the old man at the first level of Lingtai Realm was killed by Su Chen. What else could he think about fighting Su Chen? Naturally, running away would be the best option!

Su Chen glanced at it, then activated his hand skills again, and shot four flying swords at high speed, directly crushing the body of the Lingtai realm warrior.

After killing these two people, Su Chen immediately left the area without stopping.

The fight with the old man just now consumed him greatly. His true energy sea, soul power, and body were all stretched to the limit. He urgently needed to find a safe place to recover.

Aiming at a nearby dense forest, Su Chen's figure rushed towards the dense forest.

While rushing on the road, Su Chen secretly regretted that it was a pity that Lin Wei did not come in person, otherwise he would have been able to catch them all and nip the enemy in the bud.

Now that Lin Wei is still alive, it means that he still has a hidden danger.

Entering the dense forest, he found a hidden bush. Su Chen sat cross-legged, took out the double-effect recovery pill and the soul-power-restoring pill from the space ring, swallowed it, and started to heal his injuries by running "Chaos Immortal Record" .

When the elixir enters the body, its power spreads out like a steady stream of heat, and the body recovers little by little.

Half an hour later, Su Chen had almost recovered.

He was just about to get up and leave when he suddenly heard the sound of fighting not far away, coming from far away and approaching quickly towards him.

Su Chen frowned, listening to the noise, the two sides fighting were quite powerful.

He had already stood up and sat down again, hiding himself in the bushes.

Soon, the sound of fighting got closer and closer, and you could already vaguely hear the sound of someone yelling angrily.

"Bitch, suffer death!"

In his line of sight, several figures quickly moved toward Su Chen from far away.

Su Chen's expression immediately turned strange as he looked around, because among these figures, there was the beautiful woman he had seen at the Wubaotang auction before, as well as several red-clothed guards around her.

At this moment, the beautiful woman was obviously being hunted and was retreating under the protection of several red-clad guards.

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