Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 525 Auction

The next period of time.

The name of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce has completely spread in the imperial capital, and this time, the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is not selling double-effect pills that are limited to fifty pieces per month, but three new elixirs that can be mass-produced and supplied in large quantities. !

In just one day, the supply of new elixirs from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce exceeded the demand, and all of this month's shares were sold out.

Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is making crazy money, and a large amount of profits are constantly coming in. This month's revenue actually reached 12 million taels of silver. After deducting labor costs and publicity costs, there are still 11.5 million taels left.

For these 11.5 million taels, because all the raw materials were provided by King He Yandan, there is no need to deduct the cost of raw materials. After deducting the 10% allocated to Wubaotang and the 10% allocated to King He Yandan, the remaining nine million taels all went into Su Chen's pocket.

Alchemy King He Yan would come here every now and then, bringing with him two reliable third-level alchemists and a group of alchemy apprentices. As a result, Su Chen spent most of his time as the hands-off shopkeeper.

Anyway, the core technology of Su Chen's three new elixirs is in his own hands. He is responsible for the final fusion of the elixirs, and others are responsible for other parts, which is equivalent to being the mastermind.

On Su Chen's side, except for the fusion of elixirs, he stayed close to the door at other times. He practiced at the Soul Spring at night and "Chaos Immortal Record" during the day to consolidate the foundation of martial arts.

After such a period of time, Su Chen also felt a bottleneck.

The True Essence Sea at the fifth level of the Transformation Realm is already extremely solid, and it can no longer be refined and compressed any further. The next thing to do should be to upgrade it to the sixth level of the Transformation Realm.

The nine-turn Vajra magical power can be cultivated to the second turn of Dzogchen. But there is still a long way to go before the third turn of "Body of Dead Wood".

Su Chen knew that if he wanted to achieve breakthroughs in these two areas, he couldn't just sit in the room and practice.

He walked out of the house and called Xue Yong and others out.

"Brother Su Chen, where are we going today?"

Gu Qianxue was extremely excited. She had been practicing in the house for nearly half a month and was finally able to go out for some air. She asked excitedly.

"go shopping."

Su Chen smiled and led a few people out of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce and headed to the Five Treasures Hall a street away.

The area where Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is now located is the most prosperous golden area in the Imperial Capital Business District. At this moment, there is a lot of traffic and constant flow, and the shops on both sides of the street are full of people, making it very lively.

Since the four girls came to the imperial capital, except for the day they first arrived, this was the first time they went shopping in a serious way. They were all dizzy and excited. They wanted to see this and that.

Su Chen generously took out one hundred thousand taels of silver notes from his storage ring and gave them to them to satisfy their shopping desires.

Now in Su Chen's storage ring, in addition to banknotes, elixirs and a bunch of alchemy materials, he also put all the divine star grass in the ring space. These divine star grasses will be his major reliance in alchemy from now on, so naturally they must be carried around with him without any mistakes.

"Hey, Su Chen, where did you conjure up these banknotes?" Gu Qianyin was very surprised. She clearly saw that Su Chen had nothing in his hand, but he conjured up something the next moment. This is amazing. , is it a magic trick?

Li Shitong was relatively calm and said: "You are too short-sighted. Haven't you heard of space rings? You are still surprised."

Gu Qianyin snorted: "You have a lot of knowledge, have you seen it with your own eyes? Fifty steps, a hundred steps to laugh!"

Seeing that they were about to start a fight, Su Chen immediately threw out another 100,000 in silver notes. Only then did he divert the attention of the two women, and they went shopping happily.

Spent the whole morning shopping.

A group of people came to Wubao Hall.

From a distance, I saw a huge crowd.

Su Chen walked over, found a waiter, and asked, "Why are there so many people today?"

The clerk looked at him and said with a smile: "Sir, today is the day when Wubaotang holds an auction once a month. Many rare items that are not usually available will be on display. If you are interested, you can come in and take a look. "

Su Chen looked around and saw that the atmosphere at the entrance of the Five Treasures Hall was extremely heated at this moment.

Walking into the gate of Wubaotang, there is also a sea of ​​people.

Gu Qianxue was extremely excited and said: "Brother Chen, there is an auction, let's go in and have a look?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "I just want to buy some things for cultivation. Let's go in."

Enter the Five Treasures Hall.

When arriving at the entrance of the auction hall, each person needs to pay an admission fee of fifty taels of silver.

Su Chen now has tens of millions of wealth, so naturally he doesn't care about this person's fifty taels of silver.

However, the threshold of fifty taels of silver alone can indeed filter out some cash-strapped warriors.

After paying the admission fee and walking into the auction hall, a dark crowd came into view. Looking at it, there were at least tens of thousands of people.

This made Su Chen couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, Wubaotang really knows how to do business, and the admission fee alone is hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

Moreover, in addition to ordinary seats, there are a row of hundreds of private rooms on the second floor above the auction hall. The cost of those private rooms is probably

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