Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 522: Crazy extortion

Jiang Yunlan on the side shook his head. The manager didn't know that the teacher had a jealous temper, so he still had to argue with his neck. No, are you at a disadvantage?

He Yan was still angry and snorted coldly: "As I said, if you, the Alchemy King of Longyou Chamber of Commerce, are not convinced, you can come to me with the original alchemy recipe for review."

Manager Zhang and others covered their swollen cheeks, knowing that they were in the wrong and did not dare to say anything.

He Yan looked at the signboard of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, thought for a moment, and then said to Su Chen: "Xiaoyou Chen, I want to join your Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. What do you think of Xiaoyou Chen?"

King He Yandan naturally has his own ideas.

He originally admired Su Chen's refining techniques in the double-effect elixir, but he had just seen the three new elixirs refined by Su Chen. He was even more shocked. He had completely regarded Su Chen as an outsider. People look at it.

Therefore, when King He Yandan found out that Su Chen had opened a chamber of commerce, his first thought was to join. As long as he joins the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, he can get close contact with Su Chen and have the opportunity to discuss and exchange alchemy with Su Chen.

As soon as King He Yandan said this, everyone present was shocked again, and could even be said to be petrified!

What did they hear?

King He Dan actually wants to join the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?

A chamber of commerce that was previously just unpopular?

Although the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce has now launched three new elixirs, and success is just around the corner, but who is He Yan?

He is the supreme Alchemy King of the Imperial Capital, and even the Emperor of the Yunyuan Empire must treat him with courtesy when he sees him. As for the royal family and dignitaries in the imperial capital, it was even more difficult for him to discern them.

It is extremely shocking that such a person wants to join a chamber of commerce.

Even Wubaotang, the largest supermarket in the imperial capital, would never have such an honor.

And now, He Yan actually said that he wanted to join the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce!

Surprised eyes were cast on Su Chen. Who is the new owner of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce? He can have such a great reputation?

Everyone seems to have seen a new star slowly rising in the elixir market of the imperial capital. Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is sitting on three magical elixirs, and King He Yan has joined. It is conceivable that as long as King He Yan does not fail, , then Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will never decline.

Xia Xuan and Xia Rongxian couldn't believe their ears at this moment. Xia Rongxian said in a low voice with slight trembling: "Dad, King He Yandan wants to join the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce!"

"Yeah!" Xia Xuan nodded heavily, also feeling like he was dreaming.

Although Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is no longer the property of their father and daughter, they already have feelings for Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, and naturally hope that Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will soar into the sky.

Now that King He Yandan said that he wanted to join the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, they were overjoyed.

However, while everyone was still shocked, Su Chen, as the person involved, acted as if it was normal and did not feel ecstatic at all.

"Well... it's not impossible for Senior He to want to join the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. It's just that the temple of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is small and I'm afraid it can't accommodate a giant Buddha like Senior He..."

Su Chen's speech once again shocked everyone present.

Not only was he not overjoyed, but he seemed to have declined King He Dan to join!

Even Jiang Yunlan next to He Yan was stunned, almost thinking that he heard wrongly. When did his teacher want to join a chamber of commerce, but the other party refused?

Jiang Yunlan couldn't help but said: "Mr. Chen, my teacher is the number one alchemy king in the imperial capital. Joining your Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, I believe, will be of great benefit to you without any harm, right?"

Jiang Yunlan's implication is that if you don't agree quickly, why are you still pushing back?

Su Chen sighed: "Of course I know that Senior He's joining will be beneficial to Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, but the scale of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is too small, and I'm afraid I have wronged Senior He."

Jiang Yunlan's eyes widened: "Your Rongxian Chamber of Commerce has started to launch three new elixirs. Will the scale be smaller in the future? Or do you think these three new elixirs will not sell well?"

Jiang Yunlan really didn't understand why this guy repeatedly refused King He Yandan to join the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. Could it be that King He Yandan's joining could do any harm to him?

Su Chenruo looked at Jiang Yunlan thoughtfully: "Of course, I have absolute confidence in the three new elixirs launched by our Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. It's just that confidence alone is not enough. This alchemy material is a big deal. Expenditure, the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is still in its infancy, the family is small, the business is small, and funds are very scarce. I am afraid that these new elixirs can only be refined into a few dozen each month..."

As soon as Su Chen said these words.

Everyone present was immediately anxious. Only a few dozen of such a good elixir are refined every month? How is that possible? They are still waiting to buy it!

After Jiang Yunlan was stunned for a moment, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched slightly. He dared to go around this guy for a long time, twisting and turning. Is this what he wanted to express?

To put it bluntly, it’s just crying for poverty!

What he said, if translated, means that if you want to join the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, you can do it, but I am very poor, so don’t think about getting the dividends for free. If you want to join, just take the money!

in other words,

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