Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 520: The Surprised King He Yandan

He Yan usually lives in seclusion and may not even be able to see him on some important occasions. Why did he come to the press conference of the new elixirs of these two chambers of commerce on a whim today?

Everyone present opened their mouths, and this question was all that was lingering in their minds.

You know, in ordinary times, with He Yan's status, he would not interfere with the affairs of these chambers of commerce, let alone come to support the chamber of commerce.

Everyone in the Longyou Chamber of Commerce was also in disbelief.

Within a moment, the steward Zhang was ecstatic, showed a smile, and greeted him: "Master He, it is our honor that you are willing to attend the launch of our Longxiang Chamber of Commerce's new elixir. What a brilliance! Come in quickly, come in quickly!”

Obviously, Manager Zhang thought that He Yan must be here for the Longyou Chamber of Commerce's new elixir launch conference.

Although the relationship between Longyou Chamber of Commerce and Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce has not been announced before, Manager Zhang believes that He Yan should have known about it through other channels.

After all, Longyou Chamber of Commerce is still one of the four major chambers of commerce, and Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is just a small chamber of commerce that had no reputation before. It is impossible for He Yan to come here for Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, right?

"Master He, please come inside, please come inside..."

Manager Zhang nodded and bowed attentively, but soon he realized something was wrong.

King He Yandan didn't come towards him at all, and he didn't even look at him.

"Teacher, this is the Chamber of Commerce, Rongxian Chamber of Commerce!"

The young man in black who was supporting He Yan said softly.


He Yan then turned his attention to the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce opposite Manager Zhang and the others.

Manager Zhang and the others looked at each other, almost unable to believe their eyes. Could it be that He Yan was here for the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?

"Who is the person in charge of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

The young man in black looked at the people of Rongxian Merchant Guild in front of him and asked loudly.

It is worth mentioning that although the voice of the young man in black seems to be deliberately lowered, it is still very clear and does not exactly sound like a man's voice, as if male and female are indistinguishable.

"I am."

After Xia Xuan was stunned for a moment, he walked forward, feeling the old man's extraordinary bearing, and tried his best to speak in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

The old man cast his gaze on Xia Xuan. After looking at it for a moment, he slowly shook his head and said hoarsely: "You have no soul power fluctuations. You did not refine the double-effect pill. Who refined it?"

Double action pill?

Everyone was stunned. It turned out that King He Yan was looking for someone to refine double-effect pills?

Unexpectedly, Rongxian Chamber of Commerce’s double-effect elixir has attracted the attention of King He Yan’s elixir?

In addition to being surprised, everyone was also a little confused. Although the pair of effective elixirs were magical, they should not be enough to attract the Dan King He Yan to make a special trip.

"The person who refines the double-effect elixir is our boss."

Xia Xuan said quickly.

"Then where is your boss?"

The young man in black asked.

"Stand right back there."

Xia Xuan quickly gestured to a corner in the back.

He Yan and the young man in black looked together and saw Su Chen standing in the corner.

Suddenly, He Yan's eyes shone with incredible light, and he obviously couldn't believe that such a magical double-effect pill came from the hands of such a young man.

Although Su Chen was wearing a mask, it was easy to tell from his figure that he was a young man.

"Is this the person who refined the double-effect elixir?"

The young man in black, Jiang Yunlan, also looked up and down at Su Chen in surprise. This guy looks younger than her, and he's also wearing a mask...

You know, she, Jiang Yunlan, covered her face because she was pretending to be a man, so that everyone would think she was a man. And why is this guy masked?

"Young man, is this the double-action pill you refined?"

He Yan spoke hoarsely and took out a double-action pill from his sleeve.

"I refined it."

Su Chen nodded lightly, and what he said made everyone around him instantly surprised.

The double-effect pill was actually made by such a young boy?

How can this be?

"Did you really refine it?"

Jiang Yunlan couldn't believe it. She felt it was incredible. Even if this young man started learning alchemy from his mother's womb, there was absolutely no way he would have such a profound attainment in alchemy.

He Yan's tone trembled slightly: "Young man, I want to ask you, when adding the medicinal liquid to the Tianchancao, why do you need to keep the roots together instead of removing the roots?"

He asked in a confused manner, but Su Chen knew that he was asking about a refining step in the double-effect elixir.

"The roots of Tianchancao have a slight positive energy, which can neutralize the cold and cold nature in the Black Silver Stone. In this way, the problem of slow elixir condensation can be solved."

As soon as Su Chen said these words, He Yan was stunned.

Obviously, Su Chen's words brought a new impact to He Yan's knowledge.

It took He Yan a full stick of incense to digest the knowledge point Su Chen said. The look in his eyes when he looked at Su Chen was immediately different from before.

Just such a seemingly simple knowledge point can already prove that Su Chen's alchemy attainments far exceed the current level in the alchemy world of the Imperial Capital!

Because this point of knowledge that Su Chen mentioned was completely beyond the existing alchemy system of the Imperial Capital.

This is why He Yan must come to see Su Chen, because from Su Chen's double-action elixir, he saw not only the magical effect of the double-action elixir, but also the extraordinary power of the double-action elixir. Refining techniques!

The refining techniques used in these two effective elixirs astonished even He Yan, and even made him fall into admiration.

He Yan believed that a person with such a refining technique, even if he was not refining a double-effect elixir, but just refining the most common first-grade elixir, would definitely achieve incredible quality!

And now, tell him that the pair of elixirs were actually refined by a young man?

How strong must this young man's alchemy foundation be?

At just this age, he is already so terrifying. If he is given time, how far can he grow?

"Little friend, what's your name?"

He Yan asked Su Chen very carefully.

"Chen Shu."

Su Chen gave a false name.

"It turns out to be Xiaoyou Chen."

He Yan's lips twitched slightly. He wanted to ask where Su Chen's family was and how he came to have such powerful alchemy skills, but he felt it was abrupt.

"I've met Senior He."

Su Chen cupped his hands casually, with a calm attitude, as if he didn't care at all whether the person in front of him was the number one alchemy king in the imperial capital.

"This guy is so casual in front of the teacher..."

Jiang Yunlan on the side was also in disbelief. It was normal for other young alchemists to be nervous and excited after such close contact with He Yan.

Only Su Chen was so calm.

"Little friend Chen, why don't we take a step to talk?"

He Yan asked.

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