Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 518 Two other new elixirs

"I have decided to buy Hongyu Pill from now on. Speed ​​is life. After seeing Hongyu Pill, I feel that other speed pills are simply rubbish."

"This time, the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce originally wanted to use the Magic Disease Pill to suppress the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, but in the end, it was slapped in the face by the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. It seems that the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is still superior."

"Isn't that true? Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce shot itself in the foot, deliberately trying to mess with Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, but the result? Rongxian Chamber of Commerce was easily resolved!"

"I would like to ask, when can I buy this Hongyu Pill? Is it in stock now?"

The crowd's discussion was like a loud slap in the face, hitting Manager Zhang's face and the faces of the senior officials of Longyou Chamber of Commerce.

"The Hongyu Pill is actually more effective than our Phantom Disease Pill? And much better?"

The faces of the senior officials of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce were somber. It was hard to believe that the new elixir that their Longyou Chamber of Commerce Alchemy King spent three years developing could not compare to the elixir produced by a small chamber of commerce?

However, no matter how much they don't believe it, the facts are in front of them and explain everything.

For a time, those people who had gathered in front of the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce's booth left the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce's booth one after another and flocked to the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce's side without exception.

Almost everyone has plans to place an order with Rongxian Chamber of Commerce!

It can be foreseen that Hongyu Pill of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will definitely dominate the market of speed pills in the future!

"How did that happen?"

The senior officials of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce couldn't believe it.

They deliberately created such a Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce, not only to suppress the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, but also to leave no clues. As a result, the suppression failed, and instead, he was slapped in the face by the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that their plan today was a complete failure!

All of them are disgraced.

"That's all, let them be proud for a couple of days and then severely suppress them in the name of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce!"

Several high-level chambers of commerce in Longyou murmured secretly, "Anyway, the Longyou chamber of commerce has a big business. No matter what, it cannot be compared to this small chamber of commerce!"

So what if the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce occupies the market for speed elixirs? There are far more than just this kind of elixirs. Longyou Chamber of Commerce can defeat Rongxian Chamber of Commerce in other fields of elixirs!

However, before their self-comfort lasted long, Xia Xuan's voice rang again: "Everyone, we are accepting reservations for Hongyu Pill today. However, we are not accepting reservations now because we have two other pills. To release, wait until all the elixirs are released before accepting pre-orders.”


Are there two other elixirs to be released?

Everyone's interest was piqued. The Hongyu Pill launched by Rongxian Chamber of Commerce just now has surprised them. They want to see if Rongxian Chamber of Commerce has any other surprises for everyone?

A Hongyu Pill is enough to shock everyone's attention. Could it be that Rongxian Chamber of Commerce can come up with other good elixirs?

If that's the case, the foundation of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce would be terrible, right?

However, before everyone could think about it, Xia Xuan's voice sounded again: "Next, I want to introduce to you the second new elixir, Flying Fish Pill!"

"This Flying Fish Pill is a pill that allows the warrior to hold his breath in the water and makes the warrior swim faster in the water! For a warrior in the Condensation Realm, the duration is two sticks of incense! For a warrior in the Transformation Realm, the duration is one Incense!"

As soon as these words came out, there was once again a cry of surprise on the scene.

"What? A pill that can hold one's breath in water? This... I definitely need to prepare a few pills!"

"Yes, when we are out on adventures, we may encounter the situation of going into the water at any time. This flying fish pill can be of great convenience to us."

“It is simply a must-have medicine for home and travel.”

Everyone in the Longyou Chamber of Commerce opened their mouths wide again. They did not expect that the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce would actually find another way to create a pill in this regard.

The market for elixirs that can make people hold their breath in water is still completely blank. There is no elixir that has such an effect.

In other words, whoever can launch such a pill can instantly capture the entire market!

Moreover, such elixirs are actually very popular, because warriors have to go out for training, so it is perfect to have such an elixir on hand. You never know when you will need it.

The reason why there is no such breath-holding elixir in the Imperial Capital now is because no one in the Imperial Capital knows how to refine this kind of elixir.

But now, this elixir has been taken out by Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

Rongxian Chamber of Commerce easily took this market into its hands!

Everyone really wants to know, who is the alchemist of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce? The elixir’s foundation is so profound?

As far as they knew, the strongest alchemist currently announced by the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce was only a third-level alchemist, and looking at that guy, he obviously didn't look like someone who could handle these pills.

It is certain that there must be someone else behind the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce!

"How much does this Flying Fish Pill cost? Isn't it very expensive?" Someone finally started to care about the price of the pill. No matter how good the pill is, if the price is too high, ordinary warriors like them are destined to not be able to afford it. of.

Xia Xuan smiled and said: "According to our cost calculation, the price of the Flying Fish Pill will not be too high, at most around one thousand taels of silver each."

What Xia Xuan said was true. The raw materials of Feiyu Dan were not expensive. The only precious things were the recipe and the refining method.

However, what he said once again shocked everyone.


"Only one thousand two silvers per pill? Then you must buy it!"

"The price is so cheap, are you kidding?"

"I'll reserve three pills in a while!"

A new climax suddenly rose at the scene. The appearance of Feiyu Dan made everyone excited again.

The ones with the ugliest faces were the senior executives of Youlong Chamber of Commerce.

They didn't expect that the second pill launched by Rongxian Chamber of Commerce would be so powerful!

However, what they couldn't expect was still to come.

"Next, I will announce the third new pill of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce."

Xia Xuan said, "The third new pill is called Mingxue Dan, which is specially used by warriors below the fifth level of the transformation realm. It can allow warriors below the fifth level of the transformation realm to burst out with strong combat power in a short period of time, and the effect is somewhat similar to the Explosion Yuan Pill."

Mingxue Dan?

Burst out strong combat power in a short period of time?

This time, everyone seemed very quiet. Except for a few people who asked a few questions, others didn't seem very enthusiastic.

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