Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 516: Phantom Disease Pill

"Mr. Chen, how should we deal with it now? If we don't do something, I'm afraid customers will be attracted by the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce and won't come here to watch our new elixir launch conference."

Xia Xuan frowned and looked at the crowds of people rushing towards Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce, feeling a little unsure.


Su Chen smiled faintly, "Anyway, our press conference won't start for half an hour, so please be patient and watch their performance."

Xia Xuan saw Su Chen's confident look, and for a moment, his heart was affected, and he couldn't help but nodded heavily.

Soon after.

As the gifts from the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce were distributed, there was a sharp contrast between the scenes at the booths of both parties.

The booth of Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce was bustling with people and a sea of ​​people.

On the other hand, the booth of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce was deserted except for a few diehards.


Over at Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce, someone picked up a hammer and hit a gong hard, making a loud noise.

With the sound of the gong, Manager Zhang just walked up to the booth, his face glowing and high-spirited.

"Everyone! Welcome to our Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce's new elixir launch conference today."

As Manager Zhang spoke, his eyes glanced at Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, and a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. His mission today is to use this fighting method to suppress the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce as much as possible. Looking at it now, this task is very simple!

Thinking of the new elixir that will be launched next, Manager Zhang is even more confident.

"Next, our Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce is going to launch this new elixir for everyone, called Huan Ji Dan!"

"Fantasy Disease Pill, as the name suggests, is a pill that can increase the speed of a warrior. After taking it, it can increase the speed of a warrior by at least 10% within a quarter of an incense stick!"

"In other words, its efficacy is twice or even more than similar speed-increasing elixirs on the market today!"


Is the medicine twice as effective as similar pills on the market today?

even more?

As we all know, the elixir on the market that can increase the speed of a warrior is the Gale Wind Pill. Within a quarter of an incense stick, it can increase a warrior's speed by half a percent.

Half percent, that is, half of 10 percent. In other words, the Gale Wind Pill currently on the market can only increase a warrior's speed by one-twentieth within one-quarter of the time required to burn an incense stick.

However, just one-twentieth of it is already quite good. Sometimes in actual combat, there is just a little bit of speed missing. Who doesn't want to be faster?

Therefore, the Wind Pill has always been a very best-selling pill in the pill market, and its sales level is not much different than that of the Muscle Pill and the Yangyuan Pill.

And now, the Magic Disease Pill launched by Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce is twice as effective as the Swift Wind Pill?

In other words, the Wind Pill can only increase the speed by one-twentieth, but this Illusion Pill can increase the speed by one-tenth!

Immediately, the scene became quiet, so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, and pairs of eyes were fixed on the elixir that the steward took out.

Everyone wants to know whether the Magic Disease Pill that Manager Zhang took out really has such a good speed-increasing effect as he said?

"Is it true? The medicine is twice as effective as the Wind Pill?"

"If it is true, then we must buy this Magic Disease Pill!"

With a bright smile on his face, Manager Zhang pressed his hands down and said, "Everyone, please rest assured that the Magic Disease Pill we introduced is of course real!"

Manager Zhang was very confident. He knew that this Magic Disease Pill was the result of three months of research by the Dan King in charge of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce and a group of alchemists day and night.

Originally, this Magic Disease Pill was supposed to be launched by the Longyou Chamber of Commerce and put on the market as a new pill of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce.

However, Rongxian Chamber of Commerce broke out midway, causing the senior officials of Delongyou Chamber of Commerce to change their minds.

The Longyou Chamber of Commerce sent people to buy the store opposite the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, and used the money and manpower of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce to establish the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce, and launched the Magic Disease Pill as the first elixir of the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce.

In this way, Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce will definitely become famous and completely suppress the glory of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

After all, no matter how good the double-effect pills from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce are, there are only fifty pills per month, which is a luxury product for the rich. But the Phantom Disease Pill is different. It is a pill that can be produced in large quantities, and ordinary warriors will need it. Once it captures the market, shipments will be terrifying!

The sudden rise of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce has made Longyou Chamber of Commerce, which also focuses on the field of elixirs, see a crisis. They want to defeat Rongxian Chamber of Commerce before it can completely rise.


When the Chamber of Commerce launches a new elixir, they will basically invite elixir-testing heroes to confirm the elixir's effect in public, and to prove that the elixir has no side effects, so as to eliminate customers' concerns.

Because behind the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce is actually the Longyou Chamber of Commerce, they are naturally rich and powerful, and they hired six Dan-Testing Heroes at once.

This phantom disease pill is the kind of pill that increases speed. There is no need to cruelly injure the pill-testing hero. You only need to let the pill-testing hero take the pill directly.

Soon, the six elixir-testing heroes demonstrated the effect of the elixir perfectly on the spot.

"Sure enough, it can increase the speed by 10%!"

"This Magic Disease Pill can completely replace the Wind Pill and completely monopolize the market for speed pills!"

"The Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce is going to make a splash! No wonder it dares to openly compete with the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. It seems that from now on, the elixir industry in the Imperial Capital will welcome a rising star."

"I want it, I'll order ten!"

"Give me twenty..."

Manager Zhang at the booth couldn't help but smile when he heard these scrambling sounds.

Under the booth, in an inconspicuous corner, several senior officials of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce were also smiling proudly.

They had long expected that once this Fantasy Pill was launched on the market, it would definitely bring a sensational effect, completely replace the original Swift Wind Pill, and unify the market of speed pills.

You can imagine how big the profit is. After all, speed elixirs are an area where warriors are very willing to spend money. A good speed elixir can often be equivalent to a guarantee of life.

If the market for speed elixirs could be monopolized, the profits would be huge. On the surface, these profits belong to the Fengxiang Chamber of Commerce, but in fact they will of course go into the pockets of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce.

At this moment, several senior officials of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce seemed to have seen the scene of white money piled in front of them.

Not only did he make a lot of money, he also suppressed the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. It could be said that he killed two birds with one stone.

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