Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4365 A man of principles

Su Chen laughed and said: "Okay, how many people want to share my treasures, stand on the left, and I will count the number of people and see how many pieces each person can get."

Hey, is this guy so cowardly?

Also, seeing how he is alone, how can he fight against so many people here?

Many people walked out laughing and joking. After all, you can gain something by taking just two steps, so why not?

Su Chen took a look and saw that there were almost thirty people.

"That's it?"

Su Chen said regretfully, there are hundreds of people here.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand over the treasure!"

Someone yelled.

"I changed my mind."

Su Chen laughed and said, "Since there are only so many people, why don't I knock you all down and then loot them all."

The people on the left looked at each other, probably laughing loudly.

There are more than thirty people among them, and the majority of them are at the second level of Guiyi Realm. Where did this kid get the courage?

"As promised, don't run away."

Su Chen smiled and then killed these people.

As the Qing Zou Bu unfolded, Su Chen was so fast that with a bang, he bumped into someone, knocked him flying, and hit someone next to him.

The man next to him was not careful and saw a black shadow coming towards him. He swung his hand and slapped it out of self-preservation instinct.

He didn't react until his palm was about to hit the man, but it was too late to stop.

With a snap, all that was seen was blood and flesh, and the head of the man flying in the air was actually blown open.

"You killed him."

Su Chen said to the person who took action.

"No, I didn't mean it."

The man was still a little confused and said subconsciously.

"Alas, my condolences."

Su Chen continued.

Only then did the man react, pointed at Su Chen and said, "It's you!

It was you who knocked the person over! "

"I hit the person, but it was you who killed him."

Su Chen said to the others, "Everyone, please give me your opinion."

"Hmph, you're glib, let's all join in!"

The others were not fooled and rushed forward one after another, beating Su Chen.

Su Chen activated the real dragon's pressure and charged towards everyone.

This is the most effective move in group battles. Under a coercive impact, everyone will be hit, and the attack will become messy.

Su Chen laughed loudly and rushed towards a person, his golden claws spread out, like an ancient bird king, about to hunt the world.

The man quickly fought back, and the others finally reacted and quickly attacked Su Chen.

Su Chen just stared at that person and attacked furiously.

Everyone felt that he was seeking self-destruction, and more than 30 Guiyi Realm beginners took action together. Not to mention the second level Guiyi Realm, even the third level Guiyi Realm had to flee.


"Bang bang bang bang!"

Su Chen punched the opponent, but was hit by more than thirty people behind him, and the sky was filled with glory.

However, when the light dissipated, everyone was shocked to find that Su Chen did not fall down at all, but continued to stare at his opponent and bombard him indiscriminately.

How can this be?

Are you more powerful than the fourth level of Guiyi Realm?


Someone pointed at Su Chen and shouted.

Everyone looked at it and were speechless.

"This guy actually wears so much armor?"

"No wonder it can't be penetrated."

"There must be more than a dozen floors!"

They were all speechless. Su Chen wore more than a dozen pieces of armor. How could his defense not be high?

"Attack him with concussive power!"

"That's right, no matter how many layers of armor you have, it can only resist the power of true energy and piercing. As long as you use the power of shock, you can still transfer the power to him."


These people rushed up again and started fighting against Su Chen.

Su Chen still only stared at one of them to attack. That person was at the second level of the Returning Realm and couldn't resist Su Chen at all.

After just a few blows, he was knocked to the ground by Su Chen.

"Who's the third one?"

Su Chen took aim at another person and struck out forcefully.

This was also a second-level Guiyi Realm, and he was also no match for Su Chen. After a few moves, he fell to the ground.

"Why is this guy still standing?"

Seeing that three people on their side had fallen down, but Su Chen was still alive and kicking, everyone couldn't bear it anymore.

Is it possible to achieve such invincible defense just by wearing more than a dozen layers of armor?

What they didn't know was that Su Chen's physical body was already extremely perfect, and coupled with the defensive power of the meridian light curtain, his defensive power was incredibly strong.

"Bang bang bang!"

People kept falling, five, ten, fifteen, twenty...

At this time, everyone was shocked and speechless.

Is this some legendary story?

One person wants to sweep more than thirty people of the same level?

Soon, the remaining dozen or so people also lay down.

While Su Chen was searching for the treasures on their bodies, he said to the remaining people: "Are you really not going to take action?"

You know, he is a very principled person. If others do not take action, then he will not take the initiative to provoke.

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"You're crazy."

A third-level Guiyi Realm member said, "But you are also very powerful."

Su Chen felt a little regretful. Without anyone taking action, he wouldn't be able to rob more people.

In this way, he could only search those lying down, and then take the treasures and prepare to go into the water to catch fish.

Entering the lake, the water temperature was freezing cold, but after Su Chen opened the meridian light curtain, he could completely resist such low temperatures.

Then, Su Chen sank into the water and swam.

On the shore, those who were robbed were ashamed to stay here, and turned back one after another, while those who stayed behind sneered at the lake.

This kid, does he think that he is the only one who can go into the lake?

You know, there are many people who can go into the water after activating the defense here, but why are they all staying on the shore at this moment?

That's because the lake water is too cold, and the consumption of activating the defense shield is too great. Even if it is the third level of the Return to One Realm, it can only last for an incense stick of time. But people are too slow in the lake, and an incense stick of time is not enough to do anything.

"Don't turn back until you hit the south wall?"

"He will come back by himself in a short while."

"It's ridiculous. Don't you think that everyone can't go into the water, but he is the only one who can do it?"

Everyone sneered, and when Su Chen came out of the water, they would definitely ridicule him.

In the lake, Su Chen felt as if he was bound by some force. The resistance of the lake water was so great that it was like swimming in mercury, and his speed was extremely slow.

At this speed, considering the speed of the shadow fish he had seen before, it should be impossible for him to catch up.

Should he just give up?

How could he do that?

Su Chen continued to dive and soon reached the bottom of the lake.

Su Chen had two goals. The first was to catch the shadow fish, and the second was that he suspected that there was a key in the lake to open the lock of the front door.

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