Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4337 You all come together

The most important thing in the martial arts world is strength. It is natural to speak with strength.

But the problem is that it is not Jiang Xiao's strength that speaks, but the strength of those high-level warriors in the Nirvana Realm who are willing to enter the Cleansing Dust Pool.

Jiang Xiao spread the news that if you want to enter the Cleansing Dust Pool, you just need to defeat Su Chen. Defeating once can enter one person, and defeating ten times can enter ten people.

Su Chen didn't care when he learned that Jiang Xiao made this decision. Anyway, he is invincible in the Nirvana Realm, no matter what Jiang Xiao does.

Since Jiang Xiao has drawn the way, the four high-level masters of the Return to One Realm cannot be ignored. Because Jiang Xiao said that the Cleansing Dust Pool is only for the best young generation. If you can't even beat Zhang Chao, it would be a waste to go there.

Su Chen was speechless when he heard this. When did he become "even unable to beat Zhang Chao"? Is he a very weak person?

Soon, the four major sects each sent ten outstanding young generations from the sect to enter the imperial capital, all of whom were high-level in the Nirvana Realm.

Su Chen was a little surprised. There are so many young geniuses at the high level of the Nirvana Realm?

Su Chen didn't believe it was such a coincidence that these people didn't enter the Guiyi Realm before the Cleansing Pool was opened. They must have deliberately suppressed their cultivation and waited for the opportunity of the Cleansing Pool.

The four great men had been locked up in the prison for so long, and they must have known a lot about the Shuangyue Domain.

Let's fight, who's afraid of whom?

Three days later, the war broke out, and there were countless spectators.

Su Chen jumped onto the stage and got straight to the point: "There's no need to compete one by one, come on stage, I'm in a hurry, and after I defeat you all, I have to go home for dinner."

All the high-level geniuses at the Nirvana Realm were furious. This kid was too arrogant, so arrogant?

You know, they are all geniuses, and they have always been the only ones who asked others to come together. When has anyone ever asked them to come together?

"Still reserved? Okay, then I'll do it."

Su Chen laughed, jumped out, and attacked the forty people.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

With just three punches, Su Chen knocked seven people away, showing his invincible style.

"Zhang Chao! Zhang Chao! Zhang Chao!"

The audience shouted loudly, their emotions were instantly ignited, and they became extremely crazy.

"This kid is simply abnormal!"

"How can he be so strong?"

"Join hands! Everyone join hands to deal with him!"

The remaining thirty or so people quickly united, and each sect formed a small group, a total of four small groups, and launched a counterattack against Su Chen.

However, this was also useless.

Su Chen's strength in the realm of extinction has reached the level of crushing everything, and there is no need to use all his strength at all. Every time a punch is thrown, someone will be knocked away and lose combat power.

The whole process did not take more than thirty breaths. In addition to Su Chen, only four people were left standing.

These four people did not take action before, not because they were scared, but because they were disdainful. They all crossed their arms and watched coldly, looking extremely arrogant.

"A group of weaklings, indeed, are not qualified to enjoy the Dust Purifying Pool."

A young man in white said, his eyes were like lightning, and his breath began to gush out, extremely powerful.

"Haha, it's not bad to have fewer people, so we can get more benefits."

Another young man in blue laughed, with a little cynicism in his smile, but it was also difficult to hide his strength.

"I agree."

A woman in a red skirt said.

"But let's get rid of this guy first."

A young man in black made a final summary and pointed at Su Chen.


The three young men in white nodded at the same time.

"Who's going?"

The woman in the red skirt asked.

"I'll do it!"

The young man in black strode out.


The figure flashed, and the young man in black was gone, replaced by Su Chen, standing where he had just stood.

Obviously, the young man in black was knocked away.

In the distance, the young man in black was seen hanging on a tree, his limbs drooping, as if all the bones in his body were broken.

Su Chen stretched his muscles and said calmly, "What did you say just now?"

The three of them were shocked. Is this guy a monster?


Su Chen pointed at the young man in white, and with the Qingzhu step, he had already hit the other person. The young man in white was also blown away. After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, he fell to the ground with a bang and lost consciousness.

The woman in red and the young man in blue could not help but step back a few steps. Su Chen's attack can be said to be extremely simple, just a collision, but sometimes, the simpler the attack, the more unsolvable it is.

What to do?

The two of them quickly burned their true essence, wrapped the energy of the immortal map around their hands, and tried to cover their bodies. They didn't believe that the other party would dare to hit them like this.


The next moment, the woman in red was also knocked away.

Only the young man in blue was left, looking at Su Chen with a look like a monster.

The meridians in Su Chen's body glowed faintly, which was the activation of the defense magic power that he had awakened before. The effect of this magic power was amazing. Although the woman in the red skirt tried her best just now, she still couldn't break his defense and was inevitably hit and flew away.

The young man in blue was going crazy. How could there be such a monster? He was invincible just by bumping around like a bull.

He quickly spread his body, thinking that as long as he moved fast, the other party would not be able to hit him.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The young man in blue was so fast that the entire martial arts arena was filled with tragic sonic booms. It was the sound caused by the friction between his speed and the air.

Su Chen had no intention of taking action at all. He took out a chair and sat down while eating melon seeds.

Damn, this kid thinks he is a juggler?

The young man in blue was furious, but he did not dare to slow down at all. He had already seen Su Chen's explosive power and impact, and it was definitely not something he could compete with.

But the problem is, you take action!

The young man in blue felt extremely uncomfortable. He was running around the place like a fool, but his opponent was sitting as if watching a show. In comparison, wasn't he a clown?

The audience present was also stunned, and all of them had strange expressions.

The previous battle ended too quickly. Su Chen knocked one away with one punch and knocked another away with each collision, which made them feel unsatisfied at all. It was too fast and they couldn't catch it and couldn't recall it.

But now, the battle is getting longer, but it's too boring.

Just watching a person run as fast as Fa Chun?


someone shouted.

"Hurry up and take action. Aren't you very strong? Hurry up and take action."

Many people shouted at the young man in blue.

The young man in blue swam away for a while, knowing that he couldn't drag it on like this.

Su Chen stopped calmly without any consumption, but he was consuming it rapidly. It would definitely be more and more disadvantageous for him to drag on.

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