Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4334: Shame and Frustration

Several people were immediately eager to try, but in the end no one responded.

"Oh, even ten of you wouldn't dare. I really think too highly of you."

Su Chen shook his head, with a look of ridicule on his face.

Seeing how arrogant he was, all the visitors from the outside world were almost furious, but the people of the Black Moon Dynasty were all inexplicably excited.

What is a long face? This is what a long face is. The two prides of the imperial capital are indeed not called for nothing.

It doesn't matter if Duan Yao is gone, they still have Zhang Chao!

But the expressions of the queen, concubines and princes were extremely unkind. They and Su Chen were related by Liang Zi, so naturally they couldn't see Su Chen being so majestic.

Anyone can restore the dignity of the Black Moon Dynasty, but it must not be Su Chen. It would be better to be embarrassed than him.

"Boy, you haven't beaten me yet!"

The young man in green said solemnly that he was full of confidence in himself. If Su Chen only had the kind of strength he showed just now, then he would be sure of victory.

"Then come on."

Su Chen chuckled, and the other party took out an elixir from the Guiyi Realm. He was still very satisfied. After entering the Guiyi Realm, he would need a large amount of such elixir materials.

"Boy, you are so crazy!"

"It's just good luck and a miserable victory. What's there to be proud of?"

"If Ke Xiong takes action, you will definitely lose!"

The visitors from outside the territory all shouted that originally they had no friendship with each other and were all strangers, but now they share the same hatred and hatred.

Na Ke Xiong was full of confidence and strode towards Su Chen. With a bang, his body was blazing with flames, as if fire from heaven appeared in the world.

"Innate body?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

If it were Xiantu energy, it would be impossible for his whole body to be wrapped in such flames. At most, there would be flames in his palms. Unless the other party is an innate body, what is activated is the innate magical power.

No wonder, the other party knew that Su Chen was pretending to be a pig, but he still dared to challenge him.

Ke Xiong looked arrogant and didn't even bother to answer Su Chen's questions.

"So what if I have an innate body? I can defeat you with one punch."

Su Chen laughed and said.


Ke Xiong sneered and jumped forward like a flame god.

Su Chen also activated his newly realized magical power, and all the meridians in his body glowed, and then formed a light curtain around his body, and then punched Ke Xiong.

The flames burned, but they couldn't get around Su Chen's light curtain. But Su Chen's punch was unstoppable. The terrifying force was like a mountain crushing him, breaking through Ke Xiong's defense and hitting him in the chest.

Afterwards, Ke Xiong was blasted away.


Ke Xiong roared, he was in mid-air, but there was a terrifying aura boiling in his body, which was the pressure of the Guiyi Realm that crushed the Nirvana Realm.

He let go of his cultivation suppression!

Now Ke Xiong is a second-level genius in the Returning Realm.

It's so abominable that a native from a backward place actually knocked him away with one punch.

Shameful, so shameful!

The whole place was silent!

Although everyone has guessed to some extent, Su Chen has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger before, deliberately making it difficult to separate from the opponent, and actually tricking them into challenging. But he never expected that Su Chen would be so strong when he exploded with all his strength.

Ke Xiong has an innate body, and he also used his innate magical powers, but he was knocked away with a punch.

If Ke Xiong hadn't released his cultivation suppression in time, this punch might have beaten him half to death!

too strong!

How could there be such a powerful realm of Nirvana?

How strong would this guy be if he entered the Guiyi Realm again?

Yes, there are indeed many geniuses who disappear from the crowd after entering the Guiyi Realm, but there are also many geniuses who maintain their standards and continue to be monsters.

And based on Su Chen's current level, even if he didn't bring 100% of his talent to the Guiyi Realm when he attacked the Guiyi Realm, even if he only brought half of it, it would still be much stronger than the average genius.

Such a monster is terrifying to think about.

Otherwise, behead him to eliminate future troubles!

For a moment, almost all the visitors from the outside world had murderous intentions and were staring at Su Chen.

Princess Yunxue was very anxious. Although her fighting power was extraordinary, there were too many Guiyijing people present, and she could only stop one or two at most. After all, which one of these visitors from the outside world would be mediocre?

The eldest prince and others smiled. Although they did not take action against Su Chen, there was no rule. If others took action against Su Chen, they still had the obligation to resolve it?

It would be better for people like this who are stealing their limelight to die early.

They don't care. After all, their father Jiang Xiao is a high-level Guiyi Realm. Does the Black Moon Dynasty still need a Nirvana Realm to support it?

Su Chen stood proudly, with a faint smile on his face, looking extremely calm.

Su Chen didn't have confidence in his own strength, but he believed that Jiang Xiao would not allow outsiders to run wild in the imperial capital, let alone when everyone knew that he was Jiang Xiao's.

Sure enough, soon a light and shadow flew from the sky, turned into a human form and landed in front of everyone, and said calmly: "Guiyi Realm is not allowed to attack people below the Guiyi Realm, and those who violate it will be killed!"

The voice of his words was not high, but there was a sense of domineering, as if everyone in the nine heavens and ten earths wanted to obey his orders.

Ke Xiong originally wanted to take action, but he suppressed it forcefully.

This light and shadow human form was so powerful that it made his heart palpitate.

The rest of the people present were also awe-inspiring. Could this be another formation spirit?

No, it's not that simple. It should be the combination of the will of the formation spirit and the mighty.

"Hello, senior!"

The visitors from the outside world all bowed their hands in greeting, with solemn expressions.

Obviously, this light and shadow figure represents Jiang Xiao's will.

The high-level mighty in the Return to One Realm is a mighty level in this star field. Who dares to disrespect?

The light and shadow waved his hand and said, "You come to find opportunities. I have the capacity to tolerate the world and will not do anything to you. However, if you hurt my people, I will never forgive you."


The visitors from the outside world all obeyed solemnly. No one dared to go against the high-level of the Extinction Realm, otherwise they would be looking for death.

The light and shadow nodded, and the figure turned into broken light and disappeared.

Many people present were also thinking about it. I don't know what Jiang Xiao is busy with all day. He always sends his clone projection, but his real body can't be seen.

Is he trying to break through the Extinction Realm?

That's not impossible, so it can explain why he is so forbearing now, because as long as he becomes the Extinction Realm, then the four high-level powerful people in the Unity Realm who are calling the shots in the Double Moon Realm will become a joke in an instant.

An impending conflict was eliminated, but the atmosphere could not return to the original state. The visitors from the outside world must have looked ugly, and they were suppressed by a person in the Destruction Realm, which made them extremely aggrieved.

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