Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4332: Volunteering

To put it another way, even if they wanted to suppress the other party, they couldn't do anything.

This Yu Buyi was at the second level of the Return to One Realm, and how many masters were there in the royal family?

We couldn't let those surrendered sects take action, right? That would be really laughable, the royal family was too weak.

Therefore, after the princes looked at each other, the twelfth prince took the lead and said, "Then let this king learn from you."


Yu Buyi showed a hint of sarcasm.

The two fought, and after only ten moves, the twelfth prince was suppressed.

"Mr. Yu, what's the point of suppressing others with your cultivation realm?"

A court official said, he was instructed by the queen to say this, otherwise, with a beginner in the Nirvana Realm, he would never have the courage to challenge the Return to One Realm.

Yu Buyi didn't answer, but slapped the tenth prince next to him.

With a bang, a terrible force surged, and the tenth prince was defeated and was immediately shaken away like a kite with a broken string.

Everyone was silent. This was Yu Buyi's answer.

He did not give a direct answer, but he showed how terrible his strength would be if he did not suppress his true realm.

Moreover, he used the tenth prince as a scapegoat to show his true fighting power. What kind of contempt was this?

What about the royal family? Yu Buyi was not afraid at all.

"Let me learn from you."

The ninth prince came out.

"Go ahead."

Yu Buyi said lightly.

The ninth prince made a move, but it only took ten moves before he was defeated.

In this way, the prince camp had already suffered two consecutive defeats.

The sixth prince stood out from the crowd and said loudly: "Brother Yu is really powerful. I would like to learn from him."

The sixth prince was good at soul power. After entering the Guiyi realm, he also developed it to a great extent, so that the sixth prince was not inferior to the innate body of the eldest prince.

The Sixth Prince's mind moved, and countless silver swords flew out from his body, which could be fired from any angle, making it impossible to defend against them.

"What a strong soul power."

Yu Buyi also showed a cautious look, as the opponent's attack was obviously a soul power hidden weapon.

However, Yu Buyi immediately showed a mocking expression, how strong could a person from a place with backward martial arts be?

The Sixth Prince's performance was still remarkable, and he fought back and forth with Yu Buyi for a while, but just when everyone was cheering for him, thinking that he could save face for the Black Moon Dynasty, Yu Buyi suddenly broke out and defeated the Sixth Prince in a few moves.

Once the Sixth Prince was defeated, except for the eldest prince, the other princes gave up the idea of ​​taking action.

They knew in their hearts that the Sixth Prince's combat power was second only to the eldest prince, and they didn't even need to try to defeat the enemy that the Sixth Prince couldn't defeat.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the eldest prince.

Now, the eldest prince had no choice but to take action. The dignity of the royal family and the dignity of the Black Moon Dynasty all depended on him alone, and he had to defend this barrier.

However, the eldest prince was unsure in his heart. The opponent was too strong, so he, with his innate body, had no chance of winning.

When the two fought, the eldest prince quickly went all out and used the magical power of his innate body. Countless blue fragments of light fell from the sky with great power.

"Is this an innate magical power?"

Yu Buyi had a keen eye and said in surprise, "I didn't expect that you are an innate body."

The innate body is too rare, at least he is not. At their level of cultivation, the innate body can already activate the innate magical power.

Even the lowest innate body like the eldest prince is still far from being comparable to ordinary physiques. Once the innate magical power came out, the eldest prince immediately had the upper hand.

Everyone cheered loudly and finally regained the momentum.

But those visitors from outside the domain were very calm. Although the innate body was powerful, the geniuses who built the foundation of Taoism with Tongtian Stone would not be bad either. Some top-level Tongtian Stones could even be comparable to the innate body of the middle level.

Sure enough, Yu Buyi quickly started to counterattack and launched a martial art of the Return to One Realm, which was powerful and withstood the innate magical power of the eldest prince.

Although the innate magical power was powerful, it was impossible to operate it indefinitely. It was too much of a burden on the body and could only be used as a killer move at a critical moment.

Therefore, after the outbreak period of the innate magical power, the eldest prince immediately fell into a dilemma and was quickly defeated.

So far, the prince group was completely wiped out.

"Which other prince would like to learn from?"

Yu Buyi laughed and asked.

Everyone in the Black Moon Dynasty was silent. They were not as skilled as others, and saying polite words would only make them more embarrassing.


The visitors from outside the domain also laughed, full of disdain.

The backward primitive land was so vulnerable.

Everyone in the Black Moon Dynasty was furious. They were slapped in the face in their own territory. It was really unbearable.

But there was nothing they could do. Who made the princes' fighting power not as good as others?

Is there no one who can stand up and beat these guys? Is it that there is no real genius in such a big Double Moon Domain?

It's a pity that Duan Yao rebelled. Otherwise, if he was there, he would definitely be able to turn the tide.

"Fight at the same level?"

In the silence, a lazy voice sounded, "Let me teach you a lesson."

At this time, someone actually volunteered?

Everyone looked towards the place where the voice came from. When they saw the person who spoke clearly, they were all stunned.

It turned out to be this guy!

They almost forgot that, in addition to Duan Yao, there was also this guy named Zhang Chao, the two arrogances of the imperial capital.

Facing the gazes, Su Chen was still eating the snacks on the table slowly, as if the words just now were not said by him.

Yu Buyi sneered: "A small annihilation realm, are you worthy of fighting with me?"

Su Chen said lightly: "You suppress your cultivation to the annihilation realm, and I will defeat you within ten moves. I will keep my word. If you have one more move..."

Su Chen paused here, and then continued, "If you have one more move, I will make an exception and accept you as my godson."


Yu Buyi was furious. Why is this guy so mean?

"Ant, are you looking for death?"

Yu Buyi said grimly.

"Dare or not, just one word."

Su Chen said.

"Would I dare?"

Yu Buyi sneered and shook his head, "I just disdain."

Su Chen thought about it, urged his soul power, and a flying knife as thin as a cicada's wing formed in the air. It was his soul flying knife, to be precise, Frost Cold Jade.

Everyone present was also knowledgeable, and they were all surprised when they saw this scene.

"I'll use this thing as a bet. Whoever can beat me in a battle of the same level can take this thing away."

Su Chen said.

Everyone was fanatical, they had all seen the power of Su Chen using this thing, even if they didn't have soul power, this thing could be used as a raw material to create a more powerful magic weapon.

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