Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4325 Now I give you a chance

Even Du Quan and Su Chen didn't go to the meeting. They just left a message explaining the situation at the agreed meeting place.

Ten days, one month, three months.

As time passed, Pei Bing's perseverance was astonishing. He always hung behind Su Chen, as if he would not leave here if he didn't kill Su Chen.

This made Su Chen suffocated. He was actually being hunted for half a year when he had never met before?

Is there such a big hatred?

All I can say is that we will settle the accounts together when we reach the high level of the Nirvana Realm.

Su Chen was certainly unhappy, but Pei Bing wasn't necessarily any better.

You know, many times when the two met, Su Chen launched an attack with the three moves of Zhenyuan, forcing him to defend himself at the beginning, and then Su Chen ran away after finishing the three moves.

This made Pei Bing's accumulated anger grow stronger, and he vowed to kill Su Chen to pieces.

After so many days, Su Chen's strength has steadily improved, and he is getting closer and closer to finally breaking through to the high level of the Nirvana Realm.

On this day, Pei Bing appeared again. This time he struck directly with a sword, not wanting to repeat the fate of being hit three times by Su Chen.

However, this didn't work.

As soon as Su Chen's three Zhenyuan moves came out, Pei Bing was forced to defend himself and try his best to deal with his three moves.

And just like many times before, when Pei Bing regained his breath, Su Chen had already started walking and all the figures were gone.

Pei Bing couldn't help but feel an impulse, thinking otherwise, forget it. His cultivation in the Guiyi Realm was suppressed here, and it was almost impossible to kill Su Chen. Or should he go and guard outside? With his own strength in the Guiyi Realm, wouldn't it be easy to kill Su Chen?

But Pei Bing

He immediately shook his head. If he succumbed to such thoughts, maybe he could kill Su Chen easily, but it would definitely leave flaws in his Taoist heart, which would put him in danger if he wanted to reach a higher realm in the future.

Pei Bing pursued him all the way, and this time he used his own secret method at all costs. Su Chen couldn't get rid of him at all. After being left behind for half an hour at most, Pei Bing could catch up immediately.

It seems that Pei Bing has also realized that although Su Chen has always been defeated by him, his combat power has been steadily improving.

This is too scary. If you let the other party continue to grow indefinitely like this, wouldn't it be possible to be on par with yourself?

Although the opponent's strength is still far inferior to his own, there will eventually be such a day.

Therefore, Pei Bing also became ruthless and must kill Su Chen.

Su Chen has almost no time to collect the essence of earth now, but he estimates that he doesn't need it anymore. The nine brothers plus Du Quan should have collected almost enough earth essence. They just need to put them together and fuse them into earth. Attribute holy martial stone.

After another two days and two nights of hunting, Su Chen's condition became worse and worse visible to the naked eye. No matter how talented he was, he could not withstand such consumption, which meant that the effect of the recovery elixir on him was far stronger than that of Su Chen. Ordinary pills allowed him to survive.

However, Su Chen couldn't bear it, and Pei Bing wasn't much better.

The reason why Pei Bing has not used these secret techniques before is because they consume too much. Now he was determined to kill Su Chen at all costs, but this did not mean that the cost would become smaller.

After running for two consecutive days, Pei Bing has almost reached the limit. Now it's not so much a competition between the two's combat prowess as it is a matter of intention.

The test of ambition.

Both sides are reaching their limit, so whoever can hold on longer will have the advantage.

Pei Bing is indeed a top genius with an extremely tenacious will and always pursues him. He believes that he can persevere better than Su Chen.

However, when it comes to will, who has Su Chen been afraid of?

Four days, six days, eight days...

By the tenth day, both of them had actually reached their limit.

At this time, Su Chen's physical body showed its advantages.

Although Su Chen's true energy was nearly dry and he could only rely on pills to restore it a little, his physical strength was still abundant, and he still retained at least 30% of the energy in his physical body.

Su Chen is planning a counterattack. As long as Pei Bing's true energy is exhausted, and everyone competes for physical strength, his own advantage will be revealed.

"about there."

Su Chen suddenly stopped and turned around to stare at Pei Bing.

"Why don't you run away?"

Pei Bing gasped, but tried to keep his tone as usual.

Su Chen smiled faintly: "Don't you always want to fight me? Now I'll give you a chance."

With that said, Su Chen strode towards Pei Bing.

"Humph, you think I don't know what you are planning?"

Pei Bing sneered and clapped his palm, causing a bright light to flash.

It turned out that the real energy in his body was not completely used up, and there was still a trace of real energy left.


Su Chen raised his hand and fired the soul power flying knife.

His gesture of wanting to fight Pei Bing head-on was just a cover. The real killing move was the soul power flying knife that activated all the soul power.

As soon as the soul power flying knife came out, Pei Bing's expression changed drastically and he quickly dodged.

But if he had dodged immediately, he might have been able to escape. But if you wait until you see it and hide, it will be too late


After all, Pei Bing is not in his prime now, and this extremely powerful soul power flying knife is very deadly to him.


The soul power flying knife hit, but circles of golden runes poured out of Pei Bing's body and turned into a golden bell, protecting him inside.

Pei Bing stood among the golden runes, with a look of pain on his face. This is a magic talisman given by his master's elders. It will automatically activate when he is attacked by an irreversible attack. It is a life-saving treasure.

When he went on adventures before, this talisman had been used three times and saved his life three times. I never expected that when chasing a Nirvana Realm, it would actually be consumed once.

But it doesn't matter. He can harvest the treasures from the opponent. In the long run, their importance is no less than the effect of a magic rune.

Su Chen was also surprised. He didn't expect Pei Bing to have such a life-saving item.

Come again!

Su Chen activated Qing Zubu and crashed into Pei Bing. The energy of annihilation wrapped around him, making him like a human cannonball.


Su Chen bumped into it. The speed of this human cannonball was comparable to that of a soul power flying knife. It was naturally impossible for Pei Bing to dodge and he was hit hard.

If Pei Bing was still in his prime, his combat power would be enough to launch a counterattack, severely injuring or even killing Su Chen. But now he was knocked into the air, and the energy of annihilation swept around him crazily.


Another circle of golden runes flashed and turned into a golden bell, protecting Pei Bing.

"There are still more?"

Su Chen couldn't help but complain that now his true energy was completely exhausted and he could not perform Qing Zou Bu again.

But Pei Bing is more scalped

He was numb. This chance to save his life was used up. The five chances of the magic rune had been used up and turned into ashes. He could no longer protect him.

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