Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4321 Destined to miss the chance

There are several levels of strong people in the Buddhist clan. Under the Buddha, there are three levels: Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Arhat, ranked from strongest to weakest. If he were a Bodhisattva, he would be a very powerful Buddhist.

Of course, among Bodhisattvas, there are also strong and weak ones.

But no matter what, even if placed in the Cangtian Region, this Buddhist Bodhisattva will be the top level of power in the Cangtian Region.

Su Chen is also waiting, will this Bodhisattva teach the Mingwang Mantra to the two of them?

However, what disappointed the two of them was that the Bodhisattva just sat cross-legged and practiced. After a long time, they didn't see any inheritance at all.

Is waiting in vain again?

Su Chen didn't give up. After a while, a leaf fell down.

This bodhi tree has long since died. Where did the leaves come from?

Su Chen stretched out his hand, and a leaf happened to fall near him, and he easily caught it in his hand.

Suddenly, an indescribable force surged within Su Chen's body, turning into a loud voice, chanting something, like a song, like a melody, and like a magic formula.

Su Chen's heart moved, could this be the inheritance of the Buddhist clan?

He captured every word of the voice, but it was so blurry that it was extremely difficult to capture.

After a long time, Su Chen finally caught one of the words - Om.

The Om in the Six-Character Mingwang Mantra?


Su Chen spoke.


An indescribable power surged out, it was upright, thought-provoking, and one could even see the Buddha's light shining all over the place.

"Have you learned the Six-Character Mingwang Mantra?"

The little girl asked in surprise. Although she could also shout the word "Om", without the cooperation of special skills, it was just an ordinary word with no special effect.

Su Chen still wanted to catch it, but the leaves in his hands had turned into fragments of light and shadow, and there was no more left.

The power in the body disappeared, and the majestic voice no longer sounded.

"Have I learned a word?"

Su Chen recalled, and then suddenly realized that the process of getting the leaves and then capturing the sound was also the process of practice. After spending half a day, he could hear the word "Om", which meant that he had successfully learned this. Character.

Su Chen explained it to the little girl, who suddenly realized it and then became excited.

"The next leaf is mine!"

The little girl emphasized.


Su Chen chuckled.

He also needs to consolidate. Although he can chant the word "Om" now, he is not proficient and needs to practice hard.

Moreover, there are too many details to study.

The little girl was waiting for the second leaf to fall, while Su Chen was perfecting his "Om" formula.

However, the little girl waited all night but got nothing, no more leaves fell. When the sun rose the next day, the vision disappeared, and the Bodhi tree became withered and shriveled again, with no leaves left.

"Ahhh, I'm so angry, I didn't sleep all night!"

The little girl's eyes were red from the boil and she screamed with anger.

They had not finished learning the Six-Character Mingwang Mantra, so the two of them would naturally not leave. They rested during the day and prepared to have a big fight at night.

Su Chen rested for a few hours and became active again, studying the "Om" formula again. Even though there is only one word, there are various changes according to the exercises.

It can suppress evil spirits, enlighten the mind, and be profound.

At the end of the day, Su Chen also came up with some research results. The Six-Character Mingwang Mantra is indeed one of the supreme secrets of the Buddhist clan. It is of great significance and can make one's soul sea more stable.

At night, when the moon was high in the sky, the vision reappeared. The Bodhi tree once again flashed with brilliance, and all its withered leaves grew out. Soon after, the figure of the Bodhisattva also appeared again, meditating under the Bodhi tree.

Because Su Chen mastered the "Om" formula, he naturally understood part of Buddhism, and immediately saw more tricks.

The Bodhisattva's enlightenment is not without change.

Bodhi leaves have dark and bright changes, with a wonderful rhythm.

Su Chen captured this rhythm and couldn't help but indulge in it. There were Buddhist chants in his mind, which were thought-provoking and made people recognize it from the depths of their souls and make them want to follow. From then on, it was his duty to transcend evil in this life.

Su Chen was suddenly startled, woke up, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

This Buddhist teaching is indeed terrifying. I just meditated on it, but I became addicted to it. My mind was bewitched, and I had the urge to take refuge.

Is this the method of Buddhism? There is no bloodshed, as long as the Buddha's Dharma comes out, the world will be conquered.

Su Chen kept his mind tight. He was only interested in the Mingwang Mantra, but he did not want to become a member of the Buddhist clan and be restricted by the rules and regulations of the Buddhist clan.

As the night passed, Su Chen understood and applied the "Om" formula a little better.

But the little girl waited in vain all night, because no bodhi leaves fell. She was so angry that she jumped up and wanted to pick the leaves by herself. However, as soon as she jumped up, she was pushed down by a huge force and fell to her knees. Solid.

"I think you are destined to have no connection with Buddhism."

Su Chen smiled.

"Do not believe!"

The little girl put her hands on her hips and looked angry.

Why can her eldest brother, who doesn’t know as much as her, learn from it, but she, a smart baby who knows everything, can’t?

The two were at odds here. Every night, Su Chen captured the changing rhythm of the Bodhi leaves and understood the Dharma, while the little girl looked eagerly above her head, waiting for the leaves to fall.

Day after day, time flies by.

After nine days, Su Chen had completely mastered the "Om" formula. He began to chant in meditation, and the sound of the Buddha was loud and clear. If you didn't look at him and just listened to his voice, anyone would think he was a bald and enlightened monk.

Su Chen was very satisfied, but the little girl was extremely depressed, and still no second leaf fell from the tree.

It's so abominable, he just bullied her too much.

However, on the tenth day, Su Chen could not deduce anything from the light and shadow of the Bodhi tree. Anyway, the back and forth was the explanation of the "Om" formula.

Is there only such a word of inheritance?

Su Chen thought about it and suddenly realized that the Bodhi tree had withered and the inheritance had been destroyed. It was considered lucky that he could learn a complete word "Om".

When Su Chen told this conclusion to the little girl, she was extremely disappointed.

"Then pass it on to me!"

The little girl said coquettishly.

Su Chen shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to pass it on, but that he couldn't pass it on. If it can be passed on, the Buddhists don't need any bodhi tree inheritance, wouldn't it be better to just pass it on word of mouth?

"Forget it, no more studying!"

The little girl said angrily.

If he were an adult, he would definitely continue to stay. Even if he only got one Om formula, it would be the supreme secret.

But who knows, this little girl is only six or seven years old. How can a six or seven-year-old child think so much?

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