Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4309 The Source of Pure Gold

"This is really an unexpected harvest. With these water essences, the water-attribute holy martial stone should be successfully synthesized."

Su Chen also didn't expect that the water attribute holy martial stone that made his head big could be easily solved in this way.

Just for these water essences, it’s worth the trip.

But Su Chen was even more looking forward to it. What good things would be in the palace he entered later?

Su Chen no longer focused on those withered elixirs, but quickly walked into the palace that was half way through.

The second half of entering the palace is similar to the first half. There are also majestic bronze pillars standing there. They have been there for who knows how long and it seems that they will last forever.

Black smoke came out, and another spiritual body formed.

The bronze pillar glowed and was easily destroyed.

Su Chen didn't even bother to look now. Anyway, once the light beam came out, these spirits would definitely have no way to survive.

The palace is large, but it has an end.

However, before he reached the end, Su Chen saw a person standing in front of him.

This man only had a back, but like a sun in the dark universe, it was extremely dazzling and covered everything.


Su Chen moved forward against the strange pressure emanating from the other party, and couldn't help but smell it.

The other party seemed not to have heard his words, and remained standing tall, dressed in white, as airy as a fairy.

"Are you ignoring me? Or...this guy is not a living person?"

Su Chen felt a little weird. For a being with such strength, his life should be burning like a flame, with amazing vitality. But now, although the other party is eye-catching, it lacks vitality.

If the other party is still alive, it should be more terrifying, right?

Su Chen reluctantly moved his body, but he couldn't get close. If he moved even a little further, his skin would break under the strong pressure.

This was not an illusion, because Su Chen had already tried it. As long as he moved a little bit, blood would burst out from his body. If he moves any further, I believe his body will be exploded.

"Is this a peerless strong man?"

Su Chen came to the other side. Although the distance between him and the man was not close, from this angle, he could see the other person's face.

The other person was a man who looked to be in his early forties, very handsome. Even with his eyes closed, there is an indescribable domineering air, as if he is the center of the world and he has no shame in abandoning him.

However, this is indeed a dead person, completely lifeless.

A dead man is already so powerful that he can't even get close to him, and he can explode people into pieces.

Just when Su Chen was looking at him, he saw the corners of the other party's mouth suddenly raised slightly, revealing a smile.

"Is this a corpse scam?"

Su Chen murmured to himself.

However, he immediately discovered that the body of the man in white was disappearing into smoke, as if it were made of dust, dispersing layer by layer, and finally naturalized between heaven and earth.

A voice resounded in Su Chen's soul sea, like a yellow bell and a big Lu, and it seemed like the beginning of the universe.

"My name is Zuo Huang. In order to pursue the path to the pinnacle of martial arts, I have spent all my efforts to find this place where Emperor Tianya Martial Arts used to be. The more I understand the achievements of Emperor Tianya Martial Arts, the more I admire them, and I decided to voluntarily stay here to serve as Emperor Tianya Martial Arts. Wake."

"Even if I cannot achieve the pinnacle of martial arts, I have no regrets."

It turns out that the man in white is just a man on the road to pursue the pinnacle of martial arts.

As for Tianya Martial Emperor, the name sounds like a certain powerful Martial Emperor from ancient times.

After learning about the life of Tianya Martial Emperor, the man in white gave up his path to the pinnacle of martial arts and was willing to guard his funeral.

I don’t know what the Tianya Martial Emperor did during his lifetime to make a person give up on the path to the pinnacle of martial arts, endure countless years of loneliness, and spend the rest of his life here?

While Su Chen was thinking about it, the voice continued to sound.

"Emperor Tianya Wu arranged this palace to suppress the extremely gloomy eye between heaven and earth, so as to prevent ghosts from appearing and causing harm to the world."

"However, even the powerful Martial Emperor cannot withstand the vicissitudes of time. When I came here, the seal left by the Tianya Martial Emperor had already begun to be worn away by the years."

"I have devoted my life's efforts to barely strengthen the seal. It should be able to protect it for thousands of years."

"For those who come later, your ability to come here shows that your mind, perseverance, talent, and potential are all top choices. You will have a chance to reach the pinnacle of martial arts in the future."

"If you achieve anything in the future, I hope you can come back here and strengthen the seal, just like I did back then."

"Emperor Tianya Wu left an opportunity here. Because I am determined to keep vigil here for the rest of my life, I did not take it and left it with you."

At the end of the sentence, the voice gradually weakened and finally disappeared.

Su Chen was speechless for a long time, and he also had admiration for Zuo Huang.

The other party is willing to keep vigil here, on the one hand, it is out of respect for the Tianya Martial Emperor, and on the other hand, it is also to suppress the extremely Yin Eye and avoid the appearance of ghosts. How can such a mind not make people awe-inspiring.

The man in white suddenly turned into nothingness. He used all his strength to strengthen the seal. Now that his obsession was gone, he completely disappeared.

Su Chen sighed in his heart, throughout the ages, there has never been a shortage of great figures, who are admired by those who come after them.

Su Chen thought to himself that if it were him, he might not choose the same approach as Zuo Ci. Instead, he would work hard to become the Martial Emperor, enter the Eye of Extreme Yin, solve the problem completely, and solve the problem once and for all.

Of course, even Tianya Martial Emperor only left a seal to suppress it, which shows that this extremely Yin Eye must be extremely difficult to eliminate.

Su Chen walked forward. There was a stone table in front of him, with something placed on it.

This is the treasure left by Emperor Tianya for those who come after him, a piece of dark metal no bigger than a fist.

A stream of chaotic breath hung down from the metal, each breath was extremely heavy, and lightning flashed from time to time, as if it could open up the world.

"The source of pure gold!"

Su Chen was shocked, no less shocked than when he discovered a prehistoric beast in the ant hole.

There is actually a source of pure gold in this place!

This source of pure gold, as the name suggests, is the purest metallic object in the world. This thing is extremely rare. Even people at the level of Emperor Wu may not be able to get one. It's not because of lack of strength, but a matter of luck.

Emperor Tianya Wu was extremely lucky and got two pieces of pure gold. One was obtained in his early years and was cast into his famous magic weapon Tianya Sword, while the other was obtained in his later years and was never forged into a magic weapon. It is left here and given to the destined people in future generations.

Su Chen couldn't help but sigh, what kind of unlucky luck did he have to get a piece of pure metallic gold that even Emperor Wu would cherish.

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