Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4307: Tempering Perseverance

"Is there a problem here? But isn't Xiao Nizi skating?"

Su Chen changed direction and walked in the opposite direction of the palace. Sure enough, he immediately felt the change in his position. Walking around the palace again, there are also changes in location.

However, as long as you walk in the direction of the palace, you can't make any progress.

"The formation must have been arranged, but this formation is very clever, and no trace can be detected at the moment."

Su Chen returned to the position facing the palace gate, planning to fight to the death here.

He decided to just keep moving forward and see what would happen. The worst that can happen is that it will be a waste of time, but there may be amazing opportunities in it.

Su Chen started to walk, but using the little girl next to him as a reference, he walked for a long time without moving at all.

When Qing Zoubu was activated, he could only see his body shaking, but his position did not change.

Su Chen stopped walking and continued to try at a normal pace.

After half a day, the little girl complained that she was hungry.

Although it is not necessary for a warrior to eat every day, this little glutton strictly abides by three meals a day without skipping a meal.

Su Chen threw out dry food and asked her to eat whatever she wanted. This made the little girl very dissatisfied and complained that Su Chen was abusing children.

Su Chen had a feeling that this inaccessible palace might be a test.

He believed in his own judgment. This was a test of his soul and will. If he was not firm enough, he would only be disappointed.

The little girl on the side was nibbling dry food and watching Su Chen keep trying, but she felt that Su Chen was just in vain as he kept spinning in circles and it was impossible to break the formation.

"Oh, I met a stupid big brother!"

The little girl couldn't help but sigh.

Su Chen ignored her and just insisted on following his own feelings.

The day passed quickly, and Su Chen was still trying.

"Brother, you are the biggest fool in the world!"

The little girl didn't admire Su Chen's perseverance at all, but instead made sarcastic remarks to the side.

Su Chen just laughed. After walking all day, his body was a little tired, but he had no intention of stopping.

Soon, another day passed.

Next, another day...

In this way, they walked for four consecutive days without rest. Even though Su Chen's physical body was strong, he still felt tired and had the urge to fall asleep.

A formation has obviously been imposed here. Walking here is several times more tiring than walking elsewhere.

But Su Chen still didn't give up. If he gave up at this time, all his previous efforts would be wasted.

"Brother, don't be stubborn! Haven't you ever thought that what you are doing is actually in vain? If you continue like this, you will only waste more and more time!"

The little girl finally couldn't stand it anymore, mainly because it was too boring. There was nothing happening here, and she always looked at the same scenery, which made her vomit.

If she hadn't been able to do so, she would have gone ashore first.

On the eighth day, Su Chen's clothes were soaked with sweat, and his hair was all wet and stained.

But even so, Su Chen's eyes were still bright and his will was firm.

In fact, Su Chen's body had reached its limit, and now he was only supported by his will.

He also knows that he may be busy, but now he has regarded this as a kind of training.

This is a test of will, to see how far you can persist without the pressure of life and death.

This kind of training can maximize one's potential, which will definitely be of great benefit to one's future practice.

Nine days later, Su Chen's true energy and physical strength were exhausted. If an enemy comes at this time, you can easily kill him.

However, who can get to the bottom of such a lake? If there was anyone who could do it, it would be someone he couldn't resist even at his peak.

Therefore, Su Chen confidently and boldly consumed all his energy.

Now Su Chen is really moving purely by his tenacious will, and his legs are moving mechanically.

The little girl laughed at him at first, but then she shut up.

Even though she thought Su Chen was wasting his life by doing this, she could only admire his tenacity.

Such a person deserves her respect!

"Good boy, although this guy is not an innate body, his will is too terrifying."

The little girl also murmured in her heart, "He can cultivate such a strong fighting power, coupled with such a will, it will be difficult for him to achieve anything in the future."

Su Chen's pace became slower and slower. Although his will was indeed strong, it was still restricted by his physical body, which had its limits.

Now Su Chen was about to reach his limit, every step was as slow as a tortoise crawling.

But at this moment, the little girl suddenly opened her mouth wide!

She finally discovered that Su Chen was approaching the palace step by step!

This actually works!

No matter how Su Chen moved before, it seemed to her that he was standing still, but now he was actually approaching the palace.

Really let him do it!

"The owner of this palace must be a stupid fool!"

The little girl made a comment.

Su Chen didn't feel anything himself. His mind went blank, except for one thought, which was to leave.

The square was very big, but only a hundred feet long. Su Chen was very slow, taking every step as fast as a turtle, but he was getting closer after all.

Almost half an hour later, Su Chen arrived at the palace gate.

Now that he had no choice but to move forward, Su Chen suddenly realized that he had already made it through.

Su Chen felt relieved and immediately fell forward. He snored in an instant and fell asleep.

And just as he fell, the palace door opened with a bang.

The little girl was jumping and screaming in the distance. She couldn't come directly to Su Chen, and she had no interest in running for ten days to meet Su Chen, so she could only shout to Su Chen loudly.

Su Chen slept for a whole day and a night this time, and finally woke up again.

He was in severe pain all over his body and seemed to be falling apart, but his energy was surprisingly strong.

After taking out the healing elixir and recovering his physical injuries, Su Chen called to the little girl in the distance: "Wait there, I'll go in and take a look."

"If you don't tell me, they won't go in."

The little girl licked the candy with a proud look on her face.

Su Chen shrugged, turned and walked towards the palace.


Su Chen shuddered and quickly activated the energy of the fire attribute immortal map, but found that it did nothing.

This coldness does not come from the physical body, but from the soul level. It is a kind of spiritual suppression, like entering the underworld.

"This place is too evil."

Su Chen looked around, were he sure this was really a palace and not a big tomb?

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