Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4301 It’s all a coincidence

"Prepare for a hard landing!"

The little girl shouted. Although she was very anxious, she didn't sound panic at all. Instead, she was very excited, as if she was doing it on purpose.


Before Su Chen could say anything, the flying boat had landed, hit it hard, and was still rowing forward under the powerful force.

After more than ten seconds, the flying boat stopped.

"Hahaha, perfect landing!"

The little girl shouted excitedly and danced.

Su Chen didn't want to talk anymore. He was afraid that if he spoke, he would slap this girl to death.


At this moment, a hand suddenly hit Feizhou's window, and then a gray face appeared.

This scene seems a bit familiar.

Su Chen thought that when they first arrived in Cangtian Territory, the little girl also hit the ground with her flying boat and hit someone. Thanks to that Yuan Xu was in the Guiyi Realm, otherwise he would have died if he was hit like that.

As a result, this time, I bumped into someone again.

Su Chen looked out the window at the face whose anger was about to materialize, and felt a little guilty in his heart. Although the face could not be seen clearly, the eyes and movements seemed familiar.

They wouldn't have bumped into the same person, right?

It shouldn't be possible, it couldn't be such a coincidence.

Su Chen asked the little girl to put away the flying boat, and at the same time he was preparing to fight. Who knew whether the other party would be easy to talk to.

Although it is true that they were the first to offend others, it does not mean that they have to be beaten.

The little girl directly turned the flying boat into a battle armor, armed it on her body, and prepared to fight. She is a big devil, what does it mean to her if she bumps into someone?

"Sure enough, it's you again!"

The gray guy opposite made a sound of gnashing his teeth.

Hearing this voice, Su Chen's mouth couldn't help but twitch. He could tell that the guy who was unfortunately hit was Yuan Xu.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Why is this guy so unlucky?

"Would you believe me if I said we didn't hit you on purpose?"

Su Chen smiled.

"What do you think? Would you believe it if it were you?"

Yuan Xu gritted his teeth.

"Of course I believe it."

Su Chen said sincerely, "We didn't put anything on you to track you, so how could we bump into you on purpose? This is all just a coincidence."


Yuan Xu sighed, "I always thought you were an evil star. Sure enough, I deliberately hid in such a remote place. Unexpectedly, I still couldn't avoid you!"

Su Chen secretly complained in his heart, if you hadn't come to this place where birds don't lay eggs, you wouldn't have been hit a second time, right?


The little girl was laughing loudly, leaning forward and back.

"Hey, Brother Yuan, there is a Gui Yi Realm Divine Weapon here. I'll give it to you as compensation."

Su Chen took out a sword and handed it over. It was obtained by killing Wang Ting before. Because he was killed instantly, Wang Ting didn't even have a chance to use the magic weapon.

There was nothing he could do. He almost killed the other party both times. Su Chen would feel bad if he didn't give him some compensation.

Although this long sword is not as good as Su Chen's Misty Thunder Hammer, it is still a Guiyi Realm magic weapon, so it is naturally very good for making favors.

Yuan Xu couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. Although among the big forces, this kind of magic weapon at the beginning of the Guiyi Realm was nothing, but to the individual people, especially the three people at the beginning of the Guiyi Realm, such a magic weapon was insignificant. So precious.

What's even more coincidental is that he happens to be using a sword.

So he couldn't refuse this gift at all, so he could only shamelessly reach out and take it, sighing: "Even if I get hit by you again in the future, I will accept it."

"That's impossible."

Su Chen hurriedly denied it, but he was murmuring in his heart. With how unlucky this guy was, it was really possible that he would bump into him a third time.

Yuan Xu lost his temper and sat down to eat and chat with Su Chen and the others. It turns out that this guy came here because he found a dusty cave nearby. He once belonged to a strong man at the third level of Guiyi Realm. Now that strong man has fallen long ago and may have left behind treasures.

Yuan Xu was invited by someone to form a team and enter this place together.

Su Chen naturally had no interest in going with Yuan Xu. He had not yet entered the Guiyi Realm, so there was little point in joining in the fun.

He didn't even look down on the strong men who were at the third level of the Guiyi Realm. It doesn't matter if it's just a quick trip, but if it delays the refining of the Holy Martial Kaitian Pill, it will definitely not work.

After dinner, Su Chen said goodbye to Yuan Xu. The other party now had a Guiyi realm magic weapon, which greatly increased his confidence.

It only took Su Chen and his party a while to reach their destination - a lake.

This lake is so huge that it is more like a sea than a lake. It is said that it is more than 10,000 miles in the widest place and more than 3,000 miles in the narrowest place.

The entire lake area is suppressed by heaven and earth. Just like the previous valley, the strong ones from the Guiyi Realm will also be suppressed below the Guiyi Realm.

Sometimes those who are strong in the Guiyi Realm don't pay attention and fly over the lake. If the height is not high enough, they will be suppressed by the general trend of the world and fall from the sky inexplicably.

Like the previous valley, there are all kinds of water-attribute creatures wandering around in the lake. If you kill them, you can get the essence of water. When the water essence is collected to a certain extent, it can be condensed into a water-attribute holy martial stone.

"Let's work separately. This time, we will meet here again in a month."

Su Chen said.

"Okay, young master."

All nine brothers responded and left.

Su Chen also took the trouble-loving Xiao Nizi into the lake.

This place is obviously more troublesome than the valley, because the water is a three-dimensional space, much larger than the valley, and the water creatures are more scattered, making it more difficult to find.

Su Chen and the little girl took a breath and sank into the lake.

Suddenly, a strange cold hit them, causing their blood to freeze into ice in an instant.

"So cold, so cold."

The little girl folded her arms with her hands and shivered.

Su Chen activated the fire-attributed immortal energy, covering the body surface and driving away the cold. But in this case, there is one more consumption.

The little girl also inspired the energy of the fire attribute fairy diagram, which also repels the cold.

"It's really not nice here, people hate it here!"

The little girl pouted.

Su Chen smiled and dived into the lake with her.

The lake was very big and naturally very deep. When Su Chen activated his third eye, he could only see about 200 feet below the water. It was too dark to see anything further down.

The lake is bone-chillingly cold, and there are many icebergs in the water, forming huge shadows, like super-large prehistoric beasts, quietly sinking there.

After swimming for a while, a fish appeared in front of the two of them. It was almost a foot long. Its body was long and flat, and the widest point was only more than a foot. It was like a long ribbon floating in the water.

The fish spotted Su Chen and the two of them, and immediately launched an attack. It opened its mouth and spit out an ice arrow, shooting towards Su Chen.

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