Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4293: Separate Actions

Yuan Xu showed a bitter face. Is this girl really a little brat? Why did he feel as if he had encountered a little devil?


Yuan Xu sighed deeply, and then said, "What do you want to know?"

That is to say, he is more pleasing to Su Chen. Otherwise, he can just turn around and leave. If he is in the Guiyi Realm, no matter how powerful the opponent's flying boat magic weapon is, he will not be unable to leave.

"The place of holy martial arts."

Su Chen spit out four words.

"Do you want to refine the Holy Martial Opening Pill?"

When Yuan Xu heard this, he asked.

"That's right."

Su Chen nodded.

"Then you are commendable for your courage. However, I would like to remind you that it will take an extremely long time to collect the Holy Martial Stones. You'd better be mentally prepared."

Yuan Xu said, "I heard that there was once a man who was a genius when he was young. Later, he spent five or six hundred years refining the Holy Martial Opening Pill. Although the pill was finally refined, he was old and left. Death is not far away, but the elixir you made will be of benefit to others."

"Thank you, Brother Yuan, for reminding me. I'll remember it."

Su Chen smiled.

Yuan Xu was very interesting and gave Su Chen a map, which plotted the location and terrain of some holy martial lands.

"I gave it to you, but it's not worth anything anyway."

Yuan Xu laughed.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan. I owe you a favor."

Su Chen sincerely thanked him. He would not only come to Cangtian Territory once, but when he came for the second time, he would definitely be in the Guiyi Realm.

"No, no, no!"

Yuan Xu said in a loud voice, "I give you this map to end the cause and effect between us. From today on, you will treat us as if we have never met. I am afraid of being hit by you again!"

After saying that, Yuan Xu stood up and ran away quickly.

Su Chen glanced at the little girl, who also looked at him. They both pointed at each other and said, "It's all you who scared people away."

After saying that, both of them laughed. Su Chen prides himself on being thick-skinned, but this little girl is definitely not thin-skinned either.

Su Chen and the little girl followed the directions on the map. Coincidentally, the place they landed was only more than a day's walk from the first holy martial arts place.

There is a valley with boiling flames, so it is a place of fire-attribute holy martial arts.

In this valley, there are many fire creatures condensed from the essence of fire. They were born here, but they are also completely bound here and can never leave.

On the second day, Su Chen and the little girl came to the land of fire attribute holy martial arts.

"What a powerful suppressive force!"

The little girl cried out, "I can't use my magic weapon anymore!"

Su Chen also felt it, but found that only the combat power of the Nirvana Realm could be exerted here. He could feel the suppression of the power of the formation here, but he didn't know whether it was natural or man-made caused by the general trend of heaven and earth.

It is precisely because of this that the Holy Martial Stone becomes so precious, because no matter how high your cultivation level is, if you come here, you will only have the combat power of the Nirvana Realm, and there is no way to improve your efficiency.

"But it's good this way, I don't have to worry about who will be unfavorable to me in the Holy Martial Land."

Su Chen smiled.

"Hit people!"


The little girl and the Tao brothers listened and raised their arms and shouted, showing excitement.

When Su Chen saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel black lines on his forehead. He began to doubt whether bringing them out together was really the right choice.

But now that I have brought them all out, I can only continue walking.

Continuing forward, the suppressive power of heaven and earth becomes more and more powerful. It can be clearly felt that there is an invisible shackles imposed on them, but they have not made any substantial changes.

This is because only the strong ones above Guiyi Realm will be truly suppressed by their strength, and their strength is still too weak to suppress them.

This valley is very big. Before you really enter the valley, you can see that it is surrounded by scorched earth. The color is mainly black, but from time to time you can see flashes of red flames.

A person appeared in front of him. He staggered over. When he saw Su Chen and his group, he showed a look of surprise. He stretched out his hand and said, "Water, water, water, I want water!"

Su Chen glanced over and saw that this man was frighteningly thin, as skinny as skin and bones, and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets, so he took out a water bag and handed it over.

The man took the water bag and drank it. He drank the whole bag of water quickly, and the effect was obvious. His withered face immediately became plump.

But then, a strange scene happened. Water vapor began to evaporate from the man's body, and soon his face shriveled up again, just like before he drank water.

"Water, I want water!"

The man shouted to Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head. Drinking water was obviously useless. This person was not simply dehydrated, but had a powerful fire burning in his body. No matter how much water you drink, it will only evaporate and will not solve the problem at all.

"I said, give me water!"

The man roared, his eyes stern and filled with murderous intent.


He jumped out and punched Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his hand casually, and the man was knocked out.


The man screamed, and his whole body suddenly turned into a ball of flames, burning fiercely, and was soon reduced to charcoal.

"Brother, he just asked you for some water. Even if you don't give it, you don't have to burn him to death, right?"

The little girl shook her head, and then thought about it, "Killing people and setting fires. Killing people and setting fires means setting fires to kill people."

Su Chen said with a dark face, "First of all, I didn't kill him. Moreover, I didn't set him on fire."

The little girl gave Su Chen a roll of his eyes: "Did he start the fire himself?"

Su Chen was too lazy to pay attention to her.

"It seems that this place is indeed extremely dangerous."

Su Chen concluded, "That man should have been collecting fire essence in the valley, but during the long battle, his body was gradually eroded by the fire poison, and he eventually burned himself alive."

"Let's go, finish it early and call it a day."

Su Chen took the little girl and the nine brothers into the valley. There were flaming creatures wandering in the valley, some in animal form, some in bird form, and some in human form.

These flame creatures seem to have a fixed area of ​​activity and will not easily cross the boundary. So even if Su Chen and his group appeared, not a single creature would take the initiative to leave their area and attack them.

Until Su Chen took a few steps forward, he saw a tiger with its body covered in flames suddenly rushing towards him.


Su Chen destroyed it with one punch, leaving a spark on the ground.

"Is this the essence of fire?"

Su Chen picked up the sparks, which looked like dancing flames and burned his hands.

"Everyone split up."

Su Chen said.

The nine brothers cooperated very well. They all responded, and then they split up to attack the creatures and collect the essence of fire.

However, the little girl still followed Su Chen. She was a lazy person and there was no way she could do hard labor.

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