Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4289 Major Events in the Imperial Capital

"Well, since you insist on taking care of me, I'll let you take care of me."

The little girl looks very "reluctant"

"Don't be nice just to get an advantage."

Su Chen said expressionlessly.


The little girl showed a flattering smile.

The two began to move forward, returning to the Black Moon Imperial Capital.

After walking for a while, she complained that her legs were sore and asked Su Chen to carry her. After walking for a while, I complained that I was hungry again.

Su Chen secretly regretted that he had picked up an ancestor, so why did he have to be curious to see some shooting stars before?

If he was given another chance, he would definitely not watch it.

"Brother, look at the shooting stars!"

The little girl suddenly shouted.

Su Chen subconsciously looked up at the sky and breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that it was really just a simple meteor and not a visitor from outside.

Two days later, Su Chen returned to the imperial capital with a big head.

Yu Tang is simply a problem child through and through, and the problem is huge, causing countless troubles along the way.

The little girl also looked depressed. She was in high spirits and wanted to set fire to rob people along the way, but Su Chen stopped her, which made her too depressed.

She is here to be the big devil!

Su Chen felt that it was necessary to enlighten this problem child. Otherwise, there were so many people in the imperial capital, and it would be hard to imagine the terrible destructive power that this little girl could cause if she really got excited about playing.

The key is that there is a powerful person in the virtual destruction realm behind the other party, and it will be very troublesome if he is involved.

"Tangtang, why do you want to be the big devil?"

Su Chen asked.

"Well, because grandpa is the old devil, Tangtang wants to be the big devil."

The little girl was drooling while looking at the candied haws sold on the street and said absently.

"What did your grandpa do that outraged both humans and gods to be called the Demon King?"

Su Chen asked.

"Hehe, grandpa calls himself the Demon King of the Ultimate Way, and he is dedicated to making enemies of those hypocrites who claim to be righteous."

The little girl smiled and said, "When he was young, many saints from major sects liked him. Later, those saints became my little grandmother."

"My grandpa only has one daughter, my mother. My mother was very disobedient and secretly ran away from home since she was a child. Later, she entered the sect where my father is, and the two of us got along well."

The little girl added, and at the same time reached out to take out two bunches of candied haws from a roadside stall, and ate them crunchily.

Su Chen's forehead was covered with black lines, and he believed that the problem of running away from home was inherited.

"Wait a minute, how old was your mother when she ran away from home?"

Su Chen asked.

"About fifteen or sixteen."

The little girl said while chewing candied haws.

Su Chen secretly thought in his heart, that is quite normal, unlike this girl, who is completely a problem child.

Su Chen gave money to the vendor selling candied haws, which made the little girl very unhappy. After all, how could he give money to the devil when he was eating? Wouldn't it damage the image of the Demon King?

"Don't worry, the imperial capital is full of dandies. When I have time, I will take you to fight them all."

Su Chen smiled.

"Wow, wow!"

The little girl became excited and clapped her hands.

Su Chen took her back to the Privy Council. She grabbed Su Chen's clothes with one hand and seemed very scared.

Su Chen was also speechless. This girl was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. Bringing her back might be a very wrong decision.

"Hey, such a beautiful little girl?"

Huo Xiu finally walked out and when he saw Su Chen and the two of them, he winked and said, "Brother, this can't be your... illegitimate daughter, right?"

"I'm not a little girl!"

The little girl immediately corrected her, "I am beautiful, cute, well-behaved, filial...brave, smart little Tangtang!"

Huo Xiu had never seen such a battle before. After hearing this, he couldn't recover for a long time. After a long time, he said: "Brother, this can't be some old monster turned into a little girl, right?"

"You are the old monster! How old are you?"

The little girl was very dissatisfied, pointed her finger at Huo Xiu, and shouted: "Super exclusive light cannon, level one preparation, level two preparation, fire!


A beam of light suddenly burst out from her palm. The speed was astonishing, and it hit Huo Xiu in an instant.

"Your sister!"

Huo Xiu didn't have time to dodge. He just let out a scream and was suddenly knocked away and hit the wall hard.

Seeing this scene, Tangtang smiled and became harmless and obedient again, sitting on the small bench and eating candied haws.

Su Chen didn't stop him. The power of this light cannon was at the high level of the Nirvana Realm, and it wasn't enough to kill Huo Xiu.

Just let Huo Xiu suffer a little, and he won't dare to mess with this little girl anymore.

At this time, Princess Yunxue's figure also came out gracefully.

When she saw that Su Chen was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief. When she saw the little girl next to Su Chen, her eyebrows lit up.

"What are you looking at? Are you jealous that Tangtang is prettier than you?"

The little girl smiled and said, "It's a pity that you are an ugly person and can only think about it."

Princess Yunxue suddenly turned dark. This girl is pretty, but her mouth is too bad.

"You can't be rude and call me sister."

Su Chen corrected.

The little girl curled her lips and looked very reluctant, but she still called out: "Ugly sister."

Princess Yunxue's face turned even darker. It would be better not to scream.

"Where did you pick this kid up?"

Princess Yunxue was also curious. Didn't Su Chen say he was going to the World Martial Arts Conference? Why did he bring a baby back?

Could this be Su Chen's illegitimate daughter?

"It fell from the sky and I picked it up."

Su Chen smiled.

Princess Yunxue just laughed and rolled her eyes at Su Chen.

It was obvious that Su Chen's words could be used to deceive a two-year-old child, but she didn't believe it at all.

"Has anything big happened in the capital these days?"

Su Chen asked Princess Yunxue.


Princess Yunxue nodded, "Now all the major forces are vying to expand their territory, forming a pattern headed by the four high-level forces of the Guiyi Realm. Other forces have joined one of these four major forces, and almost all of them are close to the two. The division of the Moon Territory is complete.”

"According to the news, these forces have been sending out manpower to search recently, as if they are looking for something."

Su Chen nodded, as expected, it was just as he expected.

He had wondered before why these high-ranking Guiyi Realm leaders had just escaped from prison and went to these places to establish sects. This is extremely unreasonable.

There is only one explanation, it is that they want to get something here.

It might be a magic weapon, it might be a natural treasure, but no matter what it is, it is definitely something extremely precious.

After all, no one knows whether the superior domain will suddenly send someone to Shuangyue Domain to check it out on a whim. To stay here despite such risks must be for something extremely valuable.

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