Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4287 I’m so pitiful

"Don't go, don't go."

The little girl immediately chased after her, "Brother, what's your name?"

This girl was quite familiar. Su Chen smiled and said to her, "My name is Su Chen. What's yours?"

"My name is the Great Demon King!"

The little girl straightened her chest and said with dignity.

Su Chen just laughed and said nothing.

"Well, since you want to know so much, I'll kindly tell you."

The little girl hummed, "My name is Yu Tang, but everyone in my family calls me Tangtang."

"Tangtang, well, this name suits you very well."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Tangtang, why did you run out alone?"

"Hey, you don't want to kidnap me, do you?"

Yu Tang suddenly showed a vigilant expression, took a step back, and said as if facing a formidable enemy, "Let me tell you, I am very powerful. If you want to abduct me, you will be in trouble!"

Immediately, her expression changed without any warning, and she burst into tears, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Mom, Tangtang wants to go home, the people outside are so scary, they want to kidnap beautiful, cute, well-behaved, filial..."

She counted a dozen advantages in one breath on her fingers, and then said, "... Brave, smart Tangtang!"

Su Chen was speechless and said, "Don't worry, I won't kidnap you."

"You really don't know how to kidnap and sell Tangtang?"

The little girl wiped the tears from her eyes and asked.


Su Chen shook his head decisively, and then muttered, "You have to be able to sell it."

"Uuuuuuuuah, you really still want to sell me!"

The little girl burst into tears again, "Wow, wow, I'm so pitiful!"

While crying, she peeled off the candy in her hand, put it in her mouth and ate it.

She stopped crying while eating the candy, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Then you have to find a better family for me, and I have to have candy every day."

"I said I won't sell it! I won't sell it!"

Su Chen said with dark lines on his face.

"Oh, it's boring. I won't play anymore. People still think it's quite interesting."

The little girl sighed in disappointment, and then chewed the candy with a happy look.

Su Chen was certain that this little girl was definitely not from the Black Moon Dynasty, but from another domain. However, her background should be greater than that of Yang Xian, so she can drive a valuable spaceship by herself.

"You ran away from home, right?"

Su Chen asked.

"how do you know?"

The little girl was shocked, "Are you following me secretly and want to kidnap me a long time ago? Oh, I can't help it. Who told me to be so beautiful, cute, well-behaved, and filial..."

She started talking with her fingers again. At the end of the sentence, she also forgot the words, "Uh, uh..."

"Brave and smart."

Su Chen said for her.

"Yeah, yes, Tangtang is so good!"

The little girl nodded vigorously, her silver hair shining in the sun.

Su Chen was speechless, wondering if he had misunderstood the point. Wasn't he just talking about abduction and trafficking?

"It's almost time for you to go back. Your family will be worried."

Su Chen said.

Although Yang Xian was knocked on the back of the head and robbed, it was because the other party deserved it. But for such a child, Su Chen would naturally not take action.

"No, no, no!"

The little girl shook her head desperately, "Mom scolded me, dad didn't help me, and grandpa isn't here either. I'm going to run away from home and worry them to death!"

"Why did your mother scold you?"

Su Chen asked.

"My mother scolded me when I ate slowly. My father was even worse and wouldn't help me!"

The little girl said angrily.

Su Chen's face was full of black lines again, and he felt that this was a little ancestor.

"Hurry up and take the flying boat back."

Su Chen waved his hand and said.

"No, the energy is used up!"

The little girl grabbed the corner of Su Chen's clothes and begged, "Brother, I think you are so kind. I feel familiar when I see you. Can you let me be your daughter for a few days? Look, I'm so beautiful, smart, and well-behaved..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Su Chen quickly stopped, "I can't afford to support you."

This girl's snacks are all made of green bamboo. Even if she sells her at this stage, he can't afford it.

"It's okay, I've prepared plenty of snacks."

The little girl said proudly, "Since I ran away from home, how could I not be fully prepared?"

Hey, that sounds nice, but why didn't you bring more energy sources with you so that the flying boat would have no energy to go back?

"Are all your space rings used to hold snacks?"

Su Chen complained secretly in his heart, and then asked.

"Then why are you pretending?"

The little girl asked back, looking confident.

Su Chen sighed and said: "Okay, you will follow me for the next few days, and when you get the energy of the flying boat, you will go home immediately!"

Although the little girl has a strange brain circuit, at this time, she was surprisingly well-behaved and did not disobey Su Chen.

In fact, Xiaoya was thinking triumphantly in her mind, when the flying boat will have energy, isn't she the one who has the final say?

Her great ideal is to establish a dynasty, and then find many handsome big brothers to line up to feed her sweets!


Su Chen's expression suddenly changed, and he sensed more than one powerful aura approaching.

Su Chen just wanted to activate the void array, but it was already too late. He only heard a few whistling sounds, and five figures had already appeared in front of him.

It was Yang Xian and his four old servants!

I have to say, these people are really haunted.

Su Chen knew that it must be the sound of Xiao Nizi driving the flying boat that attracted these people. However, he was a little surprised that these people were still nearby.

"Master, it's him!"

The old man who had met Su Chen before immediately pointed at Su Chen and shouted.

When he saw Su Chen now, he was filled with anger, causing him to be scolded so severely by Yang Xian that he began to doubt his life.

Yang Xian looked at Su Chen. He felt that it was quite a coincidence. He and the others were attracted by the movement of the flying boat. He did not expect to meet this boy by such a coincidence.

However, if this guy is "Huangfu Jue", then it's not surprising that this guy would appear here. When my group first landed in the Shuangyue Territory, weren't they attacked immediately by this kid?

If it is really this kid, then he will make this kid regret coming to this world!

Yang Xian glanced at the little girl Yu Tang again and couldn't help but be startled, why is this girl so small?

In theory, you can use the teleportation array to travel back and forth between domains, but Yang Xian knew that the Shuangyue Domain only had teleportation arrays with the Cangtian Domain, and there were no teleportation arrays with other domains at all.

This girl is not from the Cangtian Territory. In other words, she drove a flying boat across the void to get here!

To have such an extraordinary flying boat, there must be a high-level Guiyi Realm standing behind her!

As for why he is not a powerful person in the realm of annihilation?

Because the level of the Shuangyue Realm is very low, how can a great master of the Destruction Realm be able to see it?

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