Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4285 Annihilation Energy

The first place is Lingquan, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so rich that it turns into mist. Not only can it assist cultivation, but if the spring water in the spiritual spring is used to assist in refining ninth-grade elixirs, the effect can be increased by several percent or even doubled.

Su Chen is currently still an eighth-level high-level alchemist and cannot refine ninth-level elixirs, but that day will not be too far away.

But there are very few spiritual springs. Each spring is no bigger than the mouth of a bottle, and the liquid inside can only hold a small bottle. It takes half a day to breed a new drop.

Su Chen did not take action immediately, but first tried to explore two other places.

The second place is a bit difficult to enter. There is a junior member of the Guiyi Realm who is in charge. The True Dragon Transformation has limited effect in front of him. Su Chen can only go to the third place first.

No one was sitting in the third place, but there was a formation of light flashing constantly, and it was so dense that it was impossible to get close.

"Is there a treasure house hidden in the formation?"

Su Chen tried to break the formation, but the level of this formation was extremely high, and it was not something he could just take a few glances at.

Su Chen thought hard, but after a night, he still had no clue, so he had no choice but to return to his residence.

Fortunately, there is still a lot of time.

The next night, Su Chen went there again.

The most popular, after three days, Su Chen finally had some clues.

This formation was not arranged by Master Jiufeng or anyone else, but it already existed here.

This is the conclusion that Su Chen came to through logical reasoning. There must be no formation masters in the prison. If there were, the prison would not be able to hold people at all.

This formation must have existed before, but it's just turned on now.

The world has experienced too many changes, and the general trend of heaven and earth has also undergone drastic changes, and the formation is based on the use of the general trend of heaven and earth. Therefore, this formation will definitely change, there will be loopholes, and it will no longer be as perfect as before.

"It can definitely be broken."

One month is actually very tight.

Su Chen also set a goal to open this formation before the apprenticeship meeting started and leave the Nine Phoenix Sect. Otherwise, if he really wanted to worship Master Jiufeng as his teacher in front of everyone, he would be disgusted to death.

And if the formation hadn't been broken by then, Su Chen didn't plan to go back, he could just dig up the spiritual spring and run away.

There are still fifteen days left before the one-month deadline.

Fourteen days…

Ten days...

seven days...

As time passed day by day, Su Chen finally made a major discovery and decided to test it tonight.

Late at night, Su Chen came to the formation again.

He activated his Third Eye, made another observation, and nodded: "There were no flaws here originally, but the drastic changes in the world caused some beneficial damage to the formation, causing flaws in the formation."

After saying that, Su Chen jumped up and entered the formation.

The formation's brilliance surged, but it did not attack Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled, his judgment was correct.

"Come again."

Su Chen stood up and stepped forward.

The formation still didn't respond, as if it didn't exist.

Su Chen opened his third eye and looked for the place where the power of heaven and earth suddenly changed. This was the node and the flaw in the formation.

Step by step, it took a full hour for Su Chen to finally step out of the formation.


The room in front is not big and occupies the center of the entire formation.

Su Chen pushed gently and the door opened.

This room is inlaid with luminous pearls everywhere, so that the room is not dark at night, and the soft light shines like moonlight.

But what about the treasure?

Apart from these luminous pearls, this place can be said to be bare with nothing.

There was only a stone table and a stone bench in the middle of the room, and a parchment scroll on the stone table.

Su Chen walked towards the stone table, sat down on the stone bench, and then picked up the roll of parchment.


Su Chen just glanced at it and immediately showed a look of surprise. The parchment scroll turned out to be an immortal diagram, which communicated dark energy.

Su Chen looked at the parchment carefully. A mysterious and mysterious aura emanated from the parchment and directly entered his soul sea, allowing him to absorb the profound meaning of the energy of this dark attribute fairy diagram.

Suddenly, Su Chen felt as if his soul had been drawn into a strange space. Dark energy was everywhere, and everything was destroyed wherever it went.

Every cell in Su Chen's body seemed to be vibrating, it seemed to be resonance, and it seemed to be joy. Su Chen's body was shaken, and his soul immediately returned to its original position.

As soon as he came to his senses, he staggered and almost fell.

what happened?

Su Chen looked down and couldn't help but be shocked, because just now he stood up unknowingly and put his hands on the stone table, but now there were two pieces missing where his hands were resting, and the missing parts were in the shape of a palm. .

And above his palms, there was a layer of extremely dark energy.

You know, he didn't use his true energy just now. With just one press, two pieces of the stone table were corroded. What kind of terrifying destructive power is this?

Su Chen stretched out his hand again and pressed it on the stone table. The stone in contact with his palm immediately disappeared, as if it had never existed.

"Is this the power of annihilation?"

Su Chen murmured to himself and looked at the parchment scroll again. He just looked at it for a while and actually grasped part of its secrets.

But strictly speaking, he did not fully master this Immortal Diagram. He only learned some of it and could activate part of the annihilation energy.

Su Chen continued to read, and at the end he realized that the Immortal Picture was incomplete.

Maybe only half, or even a third.

I learned a lot, but I couldn't activate the annihilation energy to the extreme.

Su Chen wanted to put the parchment scroll into the space ring, but found that a resistance circle was attached to it, preventing it from being put into the space ring.

"No wonder this parchment is here."

Su Chen secretly nodded. It was precisely because the parchment scroll could not be stored in the space ring, and Master Jiufeng wanted to study it, so he had to go to great lengths to arrange a formation to protect it so that he could study it all the time.

"Seeing that there is no dust on the stone table and bench, it is obvious that Master Jiu Feng has been studying this Immortal Picture."

"In other words, Master Jiufeng has never mastered this annihilation energy?"

"But I learned it right away..."

Su Chen scratched his head and didn't understand the key.

But no matter what, I can't stay here.

Su Chen stuffed the parchment scroll into his arms and left.

After stealing such an important thing, it was obviously impossible to continue to stay in Jiufeng Sect. Since this thing could not be stored in the space ring, he had no choice but to leave.

Su Chen went around the spiritual spring again, took out a clean spiritual spring, put it into the mustard space, and then left.

With the help of the void formation, he went down the mountain smoothly, and then released the true dragon transformation, returned to his original appearance, and walked swaggeringly.

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