Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 42 The Young Master of the Iron Clothes Sect

An hour later.

A strong wave of air suddenly arose around Su Chen, like a small tornado, blowing sand and rocks around.

His eyes suddenly opened, and the light of lightning was faint, releasing a strong pressure invisibly.

"I finally broke through to the tenth level of Qi Entrainment Realm!"

Su Chen slowly spit out a mouthful of white air arrows, his eyes gleaming with full confidence!

In just seven days after entering the Xingyang Mountains, he broke through from the peak of the eighth level of the Qi-entraining realm to the tenth level of the Qi-entraining realm. This incredible breakthrough speed, if told, no one would believe it.

"As expected, it is indeed a rare treasure from heaven and earth. Taking one pill actually improves your cultivation level by one level."

Su Chen sighed, taking this rare treasure of heaven and earth to improve his cultivation level was like riding a rocket. The ninth level of the air-entraining realm directly leads to the tenth level of the air-entraining realm. No wonder warriors are flocking to the rare treasures of heaven and earth, and no wonder those few The warriors from the Iron Clothes Sect are going to kill people for two strange jade fruits.

In the end, they lost their lives because of these two strange jade fruits, which can be regarded as reincarnation in heaven.

However, being able to improve one level of cultivation is also attributed to Su Chen's "Chaos Immortal Record" which can completely absorb all the spiritual energy in the strange jade fruit, without any waste.

"Young Master, this should be the direction."

"There can be no mistake. Wu Yi and the others were chasing in this direction just now."

In the woods not far away, faint voices suddenly came from.

That is to say, Su Chen has now broken through to the tenth level of the Qi Entrainment Realm, and his physical fitness has been improved accordingly, and his eyesight and ear power have been strengthened, so that he can clearly hear sounds from such a distance.

Soon, a group of people walked out of the woods. The leader was a well-dressed young man in his twenties, who was surrounded by seven or eight warriors, following them like followers.

The young man looked around and said impatiently: "You said Wu Yi and the others came in this direction after the three people who picked the strange jade fruit. Why haven't they been seen yet?"

A warrior quickly said: "Young Master, maybe the other party is too cunning, they are still tracking. If we move forward, we should be able to find them."

"Is something going to happen to Wu Yi and the others?" It was another warrior who spoke.

"Impossible. In this Xingyang Mountains, anyone who dares to mess with our iron gate will be seeking death."

A group of people were talking as they approached the open space where Su Chen and the others had been.

"Look!" A warrior suddenly shouted in shock, pointing to several corpses with their heads missing on the ground!

"Oh my god, it's Wu Yi and the others!"

"What happened? Wu Yi and the others were actually killed?"

These people from the Iron Clothes Sect are not fools. It can be seen from the corpses of Wu Yi and others that they were killed by the swords of human warriors. What's more, after the monster kills a person, the corpse will not be so complete. .

Everyone looked at each other, and one of them approached the corpse on the ground, squatted down and observed it carefully, and then said with a solemn face: "Young Master, look at these wounds. Four of them were killed at the same time by a sword!"

"Hiss! Kill four people with one sword?"

Everyone gasped, all extremely surprised.

"Are they the three people who picked the strange jade fruit?"

"Impossible, those three people can't defeat Wu Yi and the others at all, let alone kill them instantly with one sword."

"It's not them. Could it be that our Iron Clothes Sect has made some enemies in this area?"

"Okay, shut up! Listen to the young master!"

A middle-aged man in black who looked like a follower next to the young master gave a cold shout and stopped the discussion of the group of people.

Su Chen was standing not far away and had already noticed this middle-aged man in black. This man was the one with the strongest aura among the group of people, and his cultivation level should also be the highest. He could be called a strong man. By.

Next was the young man known as the Young Master, and then came the others.

The young master walked up to several corpses, looked at them, looked a little gloomy, and said: "Whoever dares to kill our Iron Clothes Sect disciples is sworn in with our Iron Clothes Sect! Search immediately, catch the murderer, and then kill him." No mercy!"

"Yes, kill without mercy!"

A group of Iron Clothes Sect warriors responded one after another.

"Huh? There's someone here!"

At this moment, someone finally noticed Su Chen standing aside.

A warrior from the Iron Clothes Sect walked towards Su Chen, looked at Su Chen up and down, and asked, "Boy, have you ever seen who killed these people while you were here?"

The Iron Clothes Sect warrior did not connect Su Chen with the murderer, perhaps because in his opinion, Su Chen was too young to have the strength to kill four people instantly with one sword.

"Didn't see it."

Su Chen shook his head. He was telling the truth. How could he see himself killing people?

"What? It turns out it's just a kid passing by."

As soon as Su Chen said he didn't see it, the Iron Clothes Sect warrior's eyes suddenly turned fierce. He looked at Su Chen unscrupulously and said, "Boy, you seem to be carrying something good?"

Su Chen had just taken the Qi Jade Fruit to achieve a breakthrough, and there was still a trace of the Qi Jade Fruit's rich spiritual energy on his body, but this warrior smelled it out and thought that Su Chen was carrying some precious herbs or elixirs.

At that moment, the Iron Clothes Sect warrior laughed ferociously: "Boy, although the things here have nothing to do with you, who made you appear here with good things? If you want to blame, just blame your own bad luck! "

It has to be said that the brothers from the Iron Clothes Sect are indeed from the same sect, and even the words they say are similar.

After the Iron Clothes Sect warrior finished speaking, he rushed towards Su Chen with a ferocious smile and slapped Su Chen with his palm.

However, before his palm could reach it, a thin line of blood suddenly appeared on his neck. His eyes widened in disbelief. His whole body froze in place, and then he fell straight down.

The other Iron Clothes Sect warriors who witnessed this scene were all stunned on the spot: "Boy, you actually killed Ding Xiao?"

"Boy, if you dare to kill anyone from our Iron Clothes Sect, you will have to pay with your life!"

The other man yelled angrily, drew his long sword and rushed towards Su Chen. However, before he could get close, Su Chen struck first and cut off his neck with a swipe of the Canghai Sword.

"How is that possible!" The remaining people were in disbelief when they saw this scene, and their pupils trembled violently.

"The two people he killed were both eighth-level warriors of the Qi-entraining realm, and they were killed instantly by his sword!"

A group of Iron Clothes Sect warriors stared at Su Chen in disbelief. Suddenly, one of them took a breath and said in disbelief: "Boy, could it be that you were the one who killed Wu Yi and his group just now...?"

Just now they saw Su Chen standing not far from the body, but they didn't connect Su Chen with the murderer, because in their minds, it was impossible for a fifteen-year-old boy to possess that level of strength.

But now they witnessed Su Chen killing two people instantly, which made them react and connected Su Chen with the murderer.

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