Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 390: The support of the prince

"What's the reason? Tell me quickly!"

The old man shouted.

"Master Su Chen, stop talking. The prince will arrive shortly. He has given instructions and it is up to him to settle everything." Commander Chen, who arrived later, shouted loudly.

Su Chen waved his hand, and then said to the old man: "The seventh prince's death was because he fell into the devil's path, and he brought it upon himself. If he is left in the world, there will be one more disaster in the world. As a righteous warrior, I will Naturally, it is our duty to do so.”


The seventh prince fell into the devil's path?

The people around him took a deep breath and showed incredulous expressions.

It turns out that the cause of the seventh prince's death was because he fell into the devil's path?

No wonder the Anyang County Prince's Mansion has been quiet these days. Could it be that Anyang County Prince already knew the cause of the seventh prince's death?

"So you killed him?"

The old man didn't seem to hear the first half of Su Chen's words at all. He just grabbed Su Chen's last words and asked coldly.

"That's right."

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders. He was responsible for everything he did, so naturally he would not let others suffer on his behalf.

The old man's expression immediately became gloomy, and his eyes fell heavily on Su Chen, as if a storm was about to come.

"You are so brave, you dare to kill the preliminary disciple of Dongchan Sect!" the old man shouted, "Today, you will never leave this area alive."

After saying that, the old man's cultivation level of the tenth level of the Transformation Realm erupted from the old man's body. He was condescending and domineering, and the powerful pressure pressed towards Su Chen like a tide.

Su Chen was not afraid, and his eyes suddenly burst out with two rays of light, stabbing at the old man. The stabbing pain in the old man's mind suddenly made him pause in his movements.

The old man was shocked and angry: "Ant, why are you plotting against me?"

Su Chen looked solemn. Facing a powerful person of this level, the Wild Blood Moon could only be used when the opponent was unprepared. It would not be able to truly reverse the situation.

Do you want to use the Blood Demon Sword?

Su Chen was making calculations when suddenly a powerful pressure enveloped the entire vicinity. Then, the majestic voice of Prince Anyang rang out: "Who dares to be so presumptuous in my territory?"

This voice shocked everyone's hearts, and a sense of awe came from their souls. He was truly worthy of being the king of a county. The king of Anyang County was so domineering.

"Prince Anyang?" The old man also frowned, and his expression became cautious.

He did not dare to underestimate the Prince of Anyang County. Although he knew that the other party had not broken through to the Lingtai Realm like himself, the other party was the master of a county. He naturally had an advantage in terms of momentum and could crush all the existences of the Transformation Realm. He was definitely not a person. Something to be underestimated.

Looking over, he saw the tall figure of Prince Anyang walking over quickly, followed by the eldest prince behind him.

"This is my king's Anyang County, not your Dongchan Sect's territory."

Prince Anyang spoke again, his majestic eyes staring at the old man warningly, "If it is an ordinary visit, I will naturally welcome it. But if you want to go on a killing spree, don't blame me for being rude and kill them one by one."

Even Su Chen didn't expect that Prince Anyang would have such a tough attitude.

Originally, he thought that even if Prince Anyang wanted to solve the problem, he would use a relatively mild solution to persuade the Dongchan Sect members to leave. But he didn't expect that Prince Anyang would speak so ruthlessly when he opened his mouth, even saying "come and kill each one".

But it's normal to think about it. If it were him, if someone came to his territory and wanted to kill someone, he would definitely not be too polite.

The people around him were even more excited. The Prince of Anyang County actually came to support Su Chen in person, and even said such merciless words. You must know that the other party is a strong man of the Dongchan Sect.

The Winter Cicada Sect is definitely not a being that can be easily provoked.

The look of the old man from the Dongchan Sect also changed again and again, and finally he said coldly: "Prince Anyang, your tone is too loud. If our sect is coming from a powerful Lingtai realm man today, how dare you say that? ?"

The Dongchan Sect naturally has no shortage of Lingtai realm experts, not to mention that his own cultivation level is similar to that of Prince Anyang, so how can he be afraid of Prince Anyang.

Prince Anyang said coldly: "Get out of my sight within three breaths, otherwise I won't mind sending you away myself."

These merciless words finally angered the old man.

The old man was extremely angry and laughed back: "Okay, I, Zhang Song of the Dongchan Sect, would like to learn from Prince Anyang's clever trick!"

He didn't think that Prince Anyang could really defeat him. After all, he was also a real strong person at the tenth level of the Transformation Realm, and his cultivation level was similar to that of Prince Anyang. Even if Prince Anyang surpasses him in terms of momentum, his real strength will definitely not be much different.


The voice of Prince Anyang rang out.

At the same time, Zhang Song also walked towards Prince Anyang.


Prince Anyang continued to count.

Zhang Song didn't walk fast. As he walked, he mobilized his whole body's cultivation to the extreme. After all, he was facing the lord of a county, how could he dare to look down upon him?


Zhang Song took action, and yellow primeval energy surged out from his palm, forming a larger primeval hand that seemed to be able to cover the sky and the sun.


The Prince of Anyang County snorted coldly, shook his fist, and a huge golden fist fell from the sky and hit Zhang Song hard.

"What a powerful punch!"

Everyone was dazzled by the martial arts of Prince Anyang. He was truly worthy of being the lord of a county, and his strength was extraordinary.

"It's the 'East King Fist'."

The eldest prince looked at Prince Anyang in fascination. He also practiced the martial arts used by Prince Anyang, but his level was a hundred times worse than Prince Anyang's.

Anyang County Prince has practiced this martial arts to the point of perfection. The punch is not only the power of true energy, but also contains a huge power. It is as if under this punch, everyone is Like ants, any move of resistance will be crushed by the rolling momentum.

Is this the strength of Prince Anyang?

Compared with him, he is not even a little bit worse.

The eldest prince shook his head. Before, he was full of confidence that he could take over as the Prince of Anyang County, but now it seems that he is still too far away.

Under the huge golden fist, Zhang Song's expression changed even more, and he quickly moved his huge palm of true energy towards the golden fist.


There was a loud noise, and the palm of the true essence was penetrated, crushed, and swallowed by the golden fist like a torment.

The golden fist finally fell heavily, boom! The strong wind inevitably surged out, bang bang bang, everyone around was blown away like a straw man.

As for Zhang Song himself, he was shaken by the force of the fist and flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air.

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