Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 39: Ninth Level of Qi-Entraining Realm

"Very good!" Su Chen also curled his lips when he saw this. You must know that the iron-tailed leopard's tail is the hardest part of its body. The iron-tailed leopard also relies heavily on its tail in battle. Cutting its tail is equivalent to cutting. The arm of the human warrior.

However, Su Chen was very satisfied with the fact that he could achieve such power even though he didn't fully display "Large Waves Slash".

"Seven Waves of Sword!" Su Chen took advantage of the situation to pursue, and struck out with a more powerful sword at the Iron-tailed Leopard.

Su Chen's aggressive fighting style also completely aroused the iron-tailed leopard's madness, causing it to roar again and again, and its huge body swooped over to fight with Su Chen.

From his previous life to this life, this was the first time that Su Chen had such a fun and exciting battle. The more he fought, the more excited he became, his sword skills became more and more fluent, and he enjoyed the passion brought by the battle.

In his previous life, because he was unable to practice, he could only indulge in alchemy, and devoted all his regrets of not being able to practice martial arts to the way of alchemy.

In this life, he finally got his wish and became a true warrior, enjoying the pleasure of being powerful.

At this moment, this iron-tailed leopard has almost become Su Chen's sparring partner, allowing Su Chen to display and hone his strength to his heart's content. In this actual battle, Su Chen's martial arts experience is also growing rapidly.

Finally, after burning a stick of incense, the iron-tailed leopard was covered in blood and covered with wounds, and its proud iron tail was almost broken. It looked at Su Chen in front of it with a hint of fear, wondering why this seemingly weak human in front of it was so powerful.

"Seven Waves of a Sword!" Su Chen was at the most exciting moment of the battle when he struck out with another superb chop.

At this moment, Su Chen's body suddenly erupted with a crackling sound like fried beans. The air waves around him were strong, sweeping the fallen leaves and dust around him like a strong wind. The cyclone in his dantian was compressed to the extreme at this moment!


With a muffled sound, the cyclone in Su Chen's dantian grew stronger, which meant that he had directly broken through to the ninth level of the Qi-entraining realm in this battle!

"Haha, it's great to break through before the battle!" Su Chen laughed, and the power of the ninth level of Qi Realm spurted out, all poured into the Canghai Sword, and he aimed at the iron-tailed leopard in front of him and slashed out with a peak-level "One Sword Seventh Level Wave" "!

puff! A pillar of blood shot up into the sky, and half of the iron-tailed leopard's tail and head were directly chopped off by the sword. The head flew in the air, with a look of disbelief still in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he was killed like this. A weak human was easily killed.

Su Chen's body was also splashed with a lot of blood, but he couldn't care about it at the moment. Instead, he closed his eyes slightly and was immersed in the joy after the breakthrough.

"Sure enough, one level at a time. The ninth level of the Qi-inducing realm is not only a little more powerful than the peak of the eighth-level Qi-inducing realm. Before, they were equally matched monsters. After breaking through, they can be killed in an instant."

Su Chen felt the power of the ninth level of the Qi-inducing realm in his body. At this moment, his whole aura was sharper than before, like a sharp sword that had just been tempered in the fire, full of edge.

Su Chen felt that in his previous life, as the Chen Dan Emperor, he was certainly aloof and looked down on all living beings, but he did not feel as solid as he did now as he walked the path of martial arts step by step.

Being able to live another life is indeed a gift from God.

After gathering his thoughts, Su Chen found a creek to wash off the blood on his body and changed into a set of clean clothes.

Taking a deep breath of the sweet air in the Xingyang Mountains, Su Chen murmured: "Having broken through to the ninth level of the Qi Entraining Realm, I should be able to try to find that place."

Su Chen came to the Xingyang Mountains this time. In addition to experiencing and improving his strength, Su Chen also had another important purpose, which was to find a place he had heard of in his previous life.

In the past life, there was a sensational anecdote in Qinghe City, that is, an ordinary Qi-entraining realm warrior who was originally unknown, suddenly one day seemed to be reborn, showing amazing martial arts talent, his strength increased rapidly, and he soon became a A martial arts expert who dominates one side. Later, he was even recruited by the royal family of the Yunyuan Empire, granted the title of king, and rose to prominence.

Many people are curious about what kind of encounter caused that warrior to suddenly change his mind.

Su Chen, however, had seen a map by chance. It is said that the warrior accidentally found the place marked on the map, and got an opportunity in that place, which led to his subsequent success. Strength increased greatly.

And the location marked on the map is in the Xingyang Mountains!

Su Chen didn't know what kind of opportunity was hidden in that place, but he knew that it must be a big opportunity. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for an ordinary warrior to be reborn overnight.

Judging from the timeline, it is still some time before the warrior suddenly gains strength. In other words, the warrior may not have found that place yet.

What Su Chen has to do now is to seize this opportunity.

Su Chen didn't feel that he was sorry for the warrior by doing this. The essence of the martial arts world is a life-and-death struggle. There is no strong person who does not step on the bones of others. People who are not ruthless enough cannot be strong.

At the moment, Su Chen recalled the map in his mind. Although it had been many years, the map was still very clear in his mind.

"That place should be deeper in the Xingyang Mountains."

Su Chen picked up his luggage and continued to go deeper.

For the next five days, Su Chen kept walking in the Xingyang Mountains. The deeper you go into the mountains, the denser the monsters become. Su Chen encountered a total of hundreds of monsters in the past five days, but there were less than ten of them that were truly worth dealing with seriously.

With Su Chen's current strength at the ninth level of the Qi-drawing realm, ordinary ninth-level Qi-drawing realm monsters could no longer pose a threat to him. Only the more powerful of the ninth-level Qi-drawing realm monsters could pose any threat to him.

As for the tenth-level monster in the Qi-entraining realm, he has not encountered it yet.

During these five days of actual combat training, Su Chen also practiced "Large Waves Slash" to the realm of "Eight Waves with One Sword", and its power doubled again.

According to the memory in Su Chen's mind, it was not very far from the place marked on the map.

At this time, Su Chen's ears moved, and suddenly he heard the sound of someone calling for help and fighting not far away.

"Is there anyone around?"

Su Chen knew that it was not unusual for someone to live in the Xingyang Mountains. Many medicinal herbs grew in the Xingyang Mountains, and warriors often formed herb-collecting teams and entered the Xingyang Mountains to collect herbs.

But the sound coming from not far away did not sound like people gathering herbs, nor was it even the sound of people fighting monsters. Instead, it sounded like two groups of people fighting.

Moreover, the voice was getting closer and closer to Su Chen.

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