Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 388 Banquet

"Haha, Master, Master Chen is not only healthy and safe now, but also a famous figure in Anyang City. We have found out in the past few days that Master Chen has won the first place in the Anyang Martial Arts Association, and is the first in front of the Prince of Anyang. A famous person, and a master of alchemy who is jointly praised by several major alchemy forces, he can be said to be the most popular figure in Anyang City now. "

A senior member of the Jiang family said with a smile.

Others felt even more unbelievable when they heard it.

The famous person in front of Anyang County Prince? A master of alchemy who is famous in Anyang City?

Is this still the Su Chen they knew before?

Why does it feel like a dream?

Even they were able to move to Anyang City because of Su Chen's influence. You know, if it weren't for Su Chen, the Jiang family wouldn't even be qualified to be called a second- or third-rate family when they came to Anyang City.

But now they can occupy a house in the most prominent area of ​​Anyang City, establish a family, and receive a lot of support from the Anyang County Prince's Palace. It has to be said that it is a miracle.

In the world of martial arts, people go to higher places. For the Jiang family, they settled in Qinghe City before just because they were not qualified to touch the threshold of Anyang City. Now that they can step into Anyang City and enjoy the cultivation resources of Anyang City, they are naturally ten times better than before.

Su Chen smiled: "Those are all false names, don't worry about it. By the way, aunt, this is for you."

Su Chen took out two books of exercises, which he had searched for in his memory during this period. One was for Xu Yin, and the other was for the rest of the Jiang family.

The exercises prepared for Xu Yin were naturally selected by Su Chen as they were most suitable for her physique. It is an earth-level mid-level skill. If nothing unexpected happens, you can practice it all the way to the Lingtai realm.

What is prepared for the other members of the Jiang family is a high-level Xuan-level technique. Although it is not as good as Xu Yin's in terms of grade, it is more versatile and can be practiced all the way to the realm of transformation.

Everyone in the Jiang family had never seen such a high-level technique before, and they were all extremely happy.

You must know that they only practiced Huang-level skills before, but now they suddenly have Xuan-level high-level skills, and their strength will definitely increase greatly in a short period of time.

With this technique and many training resources donated by the Anyang County Prince, the Jiang family can quickly establish a foothold in Anyang City.

The big family in Anyang City is different from the wealthy locals in Qinghe City. It is a real martial arts family.

But after Xu Yin saw the technique, she was uncharacteristically gloomy.

Finally, taking advantage of an unnoticed opportunity, Xu Yin quietly asked Su Chen: "Xiao Chen, are you leaving again?"

Su Chen was surprised by Xu Yin's keenness. He indeed had the intention of leaving Anyang County, if not now, then in the near future.

And Xu Yin was actually able to tell from his every move that he had plans to leave Anyang County, which must be said to be very sensitive.

"Auntie, I might leave, but not in the next few days."

Su Chen smiled and said.

Xu Yin nodded, sighed softly, and said: "Xiaochen, although I am not your biological mother, I really regard you as my own in my heart. I am very happy that you are prospering outside, but in the end, you will still Somewhat worried."

"Auntie, I understand. I promise you that I will try my best to protect myself."

Su Chen nodded and promised. The world of martial arts is extremely dangerous, with dangers and opportunities coexisting. No one can guarantee that they will be able to survive the brutal fighting to the end, not even those powerful Martial Emperors dare to guarantee it.

But no matter what, having the memory of the Dan Emperor in his previous life is equivalent to having the capital to be one step ahead of everything. In this life, he has the confidence to live the most exciting life.

"Okay, now that you have promised, my aunt is relieved."

Xu Yin smiled, and then warned, "Don't go to your parents' side for now. You can't help them with their current situation."

"I see."

Su Chen nodded.

If he wants to help his parents, his current strength is not enough, so his top priority is to improve his own strength.

"By the way, aunt, I asked the owner of Yanbo Pavilion in Anyang City to find out about Uncle Jiang Hai. The results should be available within a month."

Su Chen said that the owner of Yanbo Pavilion said that he would get the information within three months, but now it has been two months. In another month at most, Yanbo Pavilion should reply.

"Really?" Xu Yin's eyes lit up, but then dimmed again, and she sighed softly, "It's rare for you, Xiaochen, to have such thoughts. It's just that Jiang Hai has been missing for ten years. If he is still alive, he won't Not even a single bit of news came back. My aunt has given up hope a long time ago.”

Su Chen was silent. He knew that what Xu Yin said was true. Jiang Hai had not received any news for so many years. The chance of him still being alive was indeed very slim.

The reason why he asked the owner of Yanbo Pavilion for information was just to make a last effort.

After all, he lives a new life and will try his best to change the fate of his family in the previous life no matter what.

Now that Xu Yin is the head of the Jiang family, her destiny has changed dramatically compared to her previous life. But it's not enough. Xu Yin's biggest shortcoming in her previous life was Jiang Hai, so she must try her best to help her find Jiang Hai in this life.

Su Chen gathered his thoughts and said with a smile: "Auntie, don't say that. Everything is possible. What we have to do is try our best to grasp the possibility."

"Well, it's up to you."

Xu Yin nodded heavily.

At noon, Xu Yin ordered people to prepare a sumptuous banquet at the Jiang family's new house, and Su Chen also went to Anyang College to call Gu Qianyin, Gu Qianxue, Li Shitong, Xue Yong and others.

Needless to say, there were all kinds of delicacies at the banquet. Gu Qianxue had been holding back for a long time at Anyang College and finally got the chance to have a big meal. When the storm rolled around, she quickly wiped out the food on her own table, and then ran to eat on other people's tables. .

Because Gu Qianxue's eating speed was so scary, all the guests were insecure and could not care about their appearance. They quickly ate the food in front of them to avoid eating too slowly and being eaten up by Gu Qianxue.

"Qianxue, come and sit with Aunt Xu. Aunt Xu will ask someone to prepare delicious food for you." Xu Yin greeted Gu Qianxue with a smile. She liked this charming little girl very much, maybe because her own daughter Jiang Tingyi was not around. The reason made her transfer all her feelings for her daughter to Gu Qianxue.

Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong sat on this side with their lips pursed, eating in small bites, trying to be as elegant as possible.

Especially Li Shitong, she was smart and understood almost immediately that the relationship between Xu Yin and Su Chen was unusual, and they were probably Su Chen's extremely important elders. So she was more cautious and tried to show off her ladylike demeanor for Xu Yin to see.

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