Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 374: Demon Lord

"Evil does not prevail over good!"

Su Chen snorted lightly and raised his hand to shoot out a stream of pill fire. Now that he has determined that the power in the Seventh Prince's body contains evil spirits, then Tianhuo's righteousness can naturally restrain his evil spirits. This is why the Skyfire baby was able to restrain the Seventh Prince to death before, and Su Chen's pill fire can also restrain the Seventh Prince. The reason why the arm burned to ashes.

"It's still the same trick, don't you feel bored?"

The Seventh Prince laughed ferociously, but this time he didn't panic at all, and his body directly met Su Chen's pill fire.


Su Chen's elixir fire burned the seventh prince.

But this time, the Seventh Prince's body was not weathered, but a layer of his outer clothes was burned off.

After the coat was burned off, what was revealed underneath was the golden armor worn by the dead guard just now.

"It turns out that the armor ran to you."

Su Chen knew at a glance that this golden armor was a first-grade magic weapon, and the ice crystals added inside could restrain his fire attribute.

With this armor on him, the Seventh Prince felt much more confident. He looked at Su Chen and said solemnly: "You are very strange. The first level of the Transformation Realm actually has the strength equivalent to the fifth level, and you also have the means to restrain me. Maybe , you will become my biggest enemy in the future, so I must kill you now."

"Should I still thank you for looking up to me?" Su Chen said with a dumb smile.


The Seventh Prince snorted coldly, raised his fist, and with a black light surrounding his fist, he punched Su Chen.

Su Chen raised his sword and faced it, saying, "What are you not good at cultivating? Practicing such evil heretic things?"

"What about evil heretics? Just be strong enough!" The Seventh Prince said as he punched out. The fist was wrapped with black true energy, as if it was invulnerable and extremely hard. He was not afraid of fighting with Su Chen's sword.

"It's true to pursue strength. However, there is something wrong with the way you pursue strength." Su Chen said.

"As long as you can gain strength, it doesn't matter how you do it." The Seventh Prince punched out, and there was a clang when it collided with Su Chen's sword. He took three steps back and said, "I read it right, your combat power is very powerful. If I keep you, it will be a disaster in the future, so just leave your life here today."

"Okay, as long as you have the ability to keep me."

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, he suddenly jumped up unexpectedly, raised his body to more than three feet and then fell high, slashing at the Seventh Prince with a sword from mid-air.

The Seventh Prince did not expect that Su Chen would suddenly attack in this way. When he reacted, Su Chen's sword had already struck in front of him.

Su Chen's sword combines two sword energies and the secret of the sword manual "Nine Levels of Sword Origin". In addition, it cuts from top to bottom, which also increases the power of the sword move.

The power of this sword is not inferior to the sword that defeated Mu Qingyun before.

The seventh prince was not prepared and was suddenly in danger.

However, the Seventh Prince was not a fuel-efficient lamp after all. He quickly reacted and opened his mouth, and a lot of black gas came out of his mouth.

Buzzing, the black energy continued to condense and swirl around each other, and finally turned into a mysterious character, blocking the space between Su Chen's sword light and the Seventh Prince, like a shield.

When the two sword energy struck, the character began to melt the sword energy continuously, just like melting ice and snow, making a sizzling sound.

However, while the character was dissolving the sword energy, it was also disintegrating. When the sword energy was completely dissolved, the character also completely dissipated.

The seventh prince's face became even paler, and the look he looked at Su Chen was even more gloomy, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Su Chen landed on the ground, shook his long sword, and said with a cautious look in his eyes, "I never expected that what you are cultivating is demonic energy."

"Moreover, it's still a demonic creature. You, a small fourth-level demonic creature, can actually cultivate to the point where you can become a demonic creature. No wonder you can block a sword that even Mu Qingyun can't block."

Demonic essence is the true essence cultivated by warriors who practice demonic arts.

There are a vast number of martial arts techniques in the world of martial arts. Among them, there are techniques practiced by righteous people, and naturally there are also techniques practiced by evil people.

Evil ways include devil ways, ghost ways, etc. Devil ways are considered the most important branch of evil ways. In his previous life, Su Chen had seen strong men who practiced evil ways. They acted without scruples, were ruthless, and had no rules. In their world, there is only a distinction between the strong and the weak. It is an existence that righteous people would like to kill if everyone gets it.

Because the magic way focuses on plundering and devouring, people who practice the magic way will become very cruel.

Unexpectedly, the seventh prince could practice magic. You must know that magic skills are very rare. Where did he get the magic skills from?

It's no wonder that the Seventh Prince's strength suddenly increased so quickly. It is indeed possible for people who practice the demonic way to have a rapid increase in strength in a short period of time, and their combat effectiveness will be stronger than that of ordinary warriors.

However, in Su Chen's view, practicing the Demonic Way is an act of killing the goose that lays the goose to lay the egg, because it is almost difficult for warriors who practice the Demonic Way to control the temptation of the Demonic Art. The strength of practicing the Demonic Art increases too quickly, so in the end they are often completely defeated by the Demonic Art. Lost his mind and turned into a walking zombie.

Su Chen had seen too many such examples in his previous life.

"Hmph, that's such a big tone. Aren't you yourself at the first level of the Transformation Realm?" The Seventh Prince sneered, but he was extremely shocked inside. Su Chen could actually see his true identity at a glance, and Su Chen's tone didn't sound like him at all. It is an ordinary first level of the material transformation realm.

Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "You are already going to die, why do you talk so much nonsense?"

"Bold." The Seventh Prince was immediately a little angry. He just didn't expect that Su Chen would be so strong and fell into the trap. If it happened again, it would never be like this.

"Su Chen, I admit that you are indeed very weird. What kind of inheritance have you received?" The Seventh Prince shouted. An ordinary first-level genius at the Transformation Realm would never be like Su Chen. Su Chen definitely got it. What kind of terrible inheritance or opportunity? This opportunity is even more terrifying than the magic technique he obtained.

"Didn't I say that people who are going to die should stop talking nonsense." Su Chen smiled slightly.

"I'm not ashamed to say it. My real combat power is greater than Mu Qingyun. It's easy to suppress you." The seventh prince snorted coldly.

"Really? Let's try it." Su Chen shrugged. Anyway, he didn't use all his strength when fighting Mu Qingyun, at least he didn't use the overwhelming move like the Wild Blood Moon yet.

In addition, quite some time has passed since the battle against Mu Qingyun, and the true energy in Su Chen's dantian has almost recovered.

So at this moment, Su Chen would naturally not be afraid of a battle with the Seventh Prince.

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