Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 370: The fisherman profits

Su Chen breathed a long sigh of relief. He had to say that the fierce battle with Mu Qingyun had consumed a lot of energy, especially the last blow, which consumed all the true energy in his sea of ​​true energy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Su Chen's combat power is not even as good as the tenth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.


Not far away, the Seventh Prince came over and said, "I never expected that I would achieve the final victory in this way."

At this moment, the Sky Fire Baby has been tied up by the Seventh Prince with a black true essence net. Although the Seventh Prince cannot kill the Sky Fire Baby, as long as he does not get close to the Sky Fire Baby's fire pillar spray range, he will not be hurt by the Sky Fire Baby's fire pillar. and.

Su Chen also smiled bitterly. He couldn't care so much when fighting Mu Qingyun just now, and Mu Qingyun was too powerful. If he didn't exhaust all his true energy, he would not be able to defeat Mu Qingyun.

Now he has defeated Mu Qingyun, but Su Chen can no longer squeeze out any true energy from his dantian.

The rules of the competition prohibit the taking of any elixirs. If Su Chen takes the elixir to restore his true energy, it means that he will automatically give up.

In other words, the battle between Su Chen and Mu Qingyun allowed the Seventh Prince to reap the benefits and take advantage.

For a moment, everyone in the stands held their breath, wanting to see how Su Chen would respond.

Does Su Chen want to watch the seventh prince climb to the top effortlessly?

"It's a pity that Su Chen and Mu Qingyun had a big fight, but the Seventh Prince easily took advantage and climbed to the top."

"You can't say that. After all, the Seventh Prince is also very strong. If the Seventh Prince and Su Chen fight again, it's not necessarily who will win."

"But now there is no chance to know which one of them is stronger. Now that Su Chen's true energy is exhausted, he can't even exert one-tenth of his usual strength. He can only give it to the Seventh Prince."

Everyone was talking about it. It had to be said that if the Seventh Prince took the opportunity to reach the top now, it would be a bit disgraceful, but it was understandable. After all, the rules of the game were like this. As long as he finally reached the top, he could become the champion.

The Seventh Prince walked up to Su Chen, his usual shy smile still on his face, but at this moment, the smile looked a bit dazzling.

"Master Su Chen, I originally had great expectations for you and thought you could become my strong enemy. But it's meaningless to say this now, because you are no longer my enemy with one move."

The seventh prince shook his head.

"Does it mean that the Seventh Prince likes to do this kind of robberies?"

Su Chen asked with a slight smile.

There was no trace of shame on the seventh prince's face. He just touched his nose and said calmly: "This Anyang County is too small after all. It is not a place for me to stay for a long time. I am too lazy to waste time with you frogs in the well. Hurry up." Give up."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the stands was slightly surprised. What did the seventh prince mean by this? What does it mean that Anyang County is too small after all and is not a place to stay for a long time?

At first glance, this seems to be okay, but if you think about it carefully, you will feel that it has some strange meaning. It doesn't seem like something a native of Anyang City would say.

But now, no one has noticed that there is something wrong. It is impossible that the seventh prince is not a native of Anyang City. That is absolutely impossible.

"I'm standing right here. If you want to reach the top, just pass me."

Su Chen smiled lightly. At this moment, he was standing on the road to the top of the mountain. The entire road was blocked tightly. If he wanted to reach the top, he had to pass this level.

"You don't know what you can do."

The Seventh Prince shook his head. Now it would be easy for him to crush Su Chen to death, let alone if he wanted to pass by Su Chen, it would be even easier.

"Master Su Chen, it is not a good habit to drink wine as a penalty if you don't eat the toast."

The Seventh Prince was too lazy to talk nonsense. After speaking, he reached out and grabbed Su Chen. In Su Chen's current state, he could easily pick him up and throw him down the mountain.

However, looking at the intensity of the black energy lingering in the Seventh Prince's palm, and the clear murderous intent in the Seventh Prince's eyes, this move was definitely not as simple as trying to throw Su Chen off the mountain.

He wanted to severely injure Su Chen, or even kill Su Chen directly!

Although the rules of the game prohibit killing each other, the rules of the game also explain that swords and guns have no eyesight. If it is just a normal accidental injury, they will not be held accountable.

The seventh prince is so cruel?

For a moment, everyone close to the arena felt the flash of murderous intent in the eyes of the Seventh Prince.

Sisters Gu Qianyin, Li Shitong, Xue Yong and others were so excited that they almost screamed, and even thought of abstaining directly for Su Chen.

However, before they could take action, the Seventh Prince's hand had already grabbed Su Chen's shoulder.

Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong both screamed, their hearts in their throats.


What's strange is that the imagined scene of Su Chen being thrown down the mountain did not appear. Instead, the seventh prince took a sharp breath and retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted.

Then, a shocking and shocking scene appeared.

The seventh prince's hand that touched Su Chen suddenly seemed to be burned by fire and turned into ashes!

This is really an extremely strange thing. The Seventh Prince is at the fourth level of the Transformation Realm. There is absolutely no way that his physical body could be weak. How could it be possible for his hand to be weathered like a flying flower all of a sudden.

It was as if the hand was just a hand made of soot and not a real hand.

What is going on?

Doesn't it mean that Su Chen has exhausted all his true energy?

How could it be possible to cause such harm to the seventh prince?

The seventh prince was also stunned and looked at his hand that was turning into ashes in disbelief.

He really didn't understand why he was suddenly injured by Su Chen without any warning.

Only Su Chen knew what was going on.

He had just seen the battle between the Seventh Prince and the Skyfire Baby, and found that the flames of the Skyfire Baby seemed to be extremely lethal to the Seventh Prince.

It even reached the point where whenever the Seventh Prince's body came into contact with the flames of the Heavenly Fire Baby, the place in contact would directly turn into flying ashes.

The reason may be that the Skyfire attribute of the Skyfire Baby happens to restrain a certain attribute in the Seventh Prince's body, so it has such great lethality against the Seventh Prince.

The elixir fire in Su Chen's body now also contains elements of heavenly fire.

In other words, as long as Su Chen sacrifices the elixir fire in his body, he can also cause considerable harm to the Seventh Prince.

Just now, Su Chen was ostensibly talking to the Seventh Prince, but he was actually looking for an opportunity to spread the elixir fire throughout his body through his meridians.

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