Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 359: Skyrocketing overnight

"This is... true essence mist, liquefied true essence, seventh brother, when did you break through to the realm of transformation?"

The eldest prince was extremely surprised. In his impression, the seventh prince had always been sick, didn't practice much, and his cultivation level was very low. How could he be in the realm of transformation?

Su Chen also frowned. The last time he saw the Seventh Prince, the Seventh Prince had almost no cultivation. How could he suddenly reach the realm of transformation in such a short period of time?

Even if you take the best magic elixir, you will never get such an effect. What's more, after taking the drug, your state will be unstable and your aura will fluctuate. Experienced people can see this at a glance.

The Seventh Prince's aura was restrained and pure. It didn't look like he had just taken medicine and ascended to the realm of transformation. Instead, he seemed to have been in the realm of transformation for many years.

In the end what happened?

"Excuse me, am I qualified to participate in the martial arts competition?" The seventh prince spoke, still looking shy, but there was a glint in his eyes.

Only then did the eldest prince react, and a profound look suddenly flashed in his eyes, as if he was meeting the seventh prince for the first time, and he looked at the seventh prince thoughtfully.

At the same time, the person in charge of registration also reacted and said quickly: "Yes, His Majesty Seventh Prince has met the registration qualification requirements and can register to participate in the Anyang Martial Arts Tournament."

The Seventh Prince smiled, seemingly innocently, and the light that flickered in his eyes just now completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

However, everyone was just surprised and stopped paying attention. Even if the Seventh Prince suddenly broke through to the realm of transformation overnight, there was still a big gap compared to those top geniuses. For many people, they are still more concerned about who will win today.

Will Mu Qingyun win the championship? Or Lou Shun or Nangong Lin?

Or is it the shocking Jin Linkai or Luo Yang?

However, no matter how everyone guesses, the scope is always locked on these few people, and they will not guess anyone other than these few people.

As for Su Chen, everyone admits that he has been very popular in Anyang City recently. However, Su Chen's first-level cultivation in the material transformation realm is not outstanding among the contestants this time. The championship will not come to him no matter what. Him.

Su Chen's eyes were always following the Seventh Prince thoughtfully. This time, the Seventh Prince suddenly proposed to participate in the Anyang Martial Arts Competition. Is it as simple as just participating?

Su Chen felt that this might not be the case.

After everyone had signed up, a senior official from the palace walked to the ring and announced loudly: "Registration is now over."

"For power beyond measure, you can only use your own strength."

"In principle, it is forbidden to hurt people, but once the game starts, injuries may inevitably occur. Therefore, if there are people who want to avoid injuries, they can withdraw from the game now."

“These are the details, who has any questions?”

"no problem."

Everyone said in unison, all gearing up, waiting for the game to start.

"Okay, since everyone has no problem, let's start the countdown now. When the countdown ends, everyone climbs up to the ring together."

"five four three two one."


After giving the order, everyone immediately rushed out like an arrow from a string.

This 100-foot arena is like a mountain. There is only one way to reach the "top", so everyone tries their best to run towards that way.

Some fast people reached the foot of the mountain within a few ups and downs and began to climb quickly along the road.

Soon, more and more people arrived on that road.

Fierce competition also began.

Because the width of the road is limited, and it gets narrower as you go up, but if you want to go up the mountain, you can only take this road. There are no steps elsewhere, and the bluestone is very slippery, making it difficult to use force.

So if you want to get ahead of others, you have to kill the people in front first.

Bang bang bang bang...

Someone had already started to take action. After a series of sounds, dozens of figures were blown down from the road and fell back to the foot of the mountain.

So cruel?

Many people's eyes widened. They originally thought that this game was just a speed competition, and they were still shouting in their hearts that they were lucky because they didn't have to compete with those strong geniuses.

But now it seems that this is simply a delusion.

This mountain climbing competition is, after all, a battle of strength.

Bang bang bang!

As you go up, the road becomes narrower and narrower, and more and more people are bombarded down.

The number of people still climbing on the mountain road went from a hundred to only fifty to only thirty.

Among the only thirty people left, the five favorites to win the championship are naturally among them, and the eldest prince and some other third-level geniuses of the Transformation Realm are also among them.

However, there are two unexpected people among them.

One is Su Chen and the other is the seventh prince.

This surprised many people. Su Chen actually stayed here until now? Isn’t he only at the first level of the Transformation Realm? Why is he so powerful that he can be compared with many geniuses at the third and fourth levels of the Transformation Realm?

As for the seventh prince, it is even more puzzling. How could he persist on the mountain road until now? Could it be that everyone thinks he is the seventh prince, so they don't beat him?

Strange, really strange.

At this time, the large group had basically climbed halfway, and the road became narrower, only able to accommodate four people walking abreast.

A genius at the third level of the Material Transformation Realm saw that there were four people in front of him and could not pass. Among the four people was the Seventh Prince. That day the genius rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the Seventh Prince, don't blame my subordinates." Be merciful, this is a martial arts meeting after all, no distinction is made between princes and commoners."

As he spoke, the genius' fist lit up with light, and he punched the Seventh Prince in the back.

His wishful thinking was very simple. The Seventh Prince must be the weakest among the four. If he knocked down the Seventh Prince, he could take his place and get ahead.

However, his wishful thinking turned out to be wrong.

I saw the seventh prince stretching out a hand, with a faint black light entwining it, and accurately grabbed the genius's arm.

With a twist, there was a click, and the genius's arm was twisted and fractured.

Then, the seventh prince threw the genius off the mountain with a flick.

This scene simply shocked everyone present.

"Oh my god, am I right? This is still the weak Seventh Prince."

"This strength is so amazing. He can crush the third level of the Transformation Realm. His strength must have reached at least the fourth level of the Transformation Realm."

Everyone was talking and looking at the seventh prince with extremely incredible eyes, as if they had never known him until today.

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