Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 357: Stepping into the Realm of Transformation

At this moment, there was indeed a person beside the Seventh Prince, and he was a completely unexpected person.

The president of the Anyang City Alchemy Guild, Yu Guang!

When Yu Guang saw the seventh prince opening his eyes, he also smiled and said: "Congratulations to the seventh prince, congratulations to the seventh prince, your strength has improved again."

It's very strange. Yu Guang should be the seventh prince's teacher, and Yu Guang is a third-grade alchemy master. In terms of status, he can be compared with the Prince of Anyang, far more than the seventh prince.

But at this moment, Yu Guang didn't have any airs in front of the Seventh Prince. There was even a faint feeling that he was respected by the Seventh Prince.

A smile appeared on the gloomy face of the seventh prince, and he murmured: "The other princes look down on me and think I am a weak and sick waste. The prince also looks down on me. No one will pass the throne to me. This time Anyang I’m going to take the first place in the martial arts competition, so that they can see what my true strength is.”

Yu Guang smiled and said: "The seventh prince is extremely talented, and with the help of Lord Demon Lord, it will be easy to get the first place. By the way, is seventh prince ready for the task given by Lord Devil Lord?"

The Seventh Prince said disapprovingly: "As long as I get the first place, I can naturally complete the task assigned to me by the Lord Demon. But you, the task assigned to you by the Lord Demon is more important, so you must be well prepared."

Yu Guang nodded, with a look of expectation on his face, and said: "As long as the Demon Lord rules this world, you and I can reach the sky in one step. At that time, you will rule the martial arts, I will rule the alchemy, and the entire Anyang County will be the same. Our world.”

"Don't think so far ahead. It's serious to complete the mission given by the Demon Lord." The seventh prince said.

A night passed in Su Chen's small courtyard.

The next morning, Su Chen's other nine true essence cores were finally liquefied.

Now, in Su Chen's dantian, there were no longer ten suspended true essence cores, but a calm sea of ​​true essence.

And the most special thing is that Su Chen's True Essence Sea is divided into two colors, half blue and half red.

This is the true sea of ​​ice and fire that has been transformed by Bing Xin Fire Essence.

The Ice and Fire True Essence Sea has dual attributes of ice and fire, but its power is not as simple as twice that of the ordinary True Essence Sea.

Because the two attributes of ice and fire are mutually opposite, mutually exclusive, and mutually canceling attributes, they are like one yin and one yang, forming a cycle. The two attributes promote each other and are superimposed layer by layer, eventually superimposing to eight or even ten times the speed of cultivation.

Only the two attributes of ice and fire can have such a magical closed cycle. If replaced by any other two attributes, such a cycle would not be possible.

Therefore, the power of the Ice and Fire True Yuan Sea is not twice that of a warrior of the same level, but eight to ten times that of a warrior of the same level.

"Huh... I finally broke through to the realm of transformation, and also condensed the ice and fire true energy sea."

Su Chen looked at his Dantian with satisfaction, "In this way, my qualifications are one step closer to those top geniuses, saints and goddesses that I saw in my previous life."

That's right, it's just a step closer. The talents of those saints and goddesses, various holy bodies, and divine bodies are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, Su Chen has confidence in himself. In this life, with the advantages of his two lives, he will one day stand on the same starting line as them.

Now, Su Chen gathered his thoughts for the time being and focused on the Anyang martial arts competition in front of him.

Today is the day of the Anyang Martial Arts Competition.

Seeing that it was getting light outside, Su Chen got up and left the yard. He saw Gu Qianyin and Xue Yong already waiting for him outside the yard.

Su Chen was not surprised and led the two of them outside Anyang College. On the way, the pair of junior sisters Li Shitong and Gu Qianxue joined them, and the group came to the Anyang County Prince's Mansion located in the center of Anyang City.

Su Chen had already visited Anyang County Prince's Mansion yesterday, so he was no stranger to it.

Today's martial arts meeting was held in the martial arts square outside the gate of Anyang County Prince's Mansion.

This Yanwu Plaza covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, which is equivalent to a large open space in the center of a bustling city.

At this time, stands have been set up in Yanwu Square, filled with guests from major families in Anyang City.

The three super families naturally occupy the best positions, followed by other large and small families.

At this moment, many people in the stands saw the corners of Su Chen's mouth twitching, apparently remembering the experience of being ripped off by Su Chen in the cave ruins.

And surrounded by stands, is the arena for this Anyang Martial Arts Competition.

What's amazing is that this "challenge" has a very special design. It is actually made entirely of huge bluestone blocks stacked up, regardless of cost, to form a hill. The hill is a hundred feet high, and it looks like it at first glance. I know it was built recently.

At the foot of the "hill", there is a road leading to the top of the mountain. The road at the foot of the mountain is particularly wide, but becomes narrower as you go up.

On the top of the mountain, there is a throne, but no one is sitting on the throne now.

"Brother Su Chen, you are here."

The eldest prince came over and smiled.

Behind the eldest prince were several other princes. At this moment, they were all looking at Su Chen curiously. How could this young man be so young, even younger than them, that the three alchemy giants admired him? This was too disappointing. People are incredible.

The seventh prince was also among these princes. He smiled kindly at Su Chen, his smile still showing the same shyness as that day.

Su Chen also nodded to the seventh prince, but said nothing. The uncomfortable feeling that day arose in his heart again. He did not look at the seventh prince anymore, but said to the eldest prince: "What kind of ranking are you prepared for this time?"

The eldest prince smiled and said: "There are too many geniuses in this Anyang Martial Arts Association, and I don't expect to get any kind of ranking. Hey, speaking of it, brother Su Chen, it seems that you have broken through to the first level of the Transformation Realm. "

"It's indeed a breakthrough." Su Chen had nothing to hide.

The cultivation of the first level of the Transformation Realm is not unusual among the geniuses who participated in the war. However, the eldest prince knew how terrifying Su Chen had the ability to leapfrog challenges. Su Chen's first level cultivation of the Transformation Realm was on the same level as the others' Re-cultivation are two completely different concepts.

The eldest prince thought for a moment and said, "Brother Su Chen, let me introduce to you some of the favorites to win the Anyang Martial Arts Tournament this time."

"Your Majesty, please tell me." Su Chen happened to want to know more about it. Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be able to survive a hundred battles.

So, Su Chen pretended to be listening attentively, waiting for the eldest prince to introduce to him some of the top talents participating in the Anyang Martial Arts Tournament.

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