Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 352 The Seventh Prince

"Stop joking around!"

Yu Guang was also a little annoyed. Originally, he only talked to a little girl like Gu Qianyin because of Su Chen, an alchemy wizard. However, the little girl turned out to be so arrogant and wanted to be certified as a second-grade alchemist.

Is this treating the Alchemy Guild as a place to play house, or is it insulting their group of alchemists?

"Woo...wow, Brother Chen, this old man is so fierce."

Gu Qianxue immediately hid behind Su Chen, sticking out her little head and staring at Yu Guang secretly.

Yu Guang also got angry. He was the president of an alchemy guild, and he was also a third-level alchemy master. However, he was rudely called "this old man" by the other party. This was the first time in his grandmaster career that he was called like this. treat.

Just as Yu Guang was about to say something else, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Teacher, what happened?"

Everyone turned around and saw a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old walking over from behind.

The young man was handsome and fair-skinned, but there was a sickly blush on his face, as if he was a little sickly. The clothes on her body look very casual, but her whole person exudes a special temperament that is difficult to ignore.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to this young man for a moment, and they didn't react until they heard the word "Teacher".

"Is this President Yu's disciple? When did President Yu accept such a disciple?"

"It's strange. I've never heard of President Yu having disciples before."

"Seventh Prince!"

Among the crowd, someone suddenly took a deep breath, walked out of the crowd, bowed to the young man, and then said in surprise, "Seventh Prince, why are you here?"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately stirred up waves.


"Seventh Prince?"

"The seventh prince who never leaves home and rarely appears in public?"

The crowd in the hall was excited, and everyone looked at the pale young man with surprised eyes.

Under the gaze of everyone, the seventh prince's face immediately blushed more, as if he was shy.

"Your Highness Seventh."

Yu Guang waved to the seventh prince and said, "You also come to meet Mr. Su Chen, the alchemy wizard who has been in the limelight recently."

After hearing this, the seventh prince stepped forward.

"Master Su, I have heard of you."

The seventh prince called out, his smile looking very friendly.

"Seventh Prince."

Su Chen also responded.

At the same time, Su Chen looked at the seventh prince and found that the real energy fluctuations all over his body were very weak, almost non-existent.

Hey, it's strange how such a person was selected as the crown prince.

When Prince Anyang chooses his son, isn't he always selecting the best among the younger generation?

Su Chen shook his head and didn't think much about it. It was none of his business anyway. What's more, now that the battle for the crown prince has come to an end, the eldest prince has become the crown prince. It doesn't matter whether the seventh prince is good or not.

"Teacher, what happened? Why is it so busy here?" The seventh prince looked around and asked.

"Oh, it's okay, it's just that this little girl insists on being certified as a second-grade alchemist. Isn't this nonsense?" Yu Guang said, shaking his head.

When Gu Qianxue heard this, she became even more unhappy and shouted loudly: "What do you call nonsense? I am a disciple of Grandmaster Guo. It was Brother Chen who accompanied me to certify the level of alchemist. Are Grandmaster Guo and Brother Chen in the mood to accompany you?" Are you fooling around?"

"Little girl, watch your words, I am a third-grade alchemy master!"

Yu Guang became angry again and shouted coldly.

Afterwards, Yu Guang was ready to leave.

But at this time, the seventh prince stopped him and said: "Teacher, don't be angry."

"I think that since Mr. Su Chen brought her here, the teacher might as well let her try out the certification of a second-grade alchemist. Anyway, she won't lose anything if she fails."

The seventh prince still had that shy smile on his face and persuaded Yu Guangdao.

When Yu Guang heard this, his attitude softened: "Okay, since His Highness Seventh Prince said so, let her try it."

The seventh prince smiled at Su Chen, his smile was still very friendly, with a hint of shyness in it.

However, even so, Su Chen felt a chill in his heart for no reason. This was an indescribable feeling. Yu Guang seemed to have listened to the seventh prince's words too much.

You know, they are obviously teachers and students. It seems a bit strange that the teacher obeys the students so much.

Even if the status of teacher and student is discarded, in terms of secular status, the seventh prince is just a powerless prince, but Yu Guang is an alchemy master who even the prince of Anyang County wants to treat him with courtesy. No matter how much he thinks, it is not Yu Guang's turn. Listen to the seventh prince.

Of course, this is only one aspect.

Another important aspect is that Su Chen intuitively doesn't like the seventh prince very much. He seems to have an instinctive dislike for him. He always feels that he gives him an evil feeling, which makes him want to beat him up. Then let it disappear quickly before your eyes.

Although the seventh prince didn't seem to offend Su Chen in any way, he was even kind to Su Chen.

But intuition doesn't lie.

There must be something wrong with this seventh prince.

At this moment, the people from the Alchemy Guild had finished their preparations and came over to report: "President, the necessary items and venue for the second-grade alchemist certification have been prepared, and the second-grade alchemist certification can be carried out."

"Let's go." Yu Guang said calmly. He wanted to see with his own eyes what Gu Qianxue would be able to certify if he said in such a loud tone that he wanted to be certified as a second-grade alchemist.

Yu Guang and Gu Qianxue went upstairs to certify as a second-grade alchemist, but Su Chen did not go up. Instead, he sat leisurely in the lobby on the first floor and sipped tea.

Anyway, being certified as a second-grade alchemist only meant refining second-grade elixirs. For Gu Qianxue, it was a matter of one cup of tea or two cups of tea at most, and Su Chen was too lazy to go up.

The seventh prince didn't go up either. He sat across from Su Chen and drank tea with Su Chen. The two seemed to be chatting warmly, and the seventh prince showed a shy smile from time to time.

From the appearance, this seventh prince is indeed easy to arouse people's goodwill, and even easy to arouse people's love.

However, Su Chen always insisted on his feeling that the seventh prince was different from what he appeared to be, which gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.

After a cup of tea, Gu Qianxue came down from upstairs.

Seeing Gu Qianxue come down so quickly, everyone in the hall thought that Gu Qianxue had failed in her certification as a second-grade alchemist. After all, it is nonsense for such a young child to be certified as a second-grade alchemist.

"Little girl, how are you? Do you understand the questions for the second-grade alchemist? I think you should go home and practice for a few more years, and then come back and try to see if you can be certified as an alchemy apprentice!"

someone mocked.

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