Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 348 Dragon Blood Pill

Guo Tong is naturally eager to go back and study the venom of the red-tongued snake. He will use the venom powder of the red-tongued snake to refine a third-grade elixir. If the refining goes well, he will try to refine a quasi-fourth-grade elixir. Pill.

If he succeeds in refining a quasi-fourth-grade elixir, Guo Tong will become a quasi-fourth-grade alchemist. He is the first quasi-fourth-grade alchemist in Anyang City. It is exciting to think about it.

Being a quasi-fourth-level alchemist also means that you are one step closer to being a fourth-level alchemist. Once you reach the level of a fourth-level alchemist, you can be called the "Alchemy King", which is unique in Anyang City.

Su Chen and the other three also returned to their residence in the Martial Arts Branch.

Entering his yard, Su Chen immediately began to smelt the dragon blood grass essence.

Take out the dragon blood grass essence in the bottle. At this moment, the spiritual energy in the essence has a tendency to escape, and it needs to be refined into elixirs as soon as possible.

Su Chen took out the small bronze cauldron and selected more than 20 medicinal materials, combined with the essence of dragon blood grass, to smelt it.

About two-quarters of an hour later, the fragrance of Chinese medicine lingered in the small bronze cauldron.

Opening the lid of the cauldron, six round vermilion pills were clearly visible.

"Dragon Blood Pill."

Su Chen picked up one. This dragon's blood elixir is made from the essence of dragon's blood grass. It is purer and gentler than taking the essence of dragon's blood grass directly. It is most suitable for warriors to regulate their bodies. Strong physique.

Improve the body, cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality. This process is not only useful for body-refining warriors, but also has endless benefits for all warriors.

Because when a warrior wants to practice, the physical body is the biggest carrier. All the results of cultivation and all improvements are finally reflected through the physical body. The physical body is the container for cultivation. If you want to cultivate for a long time, how can you not temper the physical body.

Therefore, although there are not many warriors who focus on tempering the physical body at the level of Huanwu Realm, at the level of Lingtai Realm and above, more and more warriors will begin to realize the benefits of tempering the physical body and spend a lot of money to temper the body. A lot of resources and energy are used to temper the body and improve the body.

This is a process of concept improvement.

It's just that if you reach that stage, the price you need to pay to improve your physique will be much greater than it is now. This is like the difference between a toddler and an adult. It is not difficult for a long-bodied toddler to enhance his physique, and his physique has already taken shape. Sir, if you want to improve your physique, you will have to pay several times the price.

Compared to the entire martial arts system, warriors in these three stages of Qi Entraining Realm, Yuan Condensing Realm, and Material Transformation Realm are like toddlers, who are still just starting out and laying the foundation. Strengthening and improving at this time will get twice the result with half the effort, and will be of endless benefit in the future.

Su Chen packed two of the four Dragon Blood Pills into a bottle and prepared to leave them to Gu Qianyin and Xue Yong.

Then, Su Chen picked up one of the two remaining dragon blood pills and put it into his mouth.

Boom, the dragon blood pill entered the mouth and immediately melted. The majestic power of the medicine seemed to explode, and immediately flowed down the mouth into the limbs and bones.

Su Chen quickly activated the Chaos Immortal Record, guiding the medicinal power to flow to every part of his body.

The changes are immediate!

Su Chen could clearly feel that his body cells were growing, his bones were strengthening, and his blood vessels were dilating.

boom! boom! boom!

It was as if an invisible sledgehammer was beating his body, and a layer of black substance quickly appeared on his body surface. It was the impurities in his body that were expelled from the body under the action of the Dragon Blood Pill.

When Su Chen used the body quenching bath, he had already expelled some impurities from his body.

But now, this is the second discharge of impurities in his body. What is discharged are some impurities that the body quenching bath failed to discharge. In this way, his body is one step closer to a truly pure and dirt-free body.

Don't underestimate the purity and innocence of the body. Although the purity and innocence of the body is only a term for the body-refining level, for non-body-refining warriors, cultivating the purity and innocence of the body is also extremely important.

This is because martial arts practice is actually a process of improving oneself, and oneself contains two aspects, one is the spirit, and the other is the body.

The physical body occupies at least half of the place in martial arts practice, and martial arts practice is also a process of polishing the physical body.

The process of going from low-level martial arts to high-level martial arts is actually a process of shedding one's mortal body and evolving to a higher level of life. Just like a stubborn stone, it becomes beautiful jade step by step after constant polishing.

In other words, the ultimate goal of martial arts includes building the physical body into the ultimate body.

The ultimate goal of body training is to train the physical body into a pure and unsullied body.

There is not much difference between the two. In other words, they reach the same goal through different paths.

As the impurities continued to be discharged, Su Chen could clearly feel that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his body was flowing faster.

This is natural. There are fewer impurities in the meridians, which naturally makes the flow of heaven and earth spiritual energy faster.

Moreover, its effect does not end there. Now, the flow speed of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth becomes faster. When it comes to actual combat, the flow speed of true energy becomes faster.

The faster the true energy flows, the stronger the destructive power of each move. This is a real improvement.

And, on top of that, there was another very significant improvement in his body.

That's an increase in vitality.

Yes, it’s energy. Vitality may sound unimportant, but in fact it is not.

What is the most precious thing for a warrior? Not skills, not martial arts, not wealth, but lifespan.

A strong person in the realm of transformation can only live up to one hundred and twenty years. One hundred and twenty years sounds like a long time, but it is not a long time for martial arts practice. For the older generation, one retreat may last three to five years, and ten years is just a matter of several retreats.

In this limited period of one hundred and twenty years, if we can achieve a breakthrough in realm, that is, break through to the Lingtai realm, then our life span can be directly increased by another eighty years, that is, we can live to be two hundred years old!

However, many strong men of the older generation cannot survive the day of breaking through to the Lingtai realm, because time is too limited, and they often run out of life before they find an opportunity to break through to the Lingtai realm.

So if these people were told that there was something that could give them a few extra decades of life, they would go absolutely crazy.

Because, in their situation, decades of longevity means they can fight for the Lingtai realm. If successful, their longevity can be increased by another eighty years!

Now, Su Chen's body's vitality has been enhanced, which means that he suddenly has at least twenty years longer lifespan than other warriors of the same level.

If these twenty years of life were given to an older generation strong man at the peak of the Transformation Realm, he would probably go crazy with joy.

However, for Su Chen, he didn't feel much. Anyway, he would never delay advancing to the next level until his life span was about to be exhausted, so the extra life span would be of no use to him. It means so much.

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