Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 346 The Will of Emperor Wu

Su Chen had some vague guesses. If he guessed correctly, this skeleton should be the root cause of the ancient war in this place.

In other words, this skeleton might have been the initiator of this ancient war.

The golden light emitted by the remains clearly indicates that the remains were not only at the Lingtai level, but at a level above the Lingtai level during their lifetime.

Because only the bones of powerful people with extremely high levels can give birth to such golden light.

The golden light is not actually golden light, but golden characters that appear on the bones. They represent the martial arts will of the owner of the bones during his lifetime, and are a concrete expression of the martial arts will.

And if someone can read these characters, it is possible to feel the martial arts will in these golden characters, and thus gain a glimpse of the martial arts inheritance of the owner of this corpse.

This method is similar to the Lingtai relics, but it is more advanced than the Lingtai relics, because these golden characters contain not only the will of martial arts, but also the power of heaven and earth.

These characters are not so much words as they are patterns, expressing the power of heaven and earth in the form of patterns.

Su Chen cast his eyes on these golden characters, feeling the power of heaven and earth inside.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face: "This is the martial arts will of the Martial Emperor level. This remains was a strong Martial Emperor during his lifetime!"

Su Chen was shocked, this skeleton turned out to be that of a powerful Martial Emperor!

Not to mention that there is no strong Martial Emperor in Anyang County, even if you look at the entire Yunyuan Empire, you will never see a strong Martial Emperor.

Because the martial arts soil in the Yunyuan Empire is far from meeting the standards for the birth of a strong Martial Emperor. Only in a place of the level of the Dan Domain can a strong Martial Emperor be born.

Unexpectedly, in this ancient battlefield, the remains of the powerful Emperor Wu can be seen!

"Does this mean that in ancient times, the martial arts soil of the Yunyuan Empire was able to breed powerful Martial Emperors?"

Su Chen couldn't help but think about it. In his previous life, he was hurriedly taken to the Dan Realm by Qingfeng Danzun. He knew very little about the subsequent situation of the Yunyuan Empire.

Now it is discovered that the Yunyuan Empire once had a strong Martial Emperor, which shows that the land of Yunyuan Empire contains secrets far beyond his imagination.

Su Chen gathered his thoughts and began to read these golden characters carefully.

Because there were too many rot-eating flowers growing on the bones, which swallowed up a lot of the essence in the bones, these golden characters were blurred, but they were still barely legible.

Su Chen looked down on the martial arts inheritance of the previous Lingtai realm bones. That was because he had many martial arts inheritances that exceeded the Lingtai realm stored in his mind.

But the remains of the powerful Martial Emperor were different. Although Su Chen had come into contact with some powerful Martial Emperors in his previous life, it was not easy for him to obtain the lifelong martial arts will and unique knowledge of these powerful Martial Emperors.

For every powerful Martial Emperor, his martial arts will and life-long secrets are lifelong secrets that cannot be easily taught to others.

Of course, Su Chen used his advantage in alchemy to get some of these undisclosed secrets.

But even so, in Su Chen's eyes, the martial arts will of a strong Martial Emperor is still extremely precious and is extremely beneficial to warriors.

As long as you can get a glimpse of the martial will in these golden characters in front of you, it will be of great benefit to Su Chen in his future attempt to achieve the realm of the Martial Emperor.

However, after reading for a while, Su Chen found that the martial will of this powerful Martial Emperor was indeed extremely difficult to understand.

He prides himself on his powerful understanding, but after reading these golden characters for so long, he is still confused and cannot grasp the key points.

"Maybe I used it the wrong way."

Su Chen remembered that in his previous life, his teacher Qingfeng Danzun once said something to him, which probably meant that if you were admiring flowers, you would not be able to tell anything by just staring at them, because doing so would only make yourself uncomfortable. His eyes entered the flowers.

To truly appreciate flowers, what you need to do is not to let your sight enter the flowers, but to let the flowers enter your sight spontaneously.

The knowledge here is difficult to explain in words, but it is real.

Qingfeng Danzun used the metaphor of flower appreciation. In fact, this principle is applicable to both alchemy and martial arts.

When Su Chen thought of this, he stopped staring at the golden characters. Instead, his eyes were unfocused and he stared at a certain point in front, letting the characters jump into his eyes one by one.

Gradually, he really grasped some of its essence.

Soon, he was immersed in the mystery of these characters.

An hour later, Su Chen looked away from the characters and let out a breath,

"As expected, it is the martial arts will of the powerful Emperor Martial, which has benefited me a lot."

The martial will of a strong Martial Emperor can not only be used to attack the Martial Emperor, but can be used in the foundation stage. During normal practice, Emperor Wu's will can be integrated into the true essence and integrated into all aspects of practice, which has unimaginable benefits for all aspects.

In the stage of laying the foundation, being able to incorporate a piece of Emperor Wu's will will be a lifelong benefit.

"Following that carrot for so long, it's worth it to gain a piece of the Martial Emperor's will."

Su Chen's eyes sparkled and he was very satisfied with this harvest.

"Speaking of which, what about the carrots?"

Su Chen looked to the side and found that the radish that had been beside him was gone.

He looked around and saw a radish emerging from a corner and walking towards him cautiously. Two of its roots were walking on the ground and two of them were holding a small box.


Su Chen recognized the material used to build the box and was extremely surprised.

Geng gold is an extremely hard raw material. The weapons made from it are indestructible, but it is extremely rare. A piece the size of a fingernail would cost ten thousand taels of silver.

In Anyang City, Su Chen had never seen anyone use weapons made of Geng gold.

And here, he actually saw a box made of Geng gold!

The priceless Geng gold was only used to build a box. This was too luxurious, and it also made people start to wonder about what was in the box. It was worth using Geng gold to build a box specifically to hold it.

"Carrot, is this box yours?" Su Chen asked.

Carrot shook his "head", pointed at himself with his roots, and then pointed at Su Chen.

The meaning is obvious - given to you.

"What's in the box?" Su Chen asked,

Carrot pointed at Su Chen with its root, and then pointed at the box, meaning - open it.

Su Chen did as he was told and grabbed the lock on the lid of the box. After a muffled sound, the box opened.

After opening the box, Su Chen saw a speck of dust emitting a gray-white shimmer lying on the brocade in the box.

"This is……"

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