Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 321 Law Enforcement Captain

Su Chen's sword moves seemed chaotic. There are no rules, just draw and put away the sword at will.

However, the seemingly random sword moves are extremely powerful.

It felt like anyone who came close to him at this moment would be instantly killed by his sword.

This is not that Su Chen is really using his sword randomly, but that it is the first level of the "Ninth Level of Sword Element", which is such a chaotic realm of swordsmanship. The emphasis is on being able to break the shackles of swordsmanship and move in an eclectic way.

Three hours later, Su Chen was dripping with sweat, and all the true energy in his dantian was exhausted.

He exhaled slowly, then paused.


The sword-shaped air current in his palm also dispersed.

"I finally got started with the first level of cultivation of "Ninth Level of Sword Origin"."

Su Chen's face showed a look of joy, and even his heart beat faster.

Getting started with the first level of the "Ninth Level of Sword Origin" means that he has officially mastered a sword manual. From then on, he can be regarded as officially upgraded from a swordsman to a sword cultivator.

In the martial arts era, any warrior who uses a sword can be called a swordsman, just like a warrior who uses a sword is called a swordsman. There is not much technical content.

The sword cultivator is different. To be called a sword cultivator means that he has achieved considerable attainments in kendo. It can be considered that he has been proven suitable for practicing kendo and has become a proficient in kendo.

For a sword warrior, being able to become a sword cultivator is a great honor.

For Su Chen, everything has just begun. He has just started to practice the first level of the "Ninth Level of Sword Origin". After the introduction, there are Xiaocheng, Dacheng and Perfection. After the first level, there are the second, second and third levels. The third level, the fourth level...and even the ninth level.

Every time he reaches a level, Su Chen's strength will be greatly improved.

Su Chen put away the Moon Sword and ended his training.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Su Chen went to open the door and saw Xue Yong standing outside the door, holding a long sword in his hand, with blood dripping from the long sword.

As soon as Xue Yong saw Su Chen, he said: "I have broken through to the second level of the Transformation Realm, and I have completed the task you gave me. However, I promised to be your subordinate for one year, but I may not be able to do it. I can only wait. I will fulfill this promise in my next life.”

"What happened?" Su Chen asked.

Xue Yong said: "After I broke through to the second level of the Transformation Realm, I challenged Hua Yunfeng again, and this time I destroyed his Dantian. This is absolutely forbidden in the academy's arena competition. It won't take long for the academy's law enforcement team to If they come to my door, they will probably execute me, or at least destroy my Dantian."

As he said that, Xue Yong also had a sad look on his face. Even if the academy doesn't execute him, for any warrior, having his Dantian destroyed would definitely be a devastating blow, almost as close as death.

However, even so, Xue Yong has no regrets. Hua Yunfeng had fallen to this stage because of his own choice, and Xue Yong had fallen to this stage because of his own choice.

Anyway, Xue Yong is just a lonely man, so he will die when he dies. It is also good to be able to cripple his love rival before he dies.

However, what Xue Yong didn't expect was that Su Chen chuckled after listening to his words and said: "After doing this for a long time, is this such a big deal?"

What's the big deal?

Xue Yong looked at Su Chen in disbelief, not to mention that Hua Yunfeng was the eldest son of the Hua family. Let's just say that according to the rules of the academy, you cannot intentionally hurt others during the competition. However, it was obviously intentional for him to cripple Hua Yunfeng's cultivation. The academy will certainly not tolerate this.

What's more, if I destroy Hua Yunfeng, will the Hua family let me go? Obviously not.

So from all aspects, Xue Yong felt that he was dead. Even if he didn't die, his Dantian would be destroyed.

Su Chen said calmly: "You just stay here, and I want to see who dares to come to my place to catch you?"

There was a trace of suspicion in Xue Yong's eyes. In his opinion, Su Chen's words were too much. No matter how big your background is, but with your cultivation level, you can only reach the peak of the ninth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. Can you beat the college law enforcement team?

Within Anyang College, college rules are the most important. The law enforcement team arrests people according to the rules. No matter what background you have, they cannot stop you, otherwise the rules will not be in order.

"Anyway, I will take responsibility for the things I do myself and will not affect you." Xue Yong thought for a while and said.

Su Chen smiled lightly and didn't say anything. He just motioned for Xue Yong to enter his yard.

Not long after the two entered the yard, the door of the yard was knocked again.

"Xue Yong, we know you are hiding inside, get out."

Upon hearing this loud shout, Xue Yong's expression immediately changed and he said: "It's the law enforcement team, they are here."

At this point, Xue Yong realized that he still wanted to live and not die after all.

The desire to survive burned in my heart.

At this time, Su Chen had already opened the door.

I saw a young man in black standing outside the door, followed by a group of law enforcement team students.

"What do you guys have to do?" Su Chen asked calmly.

"Hmph, we are here to arrest Xue Yong. Everyone, please get out of the way. Otherwise, we will arrest you too." The young man in black snorted coldly, his face full of arrogance.

Xue Yong took a deep breath and calmed down. He said: "Leng Shuang, the person you want to arrest is me, there is no need to involve other innocent people."

"Ha, you also know that they are here to arrest you. In that case, why don't you just surrender quickly?" The young man in black named Leng Shuang said coldly, but his eyes couldn't help but cast towards Su Chen beside him.

Su Chen is a famous person in Anyang College, so naturally everyone knows it, but among those who know his fame, there are many who are dissatisfied.

This Leng Shuang is one of those who refuses to accept it. In his opinion, Su Chen was just a small person in the Condensation Realm, and how could He Dehe stir up the situation. Moreover, Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong, both of whom were famous for their beauty at Anyang College, were said to have a good relationship with Su Chen, which naturally aroused Leng Shuang's jealousy.

Speaking of Leng Shuang himself, he is also at the third level of the Material Transformation Realm and is the law enforcement captain of Anyang College, so he naturally feels good about himself. He felt that Su Chen was just lucky and got the attention of several alchemy giants by accident. In fact, he had no ability at all.

After Leng Shuang finished speaking, he looked at Su Chen again and said calmly: "And you, you'd better be more sensible and don't shield the criminals or interfere with the law enforcement team's law enforcement, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Xue Yong immediately said: "I just said, it's none of his business, don't cause trouble for him."

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