Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 32 Can still be saved?

Master Qian left the room, leaving Su Chen alone with nothing to do. He just sat in the room drinking tea and waiting for Master Qian to come back.

Not long after, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open with a "dong", and a man dressed as an alchemy apprentice rushed in rashly and asked hurriedly: "Where is Mr. Qian? Is Mr. Qian here?"

Su Chen said without raising his head: "Not here."

"Master Qian is not here, are you his disciple?" The alchemy apprentice couldn't help but drag Su Chen and said, "There is no time to explain. Come with me quickly. Master Mo needs manpower to make alchemy. If you are late, it will be too late!"

Su Chen was noncommittal and was pulled by his sleeves by the apprentice to a secret alchemy room on the fourth floor.

There were already five or six people in the secret room. The alchemy apprentice said directly to the other, older alchemy apprentice: "I found someone!"

The older alchemy apprentice glanced at Su Chen, frowned, and said obviously dissatisfied: "Why did you find such a young brat?"

The alchemy apprentice who brought Su Chen was about to say something, but was interrupted by the older alchemy apprentice: "Forget it, it's too late, just him! You guys come over quickly, you come and grind the colorful stones, you come Crush these milkweeds... move quickly, Master Mo will start making elixirs soon!"

Su Chen glanced at the deepest part of the secret room. Sure enough, there was a purple alchemy furnace steaming out. A white-haired old man wearing a red alchemist's robe had his back to them and was busy next to the alchemy furnace.

"Is that Master Mo?" Su Chen asked. He had heard of Master Mo in his previous life. He was the president of the Alchemy Guild of Qinghe City. He had a high prestige in Qinghe City and belonged to the Qinghe City. A character who has to be shaken three times.

"Yes, that's Mr. Mo, don't look! Come and cut off the heads of these wireworms!" Su Chen had a small jar of wireworms and a knife stuffed into his hand.

Su Chen smiled and slowly cut up the wireworms with a knife.

Master Mo stared at the alchemy furnace intently. The elixir he wanted to refine today was the Snow Lotus Fortune Pill. This is an extremely difficult elixir to refine. Master Mo has never successfully refined it before.

Today is the seventh time he has refined it. He is fully prepared. The alchemy formula has been adjusted based on previous failed experiences. He believes that there will be no problem this time and he will definitely be able to successfully refine the Snow Lotus Fortune Pill.


Seeing that the alchemy furnace was almost preheated, Master Mo called out.

The older alchemy apprentice hurriedly carried the prepared materials over. Master Mo took them and put five of the main materials into the alchemy furnace in sequence, followed by the auxiliary materials.

Snow Lotus Creation Pill has five main ingredients, and as many as 23 auxiliary ingredients, a total of 28 ingredients. The order and timing of putting them in are very particular. If one of them goes wrong, Refining will fail.

In addition to the materials, the properties of the alchemy furnace and the steps to start the fire are also very important. The alchemy furnace must be a cold-attributed alchemy furnace, and the fire must be drawn from five fire sources, corresponding to the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Master Mo is careful and step-by-step in every step. After doing all this, there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

No wonder he was so nervous, he couldn't stand another failure. The materials used to refine the Snow Lotus Creation Pill are valuable, not to mention that he has failed to refine it six times. If it fails again this time, even if Master Mo is extremely wealthy, he will not be able to withstand the consumption of so many materials.

Fortunately, this time today, everything went smoothly and followed the steps expected by Master Mo. If nothing else, the refining should be successful today.

Several alchemy apprentices in the secret room looked at Master Mo's busy back, their eyes involuntarily showing admiration. In their eyes, Master Mo is their idol, the god of alchemy in Qinghe City, and his alchemy skills have reached a superb level.

However, they did not notice that Su Chen, who was not far away, slowly shook his head while looking at Master Mo's movements.

Two quarters of an hour later, green smoke began to curl up from the top of the alchemy furnace. But when Master Mo saw the shape of the blue smoke, his heart couldn't help but sink.

The shape of this green smoke is wrong. Could it be that the refining failed again?

Master Mo ignored the rule of not opening the furnace before refining it. He walked forward quickly and opened the lid of the alchemy furnace a little. A billowing smoke suddenly rushed out of the alchemy furnace, mixed with the strong smell of the elixir.

The pungent smell of the elixir immediately made Master Mo's heart sink again. He stretched his head and looked into the elixir furnace. When he saw the few dark elixir embryos in the elixir furnace, they were very different from the real Snow Lotus Creation elixir. Not long ago, Master Mo knew that the refining had failed again!

"how so?"

Although he had already had a premonition, when he actually saw this scene, Master Mo felt as if he was struck by lightning, and he muttered to himself with dull eyes. He had obviously done every aspect to perfection, so how could the refining still fail?

What exactly is the problem?

Master Mo looked at the alchemy furnace that had not yet been extinguished in front of him with a messy face, feeling extremely frustrated inside. This time he failed again, which meant that he could no longer try to refine the Snow Lotus Fortune Pill in a short period of time. After all, no matter how much wealth he had, he could not withstand such waste again and again.

However, Master Mo was still unwilling to give in. This time the refining was obviously perfect, but what went wrong?

It was at this moment that Master Mo heard a voice coming from behind: "This pot of elixir has not failed yet, it can still be saved!"

"Who's talking?" Master Mo was stunned and turned around to look, then he remembered that there were a group of alchemy apprentices in the room who were helping him.

And the person who spoke was the youngest one among this group of alchemy apprentices!

"Hey, are you crazy?" Next to Su Chen, the alchemy apprentice who brought him here was almost scared out of his wits. He hit Su Chen hard and lowered his voice, "How dare you speak nonsense in front of Lord Mo?"

The oldest alchemy apprentice quickly stepped forward and saluted Master Mo and said, "Master Mo, don't be offended. This kid may be a new alchemy apprentice and is not sensible yet. We will take him away immediately."

As he said that, the older alchemy apprentice turned around and scolded Su Chen in a low voice: "Why don't you leave quickly?"


Master Mo raised his hand to stop him, walked quickly to Su Chen, looked at the teenager, and asked, "Did you just say that this furnace of elixir can still be saved? How to save it?"

Although Master Mo knew that he shouldn't listen to what a young man said, Master Mo was still in a hurry and sought medical treatment. Anyway, this waste of materials was a waste. Even if there was a one percent chance of rescuing him, it was still worth a try.

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