Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 317 No one is allowed to touch her

"Master Su Chen, people from the Shangguan family are chasing us!

Xueying's face turned pale with fright, and her whole body began to tremble.

"It's okay. You hide in the back room and don't come out. I'll go out and take a look."

Su Chen comforted Xueying, then stood up and walked out.

When they came outside, they saw a large group of people outside the courtyard, led by a strong man in blue clothes with a deep aura.

Judging from his cultivation level, he has reached the sixth level of the realm of transformation.

Seeing Su Chen come out, the strong man in blue was a little surprised and sneered: "Why is a little brat coming out, where is Xueying?"

Su Chen lazily picked his ears and said, "I thought it was someone barking outside, but it turned out to be a few dogs barking, disturbing my peace."


The strong man in blue's eyes widened and he became furious. He stretched out his hand to grab Su Chen.

However, his hand was still three feet away from Su Chen, when he heard a loud shout: "Stop."

Then, in a flash of lightning, a snow-white sword light was seen striking in front of the strong man in blue.

The strong man in blue paused for a moment, then immediately stepped back to avoid the snow-white sword light.


The strong man in blue broke into a cold sweat. At that moment, he felt the fierce threat in the sword light. If not, he would not have suddenly retreated.

"Private fighting is prohibited within Anyang Academy."

A middle-aged man wearing tattered linen clothes and holding a long sword walked over, but it was Ling Fang.

"How brave." The strong man in blue yelled at Ling Fang, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are, private fighting is prohibited in Anyang Academy." Ling Fang said calmly.

"How dare you be so rude to me."

The strong man in blue's chest was rising and falling, and he was obviously very angry. He was Shangguan Feng of the Shangguan family, and he was also an important senior member of the Shangguan family. He was usually very majestic, but he didn't expect that today he was repeatedly contradicted by others in Anyang College.

The Shangguan family was the family of the third prince's mother, and they were also die-hard loyalists of the third prince during his lifetime. As for why the Shangguan family was not purged like other forces that supported the Third Prince, it was because the daughter of the head of the Shangguan family was a concubine of Prince Anyang. It was precisely because of this relationship that the Shangguan family was under the control of Prince Anyang. Escaped during the purge.

"Teacher Ling."

Su Chen said hello to Ling Fang. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Ling Fang had broken through to the sixth level of the Transformation Realm.

Su Chen was also sincerely happy for Ling Fang. Ling Fang's cultivation had been stagnant at the fifth level of the Transformation Realm for more than ten years. This was because Ling Fang had been concentrating on studying the sword soul instead of cultivating the true essence. for the sake of. And now that Ling Fang has broken through to the sixth level of the Transformation Realm, this means that after Su Chen's guidance, he has already gained something in the sword soul, otherwise he would not have the thought to cultivate the true essence.

Ling Fang's still expressionless face also smiled at Su Chen. Although the smile seemed unnatural, Su Chen knew that this was the greatest extent of kindness that the paralyzed Ling Fang could show.

After Shangguan Feng heard the two greeting each other, he sneered: "Who do I think it is? It turns out to be Ling Fang, a waste recognized by Anyang College. He has been stagnant in the same realm for more than ten years. He is really a waste. I want you to protect him." The little kid is also a waste."

Ling Fang listened without any reaction and didn't care at all about Shangguan Feng's personal attack on him.

In fact, it is normal for warriors in the Huanwu Realm to stagnate in one realm for more than ten years. However, compared to Ling Fang's level of genius when he was young, it would be particularly abrupt for him to remain stagnant for more than ten years without making any progress.

Su Chen smiled faintly and said to Ling Fang: "Teacher Ling, some vicious dogs came from nowhere and barked at my door. Don't worry about it. Come in and sit down."

As if they didn't see Shangguan Feng and his party, the two of them walked into the yard as if no one else was around.


Shangguan Feng roared angrily, "I know that little bitch Xueying is here, hand her over to me."

"Yes, she is here with me."

What surprised Shangguan Feng was that Su Chen shrugged his shoulders and admitted directly. He thought Su Chen would not admit it.

"But who are you, and what qualifications do you have to take her away?" Su Chen asked again.

"Boy, don't do Tai Chi with me here. I know it was that bitch Xueying who was working inside and outside and harmed the Third Prince. Get out of my way, I want to go in and catch her out." Shangguan Feng was furious.

"Sorry, if you want to catch her, I'm afraid you can't." Su Chen shrugged.

At this time, Ling Fang also roughly understood what was going on. He walked over and stood next to Su Chen and said coldly: "No matter who you are, fighting is prohibited in Anyang College. Otherwise, I don't mind inviting you." go out."

Shangguan Feng looked angry and stared at Ling Fang, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes. It is said that Ling Fang's cultivation has always been at the fifth level of the Transformation Realm, but now it seems that Ling Fang's cultivation has obviously improved to the sixth level of the Transformation Realm. It is quite difficult for me to overwhelm him.

What's more, Anyang College does not allow fighting within the college, let alone harming students within the college. If someone violates it, I am afraid it will attract more powerful people from Anyang Academy.

"Hmph, kid, you're lucky today, but next time it won't be that simple. We will definitely find that bitch Xueying and make her pay for her betrayal." Shangguan Feng said bitterly. Staring at Su Chen, he uttered these words.

Su Chen looked calm: "No one is allowed to touch her without my permission."

"Hmph, boy, let's just wait and see."

Shangguan Feng snorted coldly and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

After saying that, he led a group of people out of Su Chen's yard.

After Shangguan Feng left completely, Su Chen made a gesture to Ling Fang: "Teacher Ling, please come in."

The two walked into the yard, and Xueying, who was hiding in the yard, came to her senses and took the initiative to help bring tea to the two of them, and then retreated to another room.

Facing Xueying's beauty, Ling Fang seemed very indifferent. He didn't even glance at Xueying who walked out, and said to Su Chen: "I'm here to thank you today. My cultivation has broken through to the sixth level of the realm of transformation." Heavy."

"I can see it." Su Chen said with a smile, "But what you gain is probably more than just breaking through to the sixth level of the Transformation Realm, right?"

There was a hint of excitement on Ling Fang's face. This expression would only appear on his paralyzed face when topics related to kendo were mentioned.

"Yes, I was just about to tell you that I have gained more understanding about Sword Soul..."

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