Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 307: Beautiful Jade in Stone

"Humph, what does it mean to have such a truth? What we have said is called truth!" The stall owner snorted coldly, "This stone is a fine Qingxin stone, can it be compared to ordinary products? You ask If you pay the price but don’t buy it, won’t it affect our next sale?”

"What's more, since you asked the price, it means you are interested in buying this stone. Then I asked you how much you wanted to buy it, but you said you didn't want to buy it. Isn't this a joke?"

The stall owner asked aggressively, but the people around him could tell that this was just some strong words, and the purpose was to blackmail people.

"In short, since you asked the price for this stone, you have to ask for it whether you want it or not." The stall owner snorted coldly, "But I'm not that unreasonable person, so you can just tell me the price. , as long as it doesn’t differ too much from my quotation.”

This means that Su Chen and the others must buy this stone, and the price must be no less than four thousand five hundred taels.

Isn't this just a blatant case of porcelain?

The people around him couldn't stand it anymore. If it weren't for the fact that the stall owner had something to do with the Poison Wolf Sect, they would have come out to speak up.

Su Chen shrugged: "What if I don't buy it?"

"Haha! If you don't buy it, we won't buy or sell it by force. But..." The stall owner sneered, and several of his accomplices around him had already taken out their sharp blades at some point. Playing with it in his hand, his face showed an obvious threat.

Su Chen pretended to be scared and looked at those people and said, "I'd better buy it, but I don't have that much money. Can three thousand taels be enough?"

"Three thousand taels?" The stall owner frowned, "Three thousand taels is fine! But you have to pay immediately!"

Su Chen took out three thousand taels of silver notes from his arms and handed them over.

The stall owner took the banknote in his hand and rubbed it with his thumb, with a satisfied look on his face. This seemingly ordinary boy didn't expect that he had some wealth and could actually come up with three thousand taels at once. This transaction was really profitable.

"This stone is yours, take it!" The stall owner threw the stone to Su Chen like a piece of junk. This stone was not a Qingxin stone at all, but an ordinary stone found in the well in his own yard. That's it, it has no value at all. It's just used to blackmail people. How much it sells is how much net profit it makes.

Gu Qianyin saw it, but she knew in her heart that Su Chen must be up to something wrong again. These people were just a few gangsters in the market. It was impossible that Su Chen couldn't deal with them. So Su Chen pretended to be blackmailed and just pretended to be blackmailed. There may be one reason, that is, he is plotting against these people.

Su Chen took the stone thrown by the stall owner in his hand, smiled lightly, suddenly raised his fist and knocked hard on the stone.

Snapped! The true essence hit the stone, and cracks were immediately created in the stone, and a dazzling green light suddenly came out from inside.

This strange scene suddenly attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Is there something inside this stone?"

"It's so amazing, I thought it was just an ordinary stone."

As Su Chen broke open the stone, everyone gradually saw the true face of the thing in the stone. It was a piece of green jade with a spiritual light flowing around it, and it looked like something extraordinary at first glance.


An old man in the crowd took a breath of air, walked up quickly, and looked at the jade in Su Chen's hand carefully, "This is a piece of fine Yutian jadeite, very rare, rare, rare, rare."

The old man was surprised and said three rare words in a row, then raised his head and looked at Su Chen, "Sir, I am the shopkeeper of Qiyu Zhai. I wonder if you can transfer this piece of Yutian Jade to me. I am willing to pay for it." One hundred thousand taels of silver.”

One hundred thousand taels!

Everyone around opened their mouths. The stone bought for three thousand taels turned into one hundred thousand taels in the blink of an eye, and the price increased more than thirty times!

The most important thing is that this seemingly ordinary stone actually contains a piece of valuable jade. This is something that no one expected.

Even the stall owner opened his mouth wide, unable to believe what he saw in front of him. But he quickly reacted and shouted: "Boy, this is my stone, give it back to me."

"I just spent three thousand taels of silver to buy this stone from you, have you forgotten?" Su Chen asked.

The stall owner immediately took out the three silver notes from his arms and threw them over: "This is the three thousand taels of silver you just paid. Now return that stone to me, I won't sell it to you!"

Su Chen looked at the stall owner as if he was looking at a lunatic: "Are you okay? You were rushing to sell it to me just now, but now you regret it and say you won't sell it. Are you kidding me?"

Su Chen used the stall owner's exact words to mock the stall owner.

Why couldn't the stall owner hear it? He felt a tightness in his chest and suppressed it, saying, "That's right, I'm just teasing you! Now, can you return the stone to me?"

Su Chen shook his head: "That's not possible. With so many people watching here, the transaction has been completed. If you want to take the stone from me again, you will have to spend money to buy it. However, I don't want to sell the stone for three thousand taels." for you."

"Boy, you..."

The stall owner was so angry that he could see that Su Chen had done it on purpose and pretended to be cheated. In fact, Su Chen had known for a long time that there was Yutian Jade in this stone.

This kid is so hateful!

"It's not up to you. You have to sell it even if you say you want to, and you have to sell it even if you don't!"

The stall owner simply reached out and grabbed Su Chen, but before his hand could touch Su Chen, he was slapped away by Su Chen.

boom! Su Chen's slap was so powerful that he slapped the stall owner against the wall of a nearby building with a loud noise. Then he slowly slid down and passed out.

The people around him were stunned. How could this seemingly ordinary young man have such great power?

Moreover, he can actually slap the stall owner away with one slap, which means that he is fully capable of dealing with the stall owner. So if he pretended to be deceived earlier, could it be that he has already seen the mystery in the stone?

If that's the case, then this young man's scheming is too terrible. The stall owner and his group were blackmailing him, but instead of teaching him a lesson directly, he deceived the stall owner and his group into giving away a treasure worth one hundred thousand taels for three thousand taels. Selling it at a low price, I lost ninety-seven thousand taels in one fell swoop. No matter when they think about this matter in the future, they will definitely be heartbroken.

Teaching them this way is much more impressive than simply using force to teach them.

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