Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 305 The Bounty of the Poison Wolf Sect

Su Chen is not only a wizard of alchemy, but also a genius of martial arts. He is also the current heir to the throne, a close friend of the eldest prince. In time, once Su Chen grows up, what will a Poison Wolf Sect mean to him in front of him?

If Sun Xuan had been present at that time, he would have definitely stood on Su Chen's side without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Sun Xuan's mouth felt extremely bitter. The recipe for the new elixir should have come from their Qing Dan Pavilion.

As a result, due to a mistake by appraiser Liu, Qing Dan Pavilion and the recipe for the new elixir were missed.

"Hurry up and send someone to deliver a letter of apology to Mr. Su Chen. I will write the letter of apology myself."

Sun Xuan said, but he also knew that this letter of apology was just to make up for the situation and would not be of any help to the development of the situation, and it would not be able to make Su Chen change his mind and sell the pill prescription to Qing Dan Pavilion.

"Appraiser Liu, starting from tomorrow, you don't have to come to work."

Sun Xuan waved his hand feebly. He didn't want to see Appraiser Liu anymore. Just dismissing him was the greatest kindness he could give him.

"Master Sun, this, this, this..."

Appraiser Liu was speechless, and then there was extreme bitterness in his eyes. He didn't expect that his good job would be lost because of this incident. If he had known this, he should have stood by Su Chen at the time, but now It's too late to regret.

On Su Chen's side, everything was calm. The disputes between several elixir shops had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he just bought them out at a fixed price and took the money.

He was in Gu Qianyin's room, instructing Gu Qianyin on how to feed the Silver Moon Beast cubs.

"Remember, the meat you feed it must be raw monster animal bones and flesh, and the bones, meat, and internal organs must be mixed together. It does not eat human food, so be careful not to feed it grains, as it will affect its growth. It needs to be exposed to the sun twice a day, morning and evening, to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon..."

Gu Qianyin was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She didn't expect that there were so many things to pay attention to in raising the Silver Moon Beast.

"Su Chen, I think the feeding knowledge you mentioned should be discussed with Princess Xiling. After all, she has three Silver Moon Beast cubs there, so she should need this feeding knowledge even more."

Gu Qianyin suddenly smiled and suggested.

Su Chen glanced at her: "You really want me to go find Princess Xiling?"

"No, I was just joking."

Gu Qianyin's face turned red and she said angrily.

"By the way, why didn't you stop me when I chose this cub in the autumn hunting ground? You probably didn't want me to choose this sickly cub, right? In terms of cultivation, its potential should be the lowest. of."

Gu Qianyin suddenly asked curiously.

Su Chen shook his head: "On the contrary, the cub you chose has the highest potential among the four. Why should I stop you?"

"Really? It's impossible, right?"

Gu Qianyin was surprised, looking at his cub, it didn't look like the one with the highest potential among the four.

"Su Chen, you must have made a mistake. The other cubs are all stronger than it. How could it be the one with the highest potential?" Gu Qianyin asked.

"I'm not mistaken. In the middle of its forehead, there is a thin blood line, which is proof of the Silver Moon Beast's bloodline. Those with this blood line mean that the bloodline they inherited is relatively pure, and vice versa."

Su Chen said, tapping the cub's forehead, "None of the other three cubs have this blood line, only it has it."

Gu Qianyin seemed to understand, and asked: "Can there be a distinction between pure and impure blood among the cubs born from the same litter?"

"Of course there will be, just like some brothers born in the same child will look like the mother, and some will look like the father, that is the difference in inherited blood. Of course, it is actually more complicated than this, but in general, one Some of the cubs born from the womb will inherit a relatively complete bloodline from their ancestors, while others will have a thinner bloodline, which is normal," Su Chen said.

"Then why is it so sick? A cub with a pure bloodline shouldn't have a better physique?" Gu Qianyin looked at the cub curiously.

"I don't know." Su Chen shook his head.

"Ah? You don't know?" Gu Qianyin was stunned. She was not even used to it. There were things in the world that Su Chen didn't know about.

"Logically speaking, this situation should not happen. It is impossible for a pure-blooded monster to be so sick. Why this situation occurs, I can't see the reason at the moment."

Su Chen observed the cub. It didn't look like it was sick or poisoned, but it had no energy or appetite and looked sickly. However, it won't die again for a while, it just grows smaller than other cubs.

"Let's observe it for a while first."

Su Chen said, anyway, looking at it now, this little beast should not be in any danger to his life, so he just let it go.

"By the way, this is for you."

Su Chen took out the Buddha's Holy Flower and gave it to Gu Qianyin.

"For me?"

Gu Qianyin happily took it, opened the box, and exclaimed, "What a beautiful herb."

"You can swallow this herb three times directly, with an interval of three days between each time. It will be extremely beneficial to your "Five Colors Divine Sound" practice."

Su Chen said.

"Okay, I will take it on time."

Gu Qianyin nodded, with full confidence flashing in her beautiful eyes. Since she met Su Chen, her cultivation has improved rapidly, and now she is about to enter the realm of transformation. For her before, this was not possible at all. It's unthinkable.

"come on."

Su Chen encouraged Gu Qianyin with a few words and left Gu Qianyin's room.

When I walked outside, I saw a boy from the college hurriedly came and shouted: "Master Su Chen, something serious has happened."

"What's up?"

"There are notices posted outside the college offering rewards from the Poison Wolf Gate. Those notices also say that as long as you dare to walk out of the gate of Anyang College, you will never come back." The boy said.

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but raise his brows slightly, as expected the Poison Wolf Sect came to the door.

Gu Qianyin also walked out of the room. She already knew what happened between Su Chen and Elder Yinye. At this moment, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and said angrily: "It was the old man from the Poison Wolf Sect who committed suicide. If not, If he was too greedy, how could he end up dead? "

"Let's go." Su Chen greeted Gu Qianyin.

"Where to go?" Gu Qianyin asked curiously.

"Go to the Poison Wolf Gate." A smile appeared on Su Chen's lips, "I have nothing to do anyway, so it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to go to the Poison Wolf Gate to rob."

"Go to the Poison Wolf Sect?" Gu Qianyin almost thought that her ears heard it wrong and said, "But the leader of the Poison Wolf Sect seems to be a strong person in the middle stage of the Transformation Realm?"

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