Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 298: Peak of Ninth Level of Condensation Realm

This abyss was formed because of the appearance of Bingxin Fire Marrow. Now that Bingxin Fire Marrow has been absorbed by him, God knows what kind of changes will happen to this abyss, but the sooner he leaves, the better.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Chen left the abyss with his front legs, a terrible collapse occurred in the abyss with his back legs.

The huge crack was completely buried by the fallen stones. If Su Chen had left for a moment, he would have been buried inside and unable to get out, and the sky and the earth would become inoperable.

And as the crack collapsed, a huge roaring sound was made, and the earth shook and the mountains shook, spreading for dozens of miles around.

As for the sea of ​​ice and fire just now, it was automatically formed by the massive spiritual energy when Bing Xin Fire Essence appeared in the world. Now that Bing Xin Fire Essence has been absorbed by Su Chen, the sea of ​​ice and fire will naturally no longer expand.

The Skyfire Baby followed Su Chen while opening its mouth to swallow the surrounding flames with satisfaction. To it, these seas of fire were as delicious as a gluttonous feast.

Walking all the way, swallowing all the way, by the time they got near the big rock, the sea of ​​fire had been almost eaten by the Skyfire baby.

Su Chen let the Skyfire baby return to his arms, and then walked towards the big rock.

"Brother Su Chen, you are finally back. This earthquake is too scary. Let's get out of here as soon as possible."

As soon as the eldest prince saw Su Chen coming back, he said quickly.

"However, it is strange to say that not long after you left, this sea of ​​ice and fire stopped expanding. Do you think it is weird? I see, our group is just auspicious people who have their own destiny."

The eldest prince was talking nonchalantly. He never thought that Su Chen might have stopped the expansion of the ice and fire ocean. In his opinion, the power of the ice and fire ocean was so terrifying that even the third level monsters of the realm of transformation could only be defeated by it. Ji, how could Su Chen stop it?

Princess Xiling on the side looked at Su Chen thoughtfully. She didn't know if it was her imagination. Something seemed to have changed in Su Chen. There seemed to be something faintly hidden between his eyes. A heart-stirring force.

"Let's go."

Su Chen just smiled and didn't say much.

The group of people skimmed toward the outskirts of the hunting ground without even touching the ground.

An hour later, the group of people had arrived at the outskirts of the hunting ground, very close to the exit.

When we arrived at this place, we had completely left the trembling area. This area seemed very peaceful, and it was completely unimaginable that such a huge change had happened just now.

For a moment, everyone thought of what they had just experienced, and felt lucky to be able to survive the disaster.

However, everyone couldn't help but sigh when they thought of the Third Prince and the others dying so overnight.

"You take the prey to the exit first. I have some things to do. After that, I will catch up with you."

Su Chen said to everyone.

Before anyone could react, Su Chen's figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

Soon, Su Chen found a secluded cave, got into it, and sealed the entrance with magic powder. In this way, you don't have to worry about being disturbed by other people or monsters.

Afterwards, Su Chen sat cross-legged and began to refine the essence of Ice Heart Fire Essence in his Dantian with all his strength.

After absorbing the Ice Heart Fire Essence, Su Chen's Dantian felt as if it was about to explode. He needed to refine the essence immediately in order to use the power of the Ice Heart Fire Essence for his own use.

The essence of this Ice Heart Fire Essence is actually quite overbearing. If Su Chen didn't happen to know "Kurong Fist" and could skillfully use the secret of Kurong Fist, it would have been impossible to absorb this Ice Heart Fire Essence.

No matter who it is, if they have not mastered the secret of yin and yang and rashly absorbs the essence of Bingxin Fire Marrow, there will only be two consequences. Either the Dantian will be burned to ashes by the power of the flames, or the Dantian will be burned to ashes. The power of ice freezes it into slag.

Only by absorbing yin and yang alternately can one use the power of ice and fire for his own use.

Su Chen knew that he had made a lot of money by absorbing the Ice Heart Fire Essence this time. This autumn hunt was not in vain.

An hour passed, and Su Chen walked out of the cave refreshed. The energy of Bing Xin Fire Marrow has been completely refined by him.

Now, the Ice Heart Fire Marrow has become a seed in Su Chen's dantian, ready to go. Once Su Chen breaks through to the realm of transformation, and once the sea of ​​true energy is generated in the dantian, the Ice Heart Fire Marrow can begin to transform Su Chen's body. True Essence Sea.

Of course, Su Chen's cultivation level also rose with the tide, and was directly pushed to the peak of the ninth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm by the aura of Bing Xin Fire Essence.

"This autumn hunting trip was really rewarding."

Su Chen was in high spirits, feeling the power in his dantian that was getting stronger again.

Looking at the time, there is only a quarter of an hour left before the autumn hunting ends.

Su Chen raised his body skills and rushed to the exit of the hunting ground.

When he came to the exit of the hunting ground, he found that the eldest prince and Princess Xiling had not gone out, but were still waiting for him at the exit.

"Haha, brother Su Chen, you are finally here. If you don't come again, we will have to go back to find you." The eldest prince smiled.

Princess Xiling glanced at Su Chen meaningfully, then cast her beautiful eyes on the crowd around her, and sighed softly: "This autumn hunting has caused a lot of losses. So far, only more than half of the people have returned. It is estimated that the other people died in that sea of ​​ice and fire."

The eldest prince deeply agreed and sighed: "These people are the children of the powerful families in Anyang City, and they are also a loss to their families. It seems that Anyang City will not be too peaceful in the next few days. "

However, the most important event was the death of the Third Prince. As soon as this matter is made public, it will definitely cause a violent turmoil.

"Let's get out."

The eldest prince gathered his thoughts and walked out of the hunting ground with Su Chen and others.

Outside the exit of the hunting ground, a group of warriors from Anyang County Prince's Palace were stationed to maintain order.

However, rather than saying that they are maintaining order, it is better to say that they are guarding the exit to prevent people coming out of the hunting ground from taking away all the trophies.

Because according to the rules, half of the trophies obtained from the hunting grounds need to be handed over to the palace.

Even the eldest prince was no exception. When he walked out of the exit, he took out all the loot and divided half of it.

The person responsible for inspecting the trophies was the old man from the royal palace who was responsible for announcing the rules to them before the autumn hunting began.

The old man looked through the trophies brought out by the eldest prince, showed a slight smile, and said: "His Royal Highness, the harvest this time is very rich."

The eldest prince nodded, looked around, and lowered his voice to the old man: "Uncle Zhong, the third prince is dead."

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